Friday, March 20, 2015

ISIS takes credit for suicide bombs..
Noon prayers rocked by car bomb..


This photo was posted to REDDIT on Thursday and shows, at least according to the description, an ER doctor stepping outside after losing a 19-year-old patient..

An EMT worker posted the photo. According to the report, the EMT had permission to share it and wanted to shed light on what it is like to work in the industry..

According to the report, moments after the photo was taken, the doctor went back into the ER to continue his work. But he obviously took a time out to contemplate and become privately emotional about not being able to save a life.

This is a moving picture—a showcase that doctors are good and that the medical profession, though flawed and often littered with bureaucracy and lawsuit fevers, can still be morally just and amazing in professionalism.. 

The picture can also be and instrument of attraction to get more people into the field.. or a turnoff to some who know, seeing this, they couldn’t handle the emotion of seeing young and old human beings perish in front of them.. 

There is a deeper meaning to life. A bigger picture. Perhaps that bigger picture is that earth is simply a stepping stone in life and our souls move on.. Maybe the bigger picture is that this brief life is the beginning and the end of our computer systems.. That there’s nothing else, that we are alone in this galaxy and that life just happened without the help of divine love.

To me, that is what this picture symbolizes.. not just the emotion of a doctor losing a patient, but the true and unadulterated humanity that shows itself during intense moments of birth and death. 

This doctor, despite his high education and established career, is moved to tears by the same thing humanity itself is.. We don’t know anything. We say we do. We go to Churches with pastors who tell us what to know.. we read self help books about how to know. We listen to vague pluralities that are supposed to define the known.

But we don’t know.
Instead, we wail and cry when we face the end. We are confused by the process.. We are are succumbing, each day, to death. And this doctor couldn’t save a 19-year-old from expiring before his time..

There indeed is a lot of emotion in this photo snapped during a second in time.

But it’s a testament to the goodness that can exist in the hearts of men.


Just when Katie Couric’s documentary on sugar begins sinking in, this woman comes along at 104 and she’s healthy and been religiously drinking Dr Pepper since the 1960s.

So there!

Katie Couric 1.
Sugar industry 104.



Shocking information coming to light on this crime.. something worse than any horror movie of recent memory. 

Reality is like this—scarier than anything of fiction on movie or TV screens. This matter is revolting ..

And a cautionary tale about CRAIGSLIST, perhaps..


Penn State frat KDR had warning about social media before posting lewd photos


Penn State frat KDR had warning about social media before posting lewd photos

Spring time comes later today.. Right now as I write this post, a snowstorm (yes, snow) is falling outside on my Pennsylvania USA sidewalk.. Meanwhile, there’s a celestial event of epic proportions taking place in the NORTH ATLANTIC, the total eclipse of the sun is in progress at press time..

8000 visitors have voyaged to the Faroe islands to witness the amazing event..

CBC news reported it this way for the historical accounts:

People shouted, cheered and applauded as Longyearbyen, the main town in Svalbard, plunged into darkness. The skies were clear, offering a full view of the sun’s corona — a faint ring of rays surrounding the moon — that is only visible during a total solar eclipse.
A few hundred people had gathered on a flat frozen valley overlooking the mountains, and people shouted and yelled as the sudden darkness came. A group of people opened bottles of champagne, saying it was in keeping with a total solar eclipse tradition.

People are ‘blown away’ by the event.. As the darkness shrouded the existence, eyes on the sky were perplexed and fixated on the rare event–so many times in history, human beings had the same reaction. Despite the time and place, we are always amazed when the source of life and light vanishes behind a cloak of darkness.. Many people, as we know, see it as a harbinger.. a time when darkness invades the land. That belief goes back a long way. But it still exists today as much as it did then, despite scientific explanations as to why and how solar eclipses happen in the first place. I think we are programmed through evolution and the development of the brain to be apprehensive of darkness.. and when our senses see dark skies on what should be a sunny day, it throws the mind for a loop.

Coming later on top of the darkness, a blood moon at night. Spring, too.. the equinox to remember.

A few weeks ago, I had a dream that was bizarre.. In the night terror, it was 4am and it was sunny. People were confused as to why the sun had risen so early, and it was as bright as noon at 4am.. People were waking early to come out from their comfort zone and look to the a frightening sky..  It reminded me a bit of the MIDNIGHT SUN Twilight Zone episode..

And that is why eclipses rattle us. They make the unexpected occur.. They turn off the lights.. they let the darkness enter. And the fear begins..

Happy viewing to those who see it.
Happy shoveling to anyone else getting the snow today.
Happy spring to all who are reading.


Breathtaking solar eclipse witnessed by millions..
Looking to the sky..
Solar energy tested..

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

News to not lose..

Bardo Museum in Tunisia attacked.. tourists killed, hostages taken..

The near death science.. Gideon Lichfield  on empirically investigating brushes with the afterlife..

Catholic viewpoint: An open letter to bloggers..

KRAFT food recalls major load of Mac N Cheese.. containing metal!


Major quake in Oklahoma possible as new fault lines discovered..

Vanuatu islands getting more aid after Cyclone Pam..

Cyanide sent to the White House..

University of Houston  suspends frat for hazing incident..

MILKY WAY may have BILLIONS of planets in habitable zone.. And they say we’re alone..
A galaxy teeming with life..

A mysterious dust cloud around MARS..

HUBBLE’S GREATEST HITS: Transforming our knowledge of SPACE in photographs.. How small do you feel now?

