Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Travelers on horseback in a wilderness area near Cascade, Idaho, this week spotted a man and woman who matched the description of James DiMaggio and Hannah Anderson, the San Diego Sheriff said.
The sheriff said that a blue Nissan Versa found covered in brush in that area was confirmed to belong to DiMaggio, a kidnapping and murder suspect.
A CNN news alert just received
Find this bastard!
Ok…skinny dipping UFO?
I certainly don’t see an alien in his birthday suit.. and really don’t see much at all to be excited about.
NSA head says agency working to reduce leaks by replacing people with machines
There’s no Edward Snowden if Edward Snowden is a programmable robot..And robots don’t have a labor union to require paychecks. Win win for Uncle Samuel..
NSA head says agency working to reduce leaks by replacing people with machines
Mystery dolphin deaths now all along the East Coast.. Carcasses are showing up at a rate that is seven times higher than usual.. Federal scientists have declared it an “unusual mortality event” and are investigating the cause…
Thursday, August 8, 2013
What say all of you, Internet friends
Have you found your ‘passion’ in life and are you doing something about it?
Alright Earth, we've had enough.. don't take away the only KFC in Schuylkill County
Wait.. I’m scratching my head.. I thought Sylvia Browne said Walmart would cave in, not the fake meat chicken place..
Alright Earth, we've had enough.. don't take away the only KFC in Schuylkill County
The Birthday Suit
Lady Gaga poses fully nude in Kickstarter video for Marina Abramovic Institute.
She just can’t help herself..
Ok.. I know it’s shark week.. but this is just plain weird promotion: Dead shark found on New York City subway..