Saturday, June 11, 2011

Followers and readers: Got all of your questions asked today

Just didn’t have any spare second to answer them yet, but answers should be forthcoming soon.

Out with a bang. Leslie Nielsen’s tombstone shows his enduring humor. But hopefully not odor.

Imagine sleeping with the window open.. a cool breeze coming in. And suddenly within a matter of a few minutes —after midnight—the temperature rises 20 DEGREES? It happened this week.

And now experts are trying to explain the strange heat burst in Wichita..

KSN explains: A heat burst is caused when rain falls into very dry air, high up in the atmosphere. The rain quickly evaporates as it falls through the dry parcel of air and that parcel cools rapidly. This dense mass falls rapidly toward the ground, heating up as it compresses. When this hot ball of air hits the ground it spreads out in every direction creating very strong, warm and dry winds.

It’s rare. It’s weird. And it happened.

If this is the future, find me a time machine to stay in the past.

Even the flannels that women wore in the early 90s making them look uglier than they should have been are better garments than the odd futuristic designs presented at this Moscow show.

This past week's solar storm delivered only a glancing blow to earth-- but delivered a warning of impending doom in the future.

Maybe next year.
Two years..
20 years.
100 years.

No matter what year, it will happen someday, some time, in the future. Near or far. And boy do we hope it is indeed far, far away.

This past week's solar storm delivered only a glancing blow to earth-- but delivered a warning of impending doom in the future.

Gone into history.. Superman ditches his red trunks for blue ones in DC COMICS’ relaunch with #1 edition


houses ready for demolition

A stroll down memory lane.. this was my hometown, Centralia PA, when I was about 5 or 6.. And now it’s gone. For good.

More previously unreleased names of attendees at Bilderberg

More previously unreleased names of attendees at Bilderberg

Well.. It appears tonights video was indeed an epic failure..

Thank you JD for notifying me.


Time goes by fast. Enjoy every fleeting moment of heat, rain, sun, and fun. Goodnight world.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Get ready Missouri: Flood may make it Miss-ery

Get ready Missouri: Flood may make it Miss-ery

The list: Here's who is at Bilderberg '11

The list: Here's who is at Bilderberg '11

Absolutely nothing but stress and work to look forward to.. A new study claims that most Americans won't be able to retire until they are in their 80s..,

If true, expect the average lifespan to shorten dramatically.

Absolutely nothing but stress and work to look forward to.. A new study claims that most Americans won't be able to retire until they are in their 80s..,

The Weiner story not over yet.. His messages to a 17-year-old are drawing police attention..

The Weiner story not over yet.. His messages to a 17-year-old are drawing police attention..

Has the earth shifted?

Has the earth shifted?

Not lovin' it: Massive brawl and stabbing in a Mcdonalds parking lot

Not lovin' it: Massive brawl and stabbing in a Mcdonalds parking lot

You're lucky! I'm only fifteen years old. I was recently acquainted with Coast to Coast AM / Art Bell a little over a year ago when I came across the frantic Area 51 caller. From that point, I managed to find old links and mp3s of previous shows all through the 90's. I listen in Saturday nights during 'Somewhere in Time' because I absolutely admire Art Bell. I can't say the same for Noory!

I began listening around 15 back in the mid 90s.. I’m
Showing my age. If you want a good one Google 1994 Ghost to Ghost download, you’ll find a good show. And listen to all the Malachi Martin shows on YouTube.


What is she thinking..?

Casey Anthony's break down in court

The hardest parts of the for a human to take:

  • Superimposed skull over Caylee.
  • Speaking of animals gnawing on the bones of Caylee..
  • Hardcore evidence on maggots and where they were..

    Today was tough.. The spirit of Caylee Anthony was in court today.. I sensed Casey finally is coming to grips with what she did or what she knows.. I think perhaps her wild party animal 30 or so days she had while Caylee decomposed either in a car trunk or a bag in a field is coming back to haunt her…

    The images today are viral.. the implications of the evidence today is immense.

    And the evidence is so prejudicial that it could open a can of worms for the prosecution and quite possibly lead to a very strong defense appeal should Casey Anthony be found guilty…

  • Casey Anthony's break down in court