A spattering of news from the world. In no particular order. And why should there be.. there doesn’t seem to be much order in the world anyway.
I anticipate lots of UFO sightings in the surveillance society of the near future: DRONE CAUSES ‘UFO’ PANIC IN DC…
Another Worker Commits Suicide at APPLE Factory… Text away…
This is the world world we live in, unfortunately: Ethiopia criminalizes SKYPE…
NY Mets Exploring ‘Quiet Section’ At Stadium For Autistic Fans…
Oregon man stricken with the plague… You read that right. The plague..
Maryland cannibalism suspect charged in earlier attack
Massive near-Earth asteroid will miss Earth, says NASA
Is this the ghost of a Universe before the Big Bang?
Teach current affairs in class: show pupils purported online cannibal snuff video
World’s Oldest Cave Art Found—Made by Neanderthals?
Now this is cool: Methane Lakes Raise Hopes of Life on Titan
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