Monday, December 28, 2015


A lot of amazing people lost to time in 2015.. They have gone on to the next realm.. wherever and whatever that may be.

The faces of those are left..

Scott Weiland, Stone Temple Pilots founding lead singer, dead at 48

Actress Maureen O’Hara dead at 95..

The horror world shocked. Wes Craven dead this year after a battle with brain cancer.. He was 76.

Anne Streiber, the creator of UNKNOWNCOUNTRY.COM and Whitley Streiber’s wife



Virgil Runnels, aka “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes — WWE Hall of Famer, three-time NWA Champion and one of the most captivating and charismatic figures in sports entertainment history — passed away at the age of 69.

Actor and icon, Sir Christopher Lee, dead at 93..


She became the famous player in horror only because she wanted enough money to buy a car…

No one could play a tune like BB KING..

A legend gone at 89..

The world is sorely missing the ‘rockin granny’ from WEDDING CRASHERS.

Ellen Albertini Dow  was 101 when she passed away..

May Vince Kalochie rest in peace On…’The Other Side.’

RIP Sam Simon, the co-creator of the Simpsons..


DEAD AT 83..

Sunday, December 27, 2015


No, not Ben Carson. Not Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices.. this prize belongs to Brian Williams, who was accused of ‘tall tales’ and skewered by the media officials who once loved him. He either lied or just simply enjoyed making stories up and believing them.. by the time the scandal was in full swing, he lost his prized anchor position on the NIGHTLY NEWS on NBC.

He’s back on MSNBC now.
And perhaps that’s the finest eternal punishment someone can get after a downfall..

The Adele of the year goes to….




You expected STAR WARS, didn’t you?
I did, too..
Even though it was one of the greatest movies of the year, it did not surpass the choice I made when I saw the MARTIAN.

Let me first say how amazing STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS was. At press time, I went to see it thrice, with each time yielding more interesting little tidbits I did not pick up on the previous time. The film was amazing visually and even more so storyline wise.. It was filled with nostalgia and beautiful sequences that make me wish the next film was set to be released now. However, for me, it was not the movie of 2015. Perhaps the next one or the one after will be.. and maybe after looking at FORCE in a rear view mirror, I will regret this decision, but I am making it.

THE MARTIAN was quite possibly one of the finest movies I saw in years.. The story by now, you should know, a NASA mission gone wrong and a space flight leaves the red planet without the star of the film, Matt Damon. As the beat goes on, Damon has to fend for himself for years and learn to grow his own food.. he finally thinks up a marvel way to contact NASA and it works. As time goes, the entire world cheers on the safe return back to earth of the ‘Martian.’

This movie is filled with hope, dreams, and aspirations. It should be used as a tool to get the world excited about a space conquest–dreaming about the stars and how to leave the planet Earth and explore.

The disco songs in THE MARTIAN were a wonderful touch–each song used in the movie is also the soundtrack somehow added a touch of mystery and drama, perhaps utilizing this music was smart since it was all made during a time when a space race and excitement over NASA was at a fever pitch in the United States.

THE MARTIAN was like CASTAWAY in space–but better..

The Martian. My 2015 movie of the year.

The runners up:





Time Magazine’s person of the year.

It has been several weeks since TIME magazine named Angela Merkel the person of the year.. and several weeks since people did not care.

Print is dead.
Long live print.

The idea of who TIME named used to matter. Those days are over. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015




No, not Ben Carson. Not Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices.. this prize belongs to Brian Williams, who was accused of ‘tall tales’ and skewered by the media officials who once loved him. He either lied or just simply enjoyed making stories up and believing them.. by the time the scandal was in full swing, he lost his prized anchor position on the NIGHTLY NEWS on NBC.

He’s back on MSNBC now.
And perhaps that’s the finest eternal punishment someone can get after a downfall..

Friday, December 25, 2015

According to Zombie's Facebook, the MPAA slapped his film with an NC-17 rating after he edited it twice

He wrote this on his Facebook page:

“Well, after two tries through the MPAA our rating on 31 remains NC-17. Maybe three is the charm to get an R rating. Why R you ask? Well, because your local theater will not show an NC-17. Even though you are a fucking adult … things much be censored for your enjoyment.”

It was rated NC-17 for some normal things like “sadistic graphic violence” and “some strong language,” but also for some weirder things like “bizarre sexuality.”

‘31′ promises to be sadistic and sick–I guarantee that even though Zombie is expressing indignation about it, he’s perfectly fine with the attention and the type of horror movie fans that will be out to see it.

Arson is suspected in a blaze that heavily damaged the birthplace of Bill Clinton early Christmas morning, reports CBS Shreveport, Louisiana affiliate KSLA-TV.

The fire at the William J. Clinton Birthplace, in Hope, Arkansas, broke out around 3:20 a.m. Friday.

