Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Swarm of earthquakes in Yellowstone Park

This website has been monitoring this for some time—a few swarms ago we also showed you the bison supposedly running from Yellowstone. 

While some have said ‘no worries’ and nothing to see here, others have been watching the earth movements closely…

And the earth is moving.

It would almost seem that the North American Craton is moving, as well..

Swarm of earthquakes in Yellowstone Park

The slick world of Slenderman

I read a reaction to my story yesterday on the “Slenderman” attempted slaying.. the author of another site had some valid points I wanted to mention.. Here is the site and here is what was said:

1) “Slenderman Slaying” implies someone was actually slain, which they weren’t.

2) Two idiots do not make up for the rest of the mature world. Parents who think their little monsters are stupid enough to pull something like that need to start doing their own jobs, not blaming the horror genre.

3) Horror has been around since the dawn of time. Horror did not drive a pair of stupid children to try to commit a murder, peer pressure and utter idiocy did. Give these dolts a Stephen King book and the dictionary and they might’ve just grown up weird like everyone else.

Valid points to all three..

I think it somehow also misses the point of what I was trying to say about Slenderman..

Slenderman is a fictitious character created on SOMETHING AWFUL in 2009.  The website CREEPY PASTA is getting the majority of the attention since the stabbings in Wisconsin by two pre teen girls.. Today the creator of SLENDERMAN, Eric Knudsen, released a public statement expressing his sadness over the attempted murder..

What I am trying to say is this: Slenderman entered into the internet world as a meme. It has not become a part of our culture, our horror, and our paranormal tales. The fiction aside, people actually claim they see Slenderman. They think they saw him when they were children.. some claim that Slenderman is a symbol of creatures already created—memes of the past or tulpas from history, such as the men in black, or Jack from THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, or the gentlemen from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. In a sense, Slenderman does actually appear similar to mythological creatures that have been around for some time….

And enter this weird part: The attempted Slenderman slaying took place in a town called Waukesha Wisconsin. And there’s an interesting little factoid about what Waukesha means.. from the Loren Coleman blog COPY CAT EFFECT, this:

Waukesha: Over the years, many believed, incorrectly, that the origin of the name of the city was an Algonquian word meaning “fox” or “little foxes,” though it is actually an Anglicization of the Ojibwe proper name Waagoshag or the Potawatomi name Wau-tsha. Wau-tsha (sometimes written asWauk-tsha or Wauke-tsha) was the leader of the local tribe at the time of the first European settlement of the area. This is confirmed by accounts of Increase A. Lapham, an early settler and historian of the region. According to Lapham, the word for “fox” was pishtaka. Cutler also told visitors about Wau-tsha, who was described as “tall and athletic, proud in his bearing, dignified and friendly.”

(In appearance, Wau-tsha - without tentacles - sounds like Slender Man.)

Waukesha, Wisconsin has a long history of poltergeist, hauntings, and related stories. Also, the town was the epicenter for “phantom kangaroo” sightings in 1978, in Wisconsin.)

Yes, people who are experts in the occult or paranormal always have 20/20 hindsight.. they are able to put 2 and 2 together to equal 5, often ignoring logic and instead cutting through the veil that separates our reality from the esoteric reality around us.. But this strange paranormal history in this town gave me a bit of the creeps.. 

I also think back to Wes Craven’s NEW NIGHTMARE.. the plot being that Craven was nervous Freddy Kreuger was actually coming alive and entering into reality. While some may scoff at that idea, the notion is frightening to consider. 

And now Slenderman has somehow come alive. 

Yes, many are proclaiming that these two girls are using the Slenderman as an excuse for attempted murder.. 
But even if they are —or aren’t—what matters is that CNN, NBC, and other major news networks had Slenderman WITH HIS IMAGE as the top story for at least 12 hours yesterday.. The broadcast of Slenderman into the national conversation was done. He has entered the lexicon of our national conversation.

Monsters are just people.
Behaviors of monsters become known every day..

Even if Slenderman is fake, created, and a meme from 2009, the game seems to have changed. After all, Slenderman is now alive and darker than before—as the darkness gathers and we claim it is from the devil or evil, maybe the real fright is that we are just seeing humans for what they are. Dark and evil.. at the core diseased in moral, lacking faith.. 

Nietzsche claimed that GOD was dead. TIME magazine did, too.
Maybe someone needs to claim SLENDERMAN is alive. 
Slenderman.. and every single evil bit of darkness that his tentacles represent.

The inner core of human beings exposed.. what are we? …slender in nature.. Dark in character.



That is what scares me.

Newly freed soldier's Idaho hometown cancels rally amid backlash

The going is obviously getting rough .. Bowe is not having a good time being back home, it would seem.

Reuters reports the news this way:

In calling off the June 28 event, the officials cited concerns that they lacked the resources to safely manage the thousands of supporters and protesters who were expected to converge on the small mountain community of 8,000 residents.

The decision came as pressure mounted to cancel the rally in the face of rising hostility, expressed in a torrent of emails and phone calls directed at city officials and businesses, over claims by Bergdahl’s onetime Army comrades that he deliberately abandoned his post in Afghanistan.

