The going is obviously getting rough .. Bowe is not having a good time being back home, it would seem.
Reuters reports the news this way:
In calling off the June 28 event, the officials cited concerns that they lacked the resources to safely manage the thousands of supporters and protesters who were expected to converge on the small mountain community of 8,000 residents.
The decision came as pressure mounted to cancel the rally in the face of rising hostility, expressed in a torrent of emails and phone calls directed at city officials and businesses, over claims by Bergdahl’s onetime Army comrades that he deliberately abandoned his post in Afghanistan.
The backlash to him and the Obama hostage for Bowe trade is now becoming an even larger controversy. So much so that even Chris Matthews seems to be abandoning the Obama Administration and the decision to trade five Taliban prisoners for Bergdahl..
Clocks are right twice a day.
And tingles going up legs turn into chills..
Newly freed soldier's Idaho hometown cancels rally amid backlash