Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A mass grave filled with no bodies? Strange tale in Texas: First reports of 'mass grave' of bodies found.. new reports that none have been.. What in the Lonestar State is going on?

A mass grave filled with no bodies? Strange tale in Texas: First reports of 'mass grave' of bodies found.. new reports that none have been.. What in the Lonestar State is going on?

Rumbling in the Midwest

Midwest shake: 4.2 quake hits early in the morning .. USGS confirms, 4.2 magnitude earthquake felt in St. Louis, Columbia, Jefferson City. No damage reportedAwfully close to that pesky little New Madrid fault line, don’t you think?


An alert by the NOAA-operated Space Weather Prediction Center stated that the solar flare could create a strong geomagnetic storm on Wednesday (June 9)

What will it be? Speculation builds online as Art Bell promises a June 9 'announcement'

Coming back to radio? Having another child? Moving back to the high desert or just another place in the Philippines? After 1,000 Facebook friends and dozens of message boards (and probably George Noory too) wonders what exactly the ABs are planning..

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo8S3iFdzUc?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Summer is creeping in.

Be careful out there..

Monday, June 6, 2011

An open forum question for all out there who blog:

Do your websites make money for you, and if so, how?

A great book for both Palin and Paul Revere fans: Truth

New disturbing pop culture words introduced, thanks to the Casey Anthony trial

Death cans. Will they really make the jury smell them?

The irony of the Palin/Paul Revere debate: She and the Revere worshippers are both wrong

The irony of the Palin/Paul Revere debate: She and the Revere worshippers are both wrong

Andrew Gold, the songwriter perhaps best known for the theme song to "The Golden Girls," has died at 59. Rest in peace, and thanks for "Thank You For Being A Friend."

Andrew Gold, the songwriter perhaps best known for the theme song to "The Golden Girls," has died at 59. Rest in peace, and thanks for "Thank You For Being A Friend."

An interesting new report.. Are the outcasts really 'the man'?

Report that 1 in 4 US hackers are actually FBI informants.,

Remember how Japan denied a nuclear plant meltdown? There were right. There was not 1 meltdown.. There was 3

Remember how Japan denied a nuclear plant meltdown? There were right. There was not 1 meltdown.. There was 3

So that was Weiner's wiener after all...

Thank God there was no Twitter during the Clinton years..

Forgot the face on Mars! Now we have a base on Mars

An armchair astronaut declares a big find.. and he used Google earth to do it.

Now that Germany destroyed the bean sprout industry...

…they say bean sprouts are NOT the cause of the E Coli nightmare..

I had a garlic filled weekend.. I pity others around me.

Brandi Carlile takes us into the heaven called summer.. enjoy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A horrific but must-read article

As a world, we forgot the atrocities of the last century—namely the roaring 1990s, while the world prospered absolute horror unfolded in Bosnia.. This past week we were reminded again of the crimes of war with Mladic’s capture.. And now this: Mevludin Oric speaks of ants crawling into his mouth while he pretended to die with 8000 other boys and men... He escaped. And now his story is told.. And how horrid it is. Oric is one of four men known to have survived the Srebrenica massacre—and his words are must read, but a warning to the faint of heart: it’s disturbing..horrible. And sadly all too real.

Happy Sunday. Avoid German beans. That is quite possibly the best advice I'll ever give.

Enter Ke$ha. Exit, most likely, you.

Kesha - Grow A Pear

Nothing says summer like this