According to Hope Police Chief J.R. Wilson, the fire is under investigation, but arson is suspected.

For now.
only 364 days until Christmas.

FedEx Delivering Christmas, Employees 'Volunteering' to Work

All customer counters at FedEx Express stations across the U.S. will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today, allowing customers to pick up shipments,“ a statement from a FedEx spokesman read. "FedEx Express employees have volunteered to work these Christmas Day shifts for the benefit of our customers." 

 ‘Volunteering’ eh? Calling all labor standards investigators and lawyers…

FedEx Delivering Christmas, Employees 'Volunteering' to Work

Warm Weather Prompts Flowers to Bloom Way Too Soon: The freakishly warm weather in the Northeast and Midwest is prompting some trees and shrubs to bloom when they shouldn’t, creating an unusual attraction in gardens and parks but raising the possibility that spring’s flowers will be disappointing.

And it just plain weird–maybe not detrimental. But weird.

As I type this Christmas morning, my son is dangerously playing with his four foot tall ImagineX dinosaur and my dog is looking out of an open window at a seemingly spring-like horizon. The temperature is quickly rising into the 60s. Yesterday set a record for heat. Today may too.. No White Christmas here in a place it should be cold. But instead, as the linked story references, flowers are blooming.

Not a first, by the way.. as I wrote yesterday, 1955 was warm. As was 2012–another year that Cherry Blossoms were blooming in DC and NYC during weird December/January warmth..

Warm Weather Prompts Flowers to Bloom Way Too Soon: The freakishly warm weather in the Northeast and Midwest is prompting some trees and shrubs to bloom when they shouldn’t, creating an unusual attraction in gardens and parks but raising the possibility that spring’s flowers will be disappointing.

This just in from San Diego..

Not from the ONION.. but it should be..

SAN DIEGO — A man was stabbed by a 400-pound, bearded woman soon after asking a group of people for a cigarette in East Village Wednesday night, police said.

The 39-year-old man walked up to the group on Park Boulevard near K Street about 7:40 p.m., San Diego police Officer Robert Heims said. After asking for the cigarette, a woman walked up to him, told him to get away from her things, and then stabbed him in the neck.

The victim was taken to a hospital with an injury that wasn’t life-threatening.

The assailant ran away heading south on Park. She was described as white and about 400 pounds with a beard. She was wearing a white shirt and jeans.

NASA used Santa Claus as codename for THREE UFOs spotted on moon.. and more: In a video testimony, Donna Hare explains Nasa covered up a UFO sighting they called 'Santa Claus' in Houston. She also claims the agency airbrushes anomalies from pictures.

Among her claims:

  • Claims to have walked into restricted area where she saw UFOs in pictures
  • She says Nasa has airbrushed UFOs from thousands of pictures
  • Claims Nasa has threatened people with their retirement if they speak  

NASA used Santa Claus as codename for THREE UFOs spotted on moon.. and more: In a video testimony, Donna Hare explains Nasa covered up a UFO sighting they called 'Santa Claus' in Houston. She also claims the agency airbrushes anomalies from pictures.

"Where God is born, peace is born," the Pope said. "And where peace is born, there is no longer room for hatred and for war. Yet precisely where the incarnate Son of God came into the world, tensions and violence persist, and peace remains a gift to be implored and built."

Some of the words Pope Francis said this Christmas during his annual address..

"Where God is born, peace is born," the Pope said. "And where peace is born, there is no longer room for hatred and for war. Yet precisely where the incarnate Son of God came into the world, tensions and violence persist, and peace remains a gift to be implored and built."

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 2015

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The following is the Vatican’s official English translation of Pope Francis’ Christmas Eve Mass homily, which he delivered in Italian.


“Tonight ‘a great light’ shines forth (Is 9:1); the light of Jesus’ birth shines all about us. How true and timely are the words of the prophet Isaiah which we have just heard: 'You have brought abundant joy and great rejoicing’ (9:2)! Our heart was already joyful in awaiting this moment; now that joy abounds and overflows, for the promise has been at last fulfilled. Joy and gladness are a sure sign that the message contained in the mystery of this night is truly from God. There is no room for doubt; let us leave that to the skeptics who, by looking to reason alone, never find the truth. There is no room for the indifference which reigns in the hearts of those unable to love for fear of losing something. All sadness has been banished, for the Child Jesus brings true comfort to every heart.

