Google announces big change to how search results are delivered, says new search tool will think more like a human.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
There are times I really hate the summer.. one reminder of the on again off again relationship occurred today
Seriously. Summer can be great. Weather often beautiful.. long days.. warmth. Sunshine. All that romantic stuff of summer nights. Fourth of July.. Barbeques.
And blood sucking ticks.
Yes, ticks.
For all of its beauty and wonder, there are times I despise the summer season. A few reminders occurred in the past few days: My niece unplugged a tick from her neck. My wife got one off her stomach, one we subsequently found crawling in our laundry. My dad had one on his hand. And today while driving my son home from his doctor’s appointment, one little disgusting vile creature was crawling on my arm.
I know the tick season will be worse this year because of the warm winter. Which is another reason I actually LOVE COLD AND SNOWY winters. Get the logic now?
How is tick season where you are?
Interesting story from George Knapp in Vegas: Death in the desert.. bodies buried perplex investigators
Knapp has been ferociously working missing persons stories lately.. his Coast to Coast AM show about strange disappearances in National Parks around America still resonates with many who heard it.
Great story from Knapp..
A whole new way of looking at a desert: A vast graveyard topped with sand.
Interesting story from George Knapp in Vegas: Death in the desert.. bodies buried perplex investigators
Something few in the world are paying attention to right now.. but if it happens, the world will notice: A possible Euro split coming?
Merkel warns.
Greece scorns.
Euro splits…
Call it quits?
Stocks dash.
Hope no crash.
Be aware.
The Euro’s square.
Something few in the world are paying attention to right now.. but if it happens, the world will notice: A possible Euro split coming?
The future is now: AP reports: One in 3 young adults with autism have no paid job experience, college or technical schooling nearly seven years after high school graduation, a study finds. That's a poorer showing than those with other disabilities including those who are mentally disabled, the researchers said.
As though we needed another reason to understand that the autism generation is growing up.. and when they do, will they have the chance that others did? Or will they be tossed aside by a society that doesn’t value the gifts they have?
This is a big story.. 1 in 3 is a lot. Just as 1 in 88 is, too.
The future is now: AP reports: One in 3 young adults with autism have no paid job experience, college or technical schooling nearly seven years after high school graduation, a study finds. That's a poorer showing than those with other disabilities including those who are mentally disabled, the researchers said.
Bunk.Unreal.We have 9 planets.All that they say.
Something else to be scared of, something with a scary name: The "Devil's Breath"
It can block free will.
Wipe memory.
Create ‘zombies’ out of victims.
It can kill.
It is being dealt on the streets of Columbia and … well, as most drugs do, will most likely make its way around the world.
But no fear, governments are no strangers to the ramifications of the drug:
In modern times, the CIA used the drug as part of Cold War interrogations, with the hope of using it like a truth serum.
However, because of the drug’s chemical makeup, it also induces powerful hallucinations.
The tree common around Colombia, and is called the ‘borrachero’ tree – loosely translated as the ‘get-you-drunk’ tree.
Something else to be scared of, something with a scary name: The "Devil's Breath"
Some news stories are cautionary tales to remember youthfulness doesn’t equal invincibility. But it would be very unfair to label George student’s Aimee Copeland ordeal that. After all, she wasn’t really doing anything dangerous.. but still ended up through the freak laws of nature contracting a rare form of a flesh eating disease..
The story has received a lot of worldwide attention. It’s scary to think.. zip lining with friends one minute, in a hospital after the water had germs that got into a cut and gave her a flesh eating virus. She lost a leg already.. She may lose her fingers. And her family has yet to tell her about her condition…
Something seems so wrong about this in the grand scheme of things. She is on a hospital bed going through an intense ordeal of human suffering, she has not a clue as to the ramifications of what happened to her, and yet the rest of the world reads about her situation.. The rest of the world is only connected to her by words and brief seconds on nightly news shows.
Yes, indeed, something just seems unfair about life sometimes.
The section from the ABC story that hit me the most:
"Aimee appears to have normal brain function at this time, which is something I’m celebrating because within Aimee we have a very compassionate heart and an incredible mind of intellect," said Copeland’s father, Andy Copeland.
Aimee Copeland was riding a homemade zip line near the Little Tallapoosa River May 1 when the line snapped, causing a fall that cut open her left calf.
Doctors at a nearby hospital cleaned and closed the gash with 22 staples, but bacteria that burrowed deep into the wound caused necrotizing fasciitis, a rare but deadly infection that claimed her leg one week ago.
Copeland’s family said she’s coherent and able to nod and shake her head, a gesture she used to pick the Grateful Dead over the Rolling Stones Thursday, according to her sister Paige.
"I just told her if she keeps improving like this, she’ll be out of here in no time," said Paige Copeland.
I just cannot fathom going through this. But even more cannot fathom watching someone else..
Thoughts are with this person. I hope to hell that the universe gives her as good of a spell of luck as it did give her bad luck. How unfortunate..
If you pray do it. If not, do it anything. She needs something.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
How the FBI takes servers. And then reinstalls them
"I thought they were Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I joked with people on the call that it was the FBI," he said. Moments later, it was no joke.
How the FBI takes servers. And then reinstalls them
Here’s our cover this week, featuring a rainbow-haloed Barack Obama—America’s first gay president!
I’m surprised NEWSWEEK couldn’t find someone who would offer to breast feed the President to combat TIME’s Playboyish cover shot..
And in seriousness, it really should be Joe Biden on the cover as he forced the issue. Just saying.
North Korean women being sold into slavery in China
Human rights organizations blame South Korean gangs for some of the suffering. Working in cahoots with Chinese Koreans, investing in karaoke bars in China, they are said to hold women against their will while paying them just enough to survive."South Korean businessmen are their best customers,” says Tim Peters, director of Helping Hands Korea, dedicated to aiding North Korean children in China. “It’s a blot on South Korean society,” he says blaming the Chinese for "doing nothing about a criminal system in violation of the rights of women.”
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday. The US Court of Appeals in Washington upheld a lower court decision that said the NSA need not confirm or deny any relationship with Google, because its governing statutes allow it keep such information secret
Chile asks fishermen to help save birds caught in nets; Chilean beaches littered with dead fowl
There is always something about news accounts of animals beaching themselves or thousands of dead birds being found in a single week that freak me out a bit.
Animals many times are harbingers.. They are sometimes more clued in to earth and how things work than humans.
We can learn a thing or two perhaps if we stopped and thought about these profound numbers of dead birds along Chilean beaches. If we care.
Chile asks fishermen to help save birds caught in nets; Chilean beaches littered with dead fowl