Thursday, July 18, 2013
The news that does not matter udpate
CVS won't sell Rolling Stone issue with Boston Marathon bombing suspect on cover
This is a little crazy..
Censorship simply because of a cover image..?? Too much, America.
What is not about the first amendment that gives everyone such sh&t fits?
CVS won't sell Rolling Stone issue with Boston Marathon bombing suspect on cover
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
The Worst Way To tell Someone They’re Fired
Damn autocorrect! I’m trying to fire someone here.
Why you should not fire someone via text message..
The man with no memory: Navy vet wakes up, speaks only Swedish
Stories like this always blow my mind. Imagine this: A Navy vet goes unconscious, wakes up without a memory, and speaks Swedish. That frightening concept is exactly what happened in the case of Michael Thomas of Florida, who was found in a Motel 6 in Southern California by police.. He now believes he is Johan Elk of Sweden..
Bizarre stuff, isn’t it?
What secrets lurk in the minds of men—especially when they lose all memory and allow their brains to work without stopping..
The man with no memory: Navy vet wakes up, speaks only Swedish
Looking forward to the CONJURING
Rolling Stone has a released a statement on its controversial ‘The Bomber’ cover.
This is America right? Now news organizations have to explain that their reporting was not meant to offend anyone?!
Maybe the folks who want to ban the Tsarnaev cover from their stores would be happier if the editors of the magazine sent them this one instead:
I live 45 minutes from Boston and let me tell you everyone is livid. I applaud Rolling Stone for this gutsy move. It was a risk man. I think they are trying to paint the picture of before and after to show the contrast between the reportedly happy American (because he was a citizen) teen and the "monster" he became. I applaud Rolling Stone for the balls to publish this knowing people would be angry. I think the contrast and the publicity was the point. Not to glorify him as a "rock star."
Amen! Thanks for your perspective. And I agree with it..
I recall both NEWSWEEK and TIME putting nice happy photos of the Columbine killers on their respective covers back last century..
I personally consider this ROLLING STONE controversy beyond ridiculous (CVS will actually censor the magazine …) .. I also think collectively everyone needs to take a deep breath, eat some fruit or something, and realize what actually matters..
And besides, that image of Tsarnaev actually tells a story all by itself.
This is terrible news from India..
This is a terrible story from India, where school food killed 22 kids..traces of organo phosphorous have been found in the meal served to children which is poisonous.. This has caused protests and anger across Bihar, and India itself.. and now according to reports, it could have been deliberate poisoning..
WATCH: How Promiscuity Is A Form Of Self-Mutilation
For girls who grow up without fathers, it’s not unusual to act out sexually and look for validation in all the wrong places. Promiscuity is often observed as a common practice among “daddyless daughters” and is just one possible effect of not having a father figure.
The story from the HUFFINGTON POST.. interesting article. Worth time reading..
WATCH: How Promiscuity Is A Form Of Self-Mutilation
This would appear to be some important news today..
Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier has calved, forming a new iceberg that is 277 square miles in size and is almost as big as New York City. Scientists have predicted the glacier to split since October 2011
This would appear to be some important news today..
Not being hasty with Hastings.. but this is another weird one
More strange occurrences are being reported concerning the death of journalist Michael Hastings.. SAN DIEGO 6 in California is reporting that his body was cremated against the wishes of the family.. And now his wife has hired a PI. Let the truth shine..
Have not been up to Graffiti Highway in a while in Centralia, but if this piece of art is any indication of what I am missing, I need to get there fast..
Photo Compliments of the blog: hereticinexile:
Old Route 61
South of Centralia, Pennsylvania
April 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Dreadful dinner woes
I rarely blog about the mundane nature of my existence, instead focusing on the horrific ways of our planet, but this one is a tale needing to be told of my night last night.
My chicken looked great.. until I cut into it and realized I left the plastic on it. And sadly it was so beautiful.. Curry seasoned plastic-covered chicken.. Baked to perfected.
It became food for maggots moments after I cut into the first piece and ended up with a 2 inch piece of plastic in my mouth. But it was the most delicious plastic I’ve ever eaten..
Does plastic still constitute as one ingredient in my one ingredient lifestyle..? Guess not..
Monday, July 15, 2013
Enjoy the week!
The heat is on.