Today, the Son of God is born, and everything changes. The Savior of the world comes to partake of our human nature; no longer are we alone and forsaken. The Virgin offers us her Son as the beginning of a new life. The true light has come to illumine our lives so often beset by the darkness of sin. Today we once more discover who we are! Tonight we have been shown the way to reach the journey’s end. Now must we put away all fear and dread, for the light shows us the path to Bethlehem. We must not be laggards; we are not permitted to stand idle. We must set out to see our Savior lying in a manger. This is the reason for our joy and gladness: this Child has been 'born to us’; he was 'given to us’, as Isaiah proclaims (cf. 9:5). The people who for two thousand years has traversed all the pathways of the world in order to allow every man and woman to share in this joy is now given the mission of making known 'the Prince of peace’ and becoming his effective servant in the midst of the nations.

So when we hear tell of the birth of Christ, let us be silent and let the Child speak. Let us take his words to heart in rapt contemplation of his face. If we take him in our arms and let ourselves be embraced by him, he will bring us unending peace of heart. This Child teaches us what is truly essential in our lives. He was born into the poverty of this world; there was no room in the inn for him and his family. He found shelter and support in a stable and was laid in a manger for animals. And yet, from this nothingness, the light of God’s glory shines forth. From now on, the way of authentic liberation and perennial redemption is open to every man and woman who is simple of heart. This Child, whose face radiates the goodness, mercy and love of God the Father, trains us, his disciples, as Saint Paul says, 'to reject godless ways’ and the richness of the world, in order to live 'temperately, justly and devoutly’ (Tit 2:12).

In a society so often intoxicated by consumerism and hedonism, wealth and extravagance, appearances and narcissism, this Child calls us to act soberly, in other words, in a way that is simple, balanced, consistent, capable of seeing and doing what is essential. In a world which all too often is merciless to the sinner and lenient to the sin, we need to cultivate a strong sense of justice, to discern and to do God’s will. Amid a culture of indifference which not infrequently turns ruthless, our style of life should instead be devout, filled with empathy, compassion and mercy, drawn daily from the wellspring of prayer.

Like the shepherds of Bethlehem, may we too, with eyes full of amazement and wonder, gaze upon the Child Jesus, the Son of God. And in his presence may our hearts burst forth in prayer: 'Show us, Lord, your mercy, and grant us your salvation’ (Ps 85:8).”


Would you vote for a time traveler for President?

His name is Andrew Basiago. He claims to be a time traveler. He claims he was on Mars during secret missions–with Barack Obama. And he says he wins the presidency in 2016.

He declared he is running for office on–of all things–Coast to Coast AM.

So good luck.
Time–travel–will tell.

This is my original artwork.. it’s my nostalgic Christmas postcard to you.

The scene I drew in this picture, several years ago actually, is gone now. It is of the former St. Ignatius Church in Centralia, PA, a place I attended Christmas midnight mass for several years when my life began. The road signs are indicating that a highway was closed, most likely because of the Christmas blanket of snow causing mine fire fumes to overtake the highway.. The footsteps? Could be mine walking around .. could be my father, as he was the caretaker of the property for 20 years..

But it’s all gone now.
So often, we are greeted yearly with cards of this nature–places that are now gone or changed for good.

My Christmas memories hold this scene in high esteem.
They always will.
Times were simpler then–even though my hometown was being bulldozed over and people were being forced out. Still simple.
A quiet blanket of snow..
This year, 2015, it’s about 60 or so degrees outside of my house.
This scene is a memory.
As is the town and all buildings that were in it.


Desperate times call for desperate discounts. Christmas Eve proves you’re out of time to buy..

The worst thing you can do is panic buy.. no big boxes. Just do a gift card.. don’t embarrass yourself.


Christmas records are right now, as I type this, being shattered in 2015..

Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer

Yes it has been warm before.
And it is this year.

Enjoy a Heat Miser. You never know when the next really white Christmas will be.

In Irving Berlin’s 1954 musical “White Christmas” – the story line was 70 degrees in Vermont on Christmas eve and no snow. That was why they were “Dreaming of a White Christmas”

Christmas Eve 1955 Was Much Warmer


The live temperature map this Christmas eve looks more like Easter than December..

Christmas Eve horror and hell: Deadly tornadoes sweep through Midwest and Southeast.. 7 confirmed dead..

This is weather for spring time days.. not Christmas Eve..

But this is the year, as the AP reports here, the weather has changed and everything is upside down.

Americans in Beijing warned of terrorism threat; parts of city locked down: “The U.S. Embassy has received information of possible threats against Westerners in the Sanlitun area of Beijing, on or around Christmas Day,” the embassy said in an email to American citizens living in Beijing. “U.S. citizens are urged to exercise heightened vigilance. The U.S. Embassy has issued the same guidance to U.S. government personnel.

Americans in Beijing warned of terrorism threat; parts of city locked down: “The U.S. Embassy has received information of possible threats against Westerners in the Sanlitun area of Beijing, on or around Christmas Day,” the embassy said in an email to American citizens living in Beijing. “U.S. citizens are urged to exercise heightened vigilance. The U.S. Embassy has issued the same guidance to U.S. government personnel.