Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another one bites the dust

The Schuylkill Mall is being hit with another store closing.. Kmart liquidation will be this year..

80 employees out of a job..another anchor store shuddred.. another day closer to the now very likely demise of the once great mall on the hill..

Another one bites the dust

Thundesnow. 90 inches of snow in Boston.. the coldest air for 100 million people since 1994. What more could go wrong?


If people think this is journalisitucally offensive they probably never visited the Newseum or have any inkling on just how rude and crude newspapers once were.. that’s not to diminish what this paper did. But shouldn’t first amendment protections be afforded to those who we disagree with the most?

Quite frankly this is one of the major problems I have with Raw Story and other publications geared to promote themselves in Facebook. The vast majority of time is spent on click bate or controversial headlines that often neglect to delve any deeper than the byline.

Online news gathering and consumption should NE amazing. Instead we are left to debate mundane and insignificant events on social media.

Why I am quitting sleep meditations

The march of machines is taking our jobs from under our feet.. robots will accomplish tasks once held by human.
But in all of the futureshock we are being hit with, one thing remains clear: People are still trying to be people. And get in touch with the larger element of our cosmos..

Enter into the equation something that maybe could be the job of the future: An expert on meditation..

Mary Macvean of the LA TIMES writes that people are seeking a way to slow down.. a moment to take a breather and disconnect from the highly wired world. And in doing so, find the inner peace that is promised with meditation..

The LA TIMES opens this way:

“Bring your attention to this moment,” Janice Marturano instructed. “Be open to sensations of warmth or coolness, sensations of fullness from breakfast, or perhaps hunger.” Minutes later, the meditation ended with the traditional strikes of little hand cymbals.
Buddhists? Old hippies? New Agers?
Nope. The room was full of hospital executives and managers in lab coats and scrubs, jeans and sports coats at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center. And the teacher was Marturano, once a top executive at General Mills.

And it goes from there–people who are in highly respected walks of life are the new meditators.. They are attempting to slow down a bit..

Years ago, well before the 60s generation drugged the meditation world up, this would have been unheard of. It wasn’t so long ago that even Catholic priests warned of the dangers of meditation.. you can slip out of the realm here and let evil forces take over. Now most religions are heralding in the power of yoga and mixing it with prayer. What was blasphemy then is bastioning now.

I can see it now.. experts in meditation opening up their own buildings where people can find solitude in darkness. Experts and ‘gurus’ will be the new fad–and lots of people will pay big money to those who call themselves a subject matter expert in the art of just being alive without a handheld device.

Instead of a quiet walk in the woods, we will pay hundreds of dollars to someone who can give us the experience in alternate ways.. A new movement! And a new job market.. Finally humans may have found the one thing robots can’t do. Well.. maybe not.

There is one interesting caveat, and a personal one, I’d like to share on this, however.. And an important one. For about two weeks, I was attempting a certain sleep meditation (one that will remain nameless, as I don’t want to besmirch the reputation of a highly visited YOUTUBE page.)  It seemed to be putting my to sleep quite fast.. the video’s essentially said it would connect me, or the user listening, to the God of the universe. Whatever that meant..

The video clearly had an impact on my life. But not the one I expected.. For about two weeks, I fell asleep fast without trouble. But I didn’t dream.. I literally can’t remember one instance in the two weeks where I woke up remembering any dream at all. Even more, for about a week and a half my daily life seemed slower and more zombielike. I didn’t get excited about nearly anything.. I was zoned out, and even my morning coffee didn’t do much to awaken me. I  stopped the meditation and without about three or four days I was back acting normal again, heart racing after caffeine. Even my tin-foil hat paranoia was back in full force.

So which ‘me’ was the better me? Zoned out and careless about most of everything. Or wired with a touch of mental anarchy? A better question, perhaps: Which was the real me? I have lived most of my life being stranger than some and perceiving conspiracy where others don’t even see smoke. But I am never at rest. The meditation-version of me was at rest. At night, and even during the day..

This showcases, at least for me, the power of meditation and the ability of the mind-body connection becoming more of an albatross than a savior.