The backlash to him and the Obama hostage for Bowe trade is now becoming an even larger controversy. So much so that even Chris Matthews seems to be abandoning the Obama Administration and the decision to trade five Taliban prisoners for Bergdahl.. 

Clocks are right twice a day.
And tingles going up legs turn into chills..

Newly freed soldier's Idaho hometown cancels rally amid backlash

The Secret Service wants to monitor social media for 'sarcasm'

The Secret Service wants to monitor social media for 'sarcasm'

Maureen Dowd on pot candy bar: 'I became convinced that I had died'

Maureen Dowd on pot candy bar: 'I became convinced that I had died'

My Kitchen Rules judge Pete Evans flees haunted hotel in Chicago

Has the veil finally thinned enough that hauntings, conjurings, and possessions are this commonplace that legitimate news sources are reporting them? Or is it just a twisted journalistic endeavor to get readers?

Either way, Pete Evans seems pretty sure of the haunted experience he endured.. So I am in no position to doubt him..

My Kitchen Rules judge Pete Evans flees haunted hotel in Chicago

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bodies of 800 babies, long-dead, found in septic tank at former Irish home for unwed mothers

A place of God..

More like a place for hell on earth..

Here is how the WASHINGTON POST reports this truly horrific story:

In a town in western Ireland, where castle ruins pepper green landscapes, there’s a six-foot stone wall that once surrounded a place called the Home. Between 1925 and 1961, thousands of “fallen women” and their “illegitimate” children passed through the Home, run by the Bon Secours nuns in Tuam.

Many of the women, after paying a penance of indentured servitude for their out-of-wedlock pregnancy, left the Home for work and lives in other parts of Ireland and beyond. Some of their children were not so fortunate.

More than five decades after the Home was closed and destroyed — where a housing development and children’s playground now stands — what happened to nearly 800 of those abandoned children has now emerged: Their bodies were piled into a massive septic tank sitting in the back of the structure and forgotten, with neither gravestones nor coffins.

This is disturbing and emotionally terrible.. 
I cannot imagine or fathom the thoughts of children being put through the living hell that this place must have created .. 800 bodies of people, human beings.. Catholic Church should be shamed by the skeletons on its closet..

Dark secrets: Children at the tea room at Sean Ross Abbey in Tipperary eat under the stern gaze of a nun

Bodies of 800 babies, long-dead, found in septic tank at former Irish home for unwed mothers

Taliban Release For Bergdahl: Obama Overrode Past Internal Objections

suck it up and salute”


Oh my

Taliban Release For Bergdahl: Obama Overrode Past Internal Objections


The complete, terrifying history of ‘Slender Man,’ the Internet meme that compelled two 12-year-olds to stab their friend

Ahhh yes.. Slenderman. People now believe in him, to the point where they actually think they can summons him if they kill someone else, as shown from this real news story from Wisconsin.

But I ask this: Could Slenderman actually be created by massive cultural consciousness? Did Slenderman made the jump from fiction to reality?

The complete, terrifying history of ‘Slender Man,’ the Internet meme that compelled two 12-year-olds to stab their friend

FRONTLINE: How did the government come to spy on millions of Americans?

A must read and watch epic website devoted to the important question

FRONTLINE: How did the government come to spy on millions of Americans?

UCSB Mass Shooter Elliot Rodger's Dependence On Xanax Made Him 'More Withdrawn, Lonely, Isolated & Anxious' Says Insider

UCSB Mass Shooter Elliot Rodger's Dependence On Xanax Made Him 'More Withdrawn, Lonely, Isolated & Anxious' Says Insider

Life imitates fiction. Or reality. Or the collective reality that was created by fiction

Horror is not confined to movies and television shows anymore.. Lately, headlines of real events have been shaping up to be more frightening and disgusting than the tales of fiction.. One such headline comes from Wisconsin.. 

From what we know, a 12-year-old girl was stabbed 19 times in a wooded area of Milwaukee this weekend. Two other girls apparently lured her there.. after the stabbing, the 12-year-old crawled her bleeding body to her own rescue..

Someone riding a bike miraculously found her laying on the ground.

She is not dead. She is actually, again by a miracle of some sort, in stable condition.

But here is where things get a little creepy.

According to the police report, the girls who stabbed the other girl were compelled to do it after reading up on SLENDERMAN—the fictitious character that was created online as an experiment but somehow took on a life of its own.. people claim they see SLENDERMAN, hear him.. are haunted by him. But he only existed in contemporary paranormal circles. He was a creation. Some with an imagination think we created SLENDERMAN from nothing, an experiment gone haywire to the point that now he manifested like Freddy Kreuger..

But these girls took things further than others I have heard of.. According to the police, they were on CREEPYPASTA.. They said they were trying to get SLENDERMAN appear in their reality but that they had to kill someone first in order to summons him. Creepypasta has even been forced to respond to accusations that it fosters violence.. It most certainly does not. If you’ve never seen the site before, it’s primarily fiction literature.. it’s not meant to conjure up evil.. get a grip and understand reality before you point fingers at a website for doing absolutely nothing wrong.


