Saturday, May 21, 2011

And who can we thank for the world not ending? Macho Man Randy Savage of course!

Maybe it's not the rapture, but earth's core may be melting

Maybe it's not the rapture, but earth's core may be melting

Volcano erupts beneath a glacier in Iceland

Volcano erupts beneath a glacier in Iceland

Gone Camping?

Sooo… Anyone hear hear from Reverend Apocalypse yet? Awkwaaaard…

Still here...

Man in a coma after planking on a moving car

Man in a coma after planking on a moving car

If I lose followers today I'll assume they were raptured

Have a cigar. No matter who sings it, the Foo Fighters or Pink Floyd.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A quick note..

Had a conversation with a believer of the rapture—though she doesn’t buy it’s going to be tomorrow.. If I have some time later I’ll try to write a little more in depth on my thoughts….. That is of course if any of us really have time left.

An unsettling Friday evening thought

My net worth is pitiful, and even more pitiful when compared the $72 million Family Radio May 21 nuts…. And im laughing at them?.. While they laugh their way to the post-rapture bank to cash in their end of time fortune…

Macho Man Randy Savage dead in a car accident

Macho Man Randy Savage dead in a car accident

Rapture ready? Not a chance

I’m going to the grocery store for my order in case I’m not taken body and soul to a heavily heavenly feast… So any hints or suggestions on a rapture ready grocery list?

Of earthquakes and rumors

Last night, news emerged and spread around the world of an 8.4 earthquake off the coast of Libya.. Suddenly, the world was faced with the prospect of another mega-quake and the damage it would cause.. The trouble is, the USGS reported no earthquake and has not since.. A quick Google search already shows the plethora of conspiracy theories and that the government is hiding information on the quake.

The report came originally from the National Institute for Earth Physics.. but nothing reported on the USGS, or anywhere for that matter..

A theory proposed on some websites in the immediate aftermath of the non-8.4: A bunker buster bomb hit its target, registered, and wasn’t from within the earth but from mankind destroying something on the earth…

The global rumblings last night compared to today.. the vanishing news of an earthquake that apparently did not happen? …though the conspiracy theories will now roll..

Very peculiar night for those who follow such events.

Some startling new information revealed about the post-mega quake Japan

The ocean has substantially changed around Japan since March.. and it revealed some unstable faults lines and how it could change earth. Scary stuff..

Some startling new information revealed about the post-mega quake Japan

Men wax their hair and pejazzle themselves in a new twisted way of self-genitalia worship

Perhaps men was simply jealous that women could jewel of their vajajays.. now the male appendage could be made look like a mini ruler of a nation, jeweled up and ready to go.
Good luck humanity.. no where to go but down from here.

Men wax their hair and pejazzle themselves in a new twisted way of self-genitalia worship

Prom season is here.. how many classes from 1980something on used this song to say goodbye to their youth?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Strauss-Kahn-man granted bail

Strauss-Kahn-man granted bail

Tongue in cheek zombie warning from the CDC.. We hope

The government warning about zombies? Yes.. inded they are.. Natural disasters may not scare people as much as the prospect of a zombie invasion, or so thinks the CDC, which jokingly (?) released instructions in writing on how Americans should prep for a zombie invasion.. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention blogged a tongue-in-cheek (?) post on zombie apocalypses, and how basic preparedness will help even if there are flesh-eaters roaming… Good luck earth. Good luck.

Christian who believe the end of the world and their rapture will come on Saturday, May 21, will likely not be attending, but nonbelievers of the Doomsday predictions are planning parties for Saturday.. And if the world does indeed end, no worry of a hangover on Sunday morning..

The real question is, after the world continues to operate as normal on Sunday, will the Christians go back to Church and pray about why their were not taken? … or sleep in..?

But Harold Camping’s camp is standing firm on its dire predictions that God will save them on Saturday and leave the rest of the world to suffer until October, when the plug gets pulled on the rest of us..
No fear from other preachers, though, who are lining up against the father of fear..

One day in May: The end of it all? … or just another day.
I think deep down we know the answer.

But just in case Camping is right and the end is here, there is a company that will provide a kind service to you: Taking care of your pet after the rapture.. 


Plank me

All of my ‘planking’ websites that began following me the past few days have dwindled away and are gone.. no more. I suppose I didn’t produce enough material for them to .. .plank to.