Saturday, June 16, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Maybe America is kind after all
Remember a week ago when the author of a book about the kindness of America was shot?
I thought things online would be there 'forever'
I had a website YEARS ago hosted on Angelfire. I also had a Guestbook that, only this week, I found out was gone forever. Seriously.. they deleted it on me. You know, I guess… things change. So this guestbook existed since the year 1998. There were tons of memories in there. I signed up with an email address that is now non existent. So if I had an email that was existent as the main contact, I would have known since April it was going away. Alas! I didn’t.
So there goes that guestbook.. filled with as many memories as a photo album. Friends…long nights of messaging back and forth when the internet was in its infancy.. drunken stupors in text. All that in this guestbook. The world was able to read it.
And now it’s gone.
I know people say if you type something online “it will last forever.”
Tell that to people who had websites on Geocities. Or those who had Tripod guestbooks. Or slambooks (remember those!?) Or ICQ.
I hopefully think that somewhere, in the vast universe, the keys we stroked and letters we typed still exist. But with all these companies folding their ventures and replacing them with nothing, I dare to think that there are some things online that will never exist again. And that’s sad.
What will exist is Facebook. .Maybe Myspace? That’s up to Murdoch. Maybe Tumblr, that’s up to Karp if he makes money.. and Google blogger, which is probably up to the CIA more than anyone else.
Yes.. what you type may not exist tomorrow.
Kind of sad, in a way. Years of Guestbook entries back when the net was young have just been deleted from countless sites…
They better not get rid of Angelfire. Or else if they do, my entire 18 years old to 21 years old period of my life is gone. Forever.
The latest Lilo: Paramedics rushed to her due to exhaustion in her LA hotel.. but she wasn't taken to the hospital
Celebrity news website TMZ meanwhile reported that the 25-year-old had been working for two days almost non-stop, including shooting parts of the movie near the hotel.
Her spokesman Steve Honig told E! News: “Last night she worked from 7:00 pm to 8:00 am. She was exhausted and went back to her room to sleep.
"Producers were apparently concerned and called the fire department and paramedics found her sleeping but determined that she was fine, just extremely exhausted and slightly dehydrated.
The latest Lilo: Paramedics rushed to her due to exhaustion in her LA hotel.. but she wasn't taken to the hospital
I was a young subscriber to TIME magazine, and I remember getting this issue in 1993. I now look back … I was 13 then and I am 31 now. I am a father. Wow.. I am what I’d never thought I’d be when I was 13. But now I am completely fine with that… It just fascinates me how life changes. By the way, I am posting this while my son, Ayden, is messily trying to eat his chicken noodle soup. He got mad at first that there were no crackers in his soup… I am at his command.
Yes, indeed, how life changes.
I wonder what will be on TIME magazine when he is 13. I wonder if there will be a TIME when he is 13……….
(By the time I was done writing this post, at 7:13 pm EDT this Friday night, Ayden dumped the entire bowl of chicken soup on the floor. Guess he’s not hungry)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Too bad SNL is on summer recess. Fox and Friends had an issue this morning, as Gretchen Carlson walked off the set of the show after male hosts made comments on how ‘women are everywhere,’ such as the Navy, golf, and tennis.
Go Gretchen. Low cut blouse-high-skirt-Roger-Ailes-Girl power to ya!
For those following, you know this: When there is dramatic testimony in the Jerry Sandusky trial that really means the news headlines should be rated X. Seriously, horrible stuff is coming to light. Today’s headline is that Sandusky referred to himself as the tickle monster. Even more, one witness said while a molestation occurred, he screamed in Sandusky’s basement while no one came to help..
All this in front a jury.. I can only imagine what is going through their minds this weekend.
"What was I going to do? Look at him, he’s a big guy, bigger than me. Way bigger than me."
That is what Victim Number 9 testified to today. This is why he said he took part in oral sex and all the like in Sandusky’s basement….
Happy valley indeed.
I am frankly at the point where I cannot even watch the news accounts of the trial or read dispatches anymore.. there’s no way I could have been on this jury. No way at all.
So you’re up next, Karl Rominger. And what say you defense team?
This one just fascinates me.. Hand prints in a cave so ancient, so old, so long ago, that they are not that of modern man. So modern folks weren’t the only artists .. Art began long ago in Spain.
The AP story on the Spanish cave paintings says this:
Testing the coating of paintings in 11 Spanish caves, researchers found that one is at least 40,800 years old, which is at least 15,000 years older than previously thought. That makes them older than the more famous French cave paintings by thousands of years.
Scientists dated the Spanish cave paintings by measuring the decay of uranium atoms, instead of traditional carbon-dating, according to a report released Thursday by the journal Science. The paintings were first discovered in the 1870s.
Did you read this? 40,000 years old
And here is more:
The oldest of the paintings is a red sphere from a cave called El Castillo. About 25 outlined handprints in another cave are at least 37,300 years old. Slightly younger paintings include horses.
So all those bad stories, bad press, and bad rumors about Neanderthals may have been false. Among them may have been a da Vinci, Picasso, or maybe even a Beethoven.
An amazing story…..don’t you think?
It's not done yet
Even more news that will intrigue and … make sick.. and convince you that the end is near. Even though it isn’t. Maybe we all just hope it is…
HBO apologizes for putting George W. Bush’s head on stake… Yea, they did.
Travel Warning for Mexico: Possible Violent ‘Retaliation’ Against Americans
Now that is luck: High School Senior Wins $1,000 a Week for Life Lottery
Want to Live Longer? Move to NYC ..that’s right, they may be limiting your choice of milk and soda, but apparently while life expectancy in America drops it still rises in New York City. Maybe stress is good.
The middle ages are back en vogue: Plague Rare in U.S., Surfacing in More Affluent Areas .. seriously, the plague? THE PLAGUE!?
The State College Tickle Monster
…The news of the Jerry Sandusky trial continues to horrify. Latest is this:
Jerry Sandusky called himself ‘tickle monster,’ accuser testifies
Random headlines.. random news.. random horror
A spattering of news from the world. In no particular order. And why should there be.. there doesn’t seem to be much order in the world anyway.
I anticipate lots of UFO sightings in the surveillance society of the near future: DRONE CAUSES ‘UFO’ PANIC IN DC…
Another Worker Commits Suicide at APPLE Factory… Text away…
This is the world world we live in, unfortunately: Ethiopia criminalizes SKYPE…
NY Mets Exploring ‘Quiet Section’ At Stadium For Autistic Fans…
Oregon man stricken with the plague… You read that right. The plague..
Maryland cannibalism suspect charged in earlier attack
Massive near-Earth asteroid will miss Earth, says NASA
Is this the ghost of a Universe before the Big Bang?
Teach current affairs in class: show pupils purported online cannibal snuff video
World’s Oldest Cave Art Found—Made by Neanderthals?
Now this is cool: Methane Lakes Raise Hopes of Life on Titan