Even more information is being revealed about their relationship to the would-be victim.. They had a sleepover with her Friday night. They attended the same school.. CNN is reporting this:

According to the criminal complaint, the suspects had been planning the attack since February.

They first thought to kill the victim by placing duct tape over her mouth while she was sleeping and stabbing her in the neck, the complaint read.

Next, the plan was to kill her in a bathroom where there was floor drain that could make cleanup easier, it continued.

But, finally, the girls decided to do it in a park while playing a game of hide-and-seek, the complaint read.

It states: “As they left for the park … (the victim) was walking in front of them and Geyser lifted up the left side of her white jacket and displayed the knife tucked in her waistband. Weier stated she gave Geyser a look with wide eyes and, when asked what that meant Weier stated, ‘I thought, dear god, this was really happening.’”

The girl was a ‘millimeter’ away from death as one stab wound was near her heart.. 

With this crime, I have read some parents and non parents clamoring for a ban on horror-related websites. You know, China and Australia style.. That would be difficult here in the free US of A with that pesky first amendment blocking censorship..

But with every passing day, each new website, and now the SLENDERMAN crime these two girls committed, SLENDERMAN is coming alive more and more.. he’s in the collective consciousness. He’s alive and well online. The paranormal entity took on a life of his own—and apparently is now inspiring crimes in his name.. 

This is disturbing and hopefully not a trend-setting moment.. 

12-year-olds need to be taught the separation of fact from fiction. A generation lost in space.. the kids aren’t alright.


Did Government Experiment on Preemie Babies Hide Risks?

Parents were told that the ‘SUPPORT’ study was to measure the growth of their premature babies. They were not told the truth: It was meant to experiment with the oxygen levels of their children..   Doctors were in on it, too..instead of creating a healthy atmosphere in which premature babies could persevere through their toughest moments, the nature of the study would only implicate doctors in their complicity regarding not adjusting oxygen levels to foster growth. 

The study took place 8 years ago.. just now parents are learning the true nature of the government experiment.  

And now parents are left with the important question: Did the experimentation of humans lead to further developmental issues that babies are experiencing as they enter into their school years?

x x x 

For all of those who cannot fathom the thought of modern government experiment on its own citizens—even the most innocent of them—this story should be a reminder.  The past is never dead.. It comes back to haunt now and then..

Just for some reading enjoyment, here’s a few recent flashbacks that somehow correlate to this new story:

  1. Government purposely giving people the flu in experiment. 

  2. The government recently performed experimentation of deadly fumes on humans

  3. The EPA conducted tests on children

  4. Are there US government microwave tests?

  5. Government has had a series of strange medical tests on human beings during history

IT’s all true, baby. Tin foil hats securely fastened .. no need to adjust.


Did Government Experiment on Preemie Babies Hide Risks?

DAILY BEAST article: We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night

DAILY BEAST article: We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night

Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl

Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl

Monday, June 2, 2014

Oliver Stone to direct Snowden movie

Oliver Stone to direct Snowden movie

WNEP: "Mystery in Centralia"

I saw some rumblings about this on my Facebook timeline last week. Now it made the big time—WNEP in Northeastern PA.. 

Someone has tampered with the Centralia time capsule. They also may have stolen it..

My only suggestion would be—if the time capsule is still within—move it somewhere else secure until 2016.. now that this made news it will happen over and over again.

WNEP: "Mystery in Centralia"


Are hurricanes with female names really deadlier?

(Photo: NOAA via Reuters)

Researchers find that hurricanes with female names are more lethal than the ones named after males — but the reason for that is partly cloudy.

Continue reading

The well oiled Obama machine turns into this..

A sputtering and clumsy news event.

It seemingly all started fine.. Everyone was thrilled and enthralled when the United States announced that hostage Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl  was freed from Taliban control.. 

Then news trickled out slowly from there..
Initially Republicans voiced concern that the Obama Administration didn’t notify Congress about the hostage exchange before the release—a law signed by the President last year ordered the executive branch to do just that, 30 days of a warning before anyone is released from Gitmo. Then things got worse.. Bergdahl’s own former platoon members say that he abandoned his post and deserted the United States army.  Emails from Bowe to his father don’t help. They imply that he came to dislike the United States the mission in Afghanistan..

And then a strange tweet..
nd then a White House surprised by how controversial the hostage for prisoners trade had become.. And then the news of who actually was released. We already had a trendy name for them: The Taliban Dream Team.

It has become shocking to see how great campaigners the Obama team was… but how awful they are at having any foresight into the ramifications of this trade.. 

We apparently do negotiate with terrorists, at least in a sense. We would not be releasing them would we not have been listening to their requests..

And while it’s  testament to the Untied States that we strive to never leave anyone behind, this particular soldier’s ‘desertion’ of the United States makes one wonder if he wanted to be left behind in the first place..

Strange times we live in.
Strange circumstances we are in..