They found two!
Of course it probably took a combined 565 hours to sign up, but they found two!
This is getting beyond comical, more like… really embarrassing.
HHS Finds Two Enrollees for Pro-Obamacare Ads
They found two!
Of course it probably took a combined 565 hours to sign up, but they found two!
This is getting beyond comical, more like… really embarrassing.
Is this Brooklyn Halloween decoration too offensive?
Some impressed, others disgusting by Halloween display in Brooklyn..
Others wonder: Too edgy?
Inside the interesting world of creating fake eyes.. the LA TIMES reports on the ‘family business’ … One thing I found interesting: No schools actually offer education on ocularistry.. you have to be an apprentice and work with a master craftsman..
I suppose besides that, the notion of creating fake eyes as a living is just sort of creepy and weird..
Krokodil is spreading.. the drug use that profoundly hurt millions of Russians with disgusting results is now in the United States.. At least six people in Chicago were suspected of having it.. two in Arizona.. skin is rotting.. the word is spreading.. Don’t take this drug.
This is getting beyond creepy.. A few days ago the world became aware of the plight of the family of Kendrick Johnson. Johnson was 17, was found dead rolled up in a gym mat, and had an autopsy in which his cause of death was ruled accidental. A second autopsy was conducted but , when he was opened up for the procedure, it was discovered that his body was stuffed with newspapers .. his brain, heart, and lungs were missing. Even organ from his pelvis to his skull were gone.
And now enter this story: Ryan Singleton, 24, moved from Atlanta to Hollywood this summer… He turned up dead in Death Valley and his organs were missing ..
These stories are NOT connected.
But they are only similar in their strangeness..
Last night Clyde Lewis spoke about the two bizarre tales on his show GROUND ZERO…
It’s difficult to imagine the suffering each family is going through—a mystery of not knowing what someone you loved even died is one thing, but the added on strangeness of bodies missing organs or bodies being stuffed with newspapers adds so much insult to injury..
Yesterday this website wrote a bit about the strange death of Elisa Lam—and the weird video of her final moments of life..
Today we offer this: The Cecil Hotel has a long and sordid history. In February, CNN did a report that covers the full oddities that occurred at the Cecil.. The hotel caters to young international travelers.. But the hotel of horrors has a dark past. Besides the serial killers, the hotel also became a popular place in the 1950s where people would simply rent rooms and jump out of the windows..
Pretty interesting video.. these are the top five conspiracies that are true.
You’re not crazy after all.
MORE THAN 70 WILDFIRES (29 UNCONTAINED) RAGING IN AUSTRALIA, and that is where this photo you’re seeing was taken.. they are also getting increasingly close to Sydney..
Unusually for the overall American drone campaign, the strikes in the area mostly occur in densely populated neighborhoods. The drones have hit a bakery, a disused girls’ school and a money changers’ market, residents say. One strike occurred in Matches Colony, a neighborhood named after an abandoned match factory that is now frequented by Uzbek militants. While the strike rate has dropped drastically in recent months, the constant presence of circling drones — and accompanying tension over when, or whom, they will strike — is a crushing psychological burden for many residents.
Civilian Deaths in Drone Strikes Cited in Report (via azspot)
A must read story.
Do you really want these drones?
And here I thought the beer was doing it to me..
Tonight, my dental hygienist, who converses with me for the entire appointment about food (she talks more than me, given the circumstances), taught me something new. I learned something about food that I somehow did not contemplate: Wheat is making people fat, and maybe causing more problems than solutions in my life.
And this comes as a shock—as I thought it was good eating wheat cereal and whole wheat pasta..
So my all natural hygienist informed me that William Davis and his research on wheat would be important for me to read. I did.. If Dr. Davis is right, I am doing most things wrong..
According to what I now know in this anti-wheat theory, if I stop eating wheat my stomach will decrease and I will lose my appetite to keep eating more wheat (I do go for second helpings of that wheat pasta when I make it) ..
I also learned that wheat is just about as addictive as anything.. Maybe even cigs and beer?
The theory also contends: Wheat is a trigger of heart attacks.
So much to learn.. so much to eat that’s not wheat.
And Doc Dav concludes this about what the best diet is:
My philosophy is a return to real ingredients. Eggs, vegetables, some fruit, avocados. We should eat regular food and get rid of this notion of processed foods for breakfast. I understand that we have kids and we have people we need to entertain. So I try to recreate foods that are familiar to people. I show people how to make pizza, muffins, cookies, chocolate éclairs. We use benign ingredients. We don’t use wheat, gluten-free carbohydrates, or sugar. You can turn something like coffee cake into something that’s benign and healthy. Life is good without wheat.
Hmm.. a one ingredient diet.
Where did I hear that one before.. hmmm???
Noel Harrison is dead.
WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND may be one of the greatest songs ever written..
And because of the smog, and God knows what’s in the thick stew, a city of 11 million people in China has completely been cut off from the world
When will it become unethical to keep calling these chemically produced deep fried containers of bone and fat ‘chicken’? Sounds like now..
This is just becoming a mess … So many surprises ..
The report says, in part:
By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage, in some cases, for comparable cost — especially after the inclusion of federal subsidies for those who qualify. The law requires policies sold in the individual market to cover 10 “essential” benefits, such as prescription drugs, mental health treatment and maternity care. In addition, insurers cannot reject people with medical problems or charge them higher prices. The policies must also cap consumers’ annual expenses at levels lower than many plans sold before the new rules.
But the cancellation notices, which began arriving in August, have shocked many consumers in light of President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their plans if they liked them.
Not a day goes by that we are not subjected to a nude or partially nude celebrity selfie on Twitter. Today it’s Shai Labeouf..
Come on Hollywood, it’s bad enough we have to see our naked bodies. We certainly don’t want to see your Shai Labeoufs staring at us
The job numbers were significantly worse than expected…