The future is now: Designer babies and genetically edited human beings.. This changes everything.. imagine the baby shower of the future.

Coming this Friday to a sky near you: A solar occurrence that never happened in history

DIET Soda leading to fat stomachs in adults..

Avian Cholera kills 2000 birds in Idaho..

EPA takes on conspiracy theories: Attempts to debunk chemtrails

Worth thinking: What if inanimate objects have feelings.. I think the first thing they would do is laugh at us every time we stubbed our toe on them..

Milky way may have billions of planets in habitable zone

Milky way may have billions of planets in habitable zone

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Shake your shamrocks but be safe.

It’s Green Beer time across America..

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, world.


With the energy of a Metallica song, I wish you all a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, 2015..

Monday, March 16, 2015

My daily doodle… Staying awake




What color is the universe? 

(Hint: It’s not “black”)

Good video..

Coke as a sensible snack? Coca-Cola works with dietitians who suggest cola as snack

I just gulped a bit when I read this..

In the 1950s, doctors advertised smoking.
In the 2000teens, doctors will harp on the benefits of sugary drinks?

Sorry Coke, but THIS:

Coke as a sensible snack? Coca-Cola works with dietitians who suggest cola as snack

Move over, Reddit: Tumblr is the new front page of the Internet.

I have been telling my friend who loves the poorly designed REDDIT that Tumblr is the new social media of record.

But I still think all the memes and worthwhile Facebook nonsense comes from 4CHAN. That’s not changing any time soon..

Move over, Reddit: Tumblr is the new front page of the Internet.

More than 45,000 Russian troops as well as war planes and submarines started military exercises across much of the country on Monday in one of the Kremlin's biggest shows of force since its ties with the West plunged to Cold War-lows.

Looks like while Vlad was gone, some plans were put into motion..

More than 45,000 Russian troops as well as war planes and submarines started military exercises across much of the country on Monday in one of the Kremlin's biggest shows of force since its ties with the West plunged to Cold War-lows.

Sirius founder envisions world of cyber clones, tech med

Oh but there’s so much more than just robots taking out the trash.. try this:

At the keynote, Rothblatt described how the inevitable emergence of cyber consciousness – when machines act with a sophistication and thought level equal to that of humans – will not be overnight but a more subtle evolution.
"Every company will try to out-Siri Siri until we have consciousness," she said, referring to the Apple/iOS application that works as a personal assistant and navigator. "It will be like water that rises and rises and rises and, before we know it, we’re in an ocean of cyber consciousness."

And then what?
Lots of choices are coming for humanity. Lots of choices will not have to be made—and actually a lot of misery and heartache may occur as advancements become cruel to people trying to live out out their lives.

Progress.. The future. It’s all good. Until it goes bad.. Until one of those thinking machines thinks too much..

And I wonder, sometime about 1000 years from now, will robots ponder ‘who created me? Why am I here? What happens when I turn off?”   We do. And we think. Or so we are told we think..

Rick Jervis in USA TODAY goes on to report: 

Artificial intelligence and robotics have been key – and controversial – themes at this year’s SXSW. A slew of panel discussions and keynote speeches on the topic have drawn thousands of attendees, while films screening at the film festival portion of SXSW, such as Ex Machina and Creative Control, have addressed it in their plot lines.
The themes have also prompted protests outside the conference warning of an over-reliance on artificial intelligence to the detriment of humans. In one, a group of protestors held signs reading “Stop the Robots” while chanting “A-I Say Goodbye!”
Rothblatt said robots and humans don’t have to choose sides – such as in the plotlines seen in popular Hollywood movies – but will live in a peaceful co-existence that will make them virtually indistinguishable from one another.
"It’s not us versus cyberspace," she said. "We’re merging together."
She added: “We don’t want to create a new slave-versus-free motif. I’m all for merging everyone together. On the level of consciousness, we’re all one.”

We are all one.
Skin and bones. Gear and bytes.. We are the world. 

We are the future..

Sirius founder envisions world of cyber clones, tech med

DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS: Claim: ISIS fighters dress as women in desperate attempt to flee battlefield‏

Drudge picked up the story. Expect it to be the talk of your respective town by dinner hour..

Devils in blue dresses..

DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS: Claim: ISIS fighters dress as women in desperate attempt to flee battlefield‏

The ghosts--literally--of 9/11?

For obvious reasons, I am careful when reporting ‘ghosts’ at Ground Zero, the site of the World Trade Center attacks so many years ago.. 

But there is an article appearing in the NEW YORK POST about the subject of paranormal activity in relation to the infamous terror attack site.. Gary Busio writes about a number of workers at the Fresh Kills landfill in Staten Island who were sifting the rubble from the 9/11 attacks reported seeing a female ghost holding a tray of sandwiches, a new book ­reveals.. 

Other police officers witnessed things, too, like large black masses and shadows. Some comments are mocking the story, others are accepting of it. 

I did a bit more research on the book that the NY POST was talking about. 

It’s called From Landfill to Hallowed Ground, by Frank Marra. Marra is a retired police officer. He also worked at the Staten Island Landfill World Trade Center Recovery Site from September 2001 until February 2002. The inspiration to write the book obviously came from the work he performed.. It does not seem that the entire book is dedicated to paranormal affairs, but instead offers an historic account of what it was like on the ground during the aftermath of the biggest crime scene in American history..

There are only two reviews at press time on AMAZON.. I think that number will increase with attention. 

I am a firm believer that the paranormal is NOT real until it happens to you. 

And it would appear many police officers now consider the paranormal to be very real..