I am quitting the nighttime hypnoses.

Instead maybe I’ll just take a phone-free walk in the snow winter woods.

Monday, February 16, 2015

A good Clyde Lewis tonight for those who have a chance to listen— go to groundzeromedia.org to hear the show live for free..

There’s quote the tale of intrigue and prophecy with the latest ISIS crimes against hunabity. For instance they are just 500 miles from Italy and have announced a clear intention to get to Rome..

Should youveish, you could read more about that twist in today’s news here: http://nightterrornews.com/2015/02/16/hell-on-earth-thanks-to-prophecy/

I got a new phone today.. goodbye to the intrusive and slow spy device from Apple. Hello fast and modern extra illuminati spy device from Samsung.. expect some really lame little strokes of art until they lose all humor even to me, which won’t be long.

It’s my hope that my phone will listen to me closely and tell my smart TV everything I was too ashamed to admit to it..

I thought it was a big deal in 2007 when I was on the cutting edge of my friends with an iphone. With this new phone I feel like I’m walking on Mars

Call me dorky but of all the facts presented on this page about time, the John Tyler factoid got me the most..

Even more than the Pizza Hut bit.. go see what I mean here: http://higherperspective.com/2015/02/understanding-time.html?utm_source=cleo&ts_pid=2

Now is the time to try to find real journalism and leave this trash heap behind… sadly it was once a respected network.

Clinton also spent years traveling and partying with Ron Burkle, a billionaire bachelor with a penchant for very young girls. Clinton spent so much time on Burkle’s private plane that it came to be known in Burkle’s circle as “Air F—k One.”

Clinton also spent years traveling and partying with Ron Burkle, a billionaire bachelor with a penchant for very young girls. Clinton spent so much time on Burkle’s private plane that it came to be known in Burkle’s circle as “Air F—k One.”

I highly encourage everyone who hasn't seen FED UP to watch it..

Suddenly, after my viewing, I feel like a very irresponsible parent..

Here I am, a lover of food and cooking my own meals.. but at the same time in a constant battle with my child about how he should eat. He is about to turn four—and I worry some of the bad habits have already become too ingrained in him to change.

However, after watching FED UP, I am just angry.
Purely angry.

Some day in the future, a generation—maybe my son’s—will look back in anger at the previous for making the world a very sugar-addicted unhealthy place.

The link here:

And it’s on iTunes

And if you really REALLY want a challenge, take it on the site: http://fedupmovie.com/#/page/fedupchallenge

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Another troubling aspect of this, the AP is reporting tonight that ISIS is now about 500 miles away from Italy.. 

The Associated Press is adding to the fear over this horrid story.. ASHRAF KHALIL AND MAGGIE MICHAEL are reporting this in recent runs across the news wire:

The killings raise the possibility that the Islamic militant group — which controls about a third of Syria and Iraq in a self-declared caliphate — has established a direct affiliate less than 500 miles (800 kilometers) from the southern tip of Italy. One of the militants in the video makes direct reference to that possibility, saying the group now plans to “conquer Rome.”

My really ultra sad and depressing assessment of tonight's SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 40th anniversary nostalgia

I was looking forward to this 3+ hour extravaganza celebrating SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE’S 40 anniversary for weeks.. Tonight when it finally began, I couldn’t to turn it off..

Let me explain.
I grew up watching the show.. from an early age, I recall my parents allowing me to stay up late on a Saturday to watch the cold open, usually with Phil Hartman nailing his Ronald Reagan impression. I typically was only able to stay away until the band’s first song.. As I got older, the show was a staple of my existence on weekends.. after working late at a restaurant for several years, this program was the go-to before turning in and waking up the next day to do the same grind job again. There are even particular seasons I find the best: The 92-94 years, and then 97-the early 2000s..

The special airing tonight is giving me a different sense of SNL.. In a sense, I think the forced nostalgia is a bad thing. The live recreation of old skits using the same actors—actors clearly who have aged and gained weight—are not kind.  The parade of stars is obviously interesting to watch, but it’s also a bit unnerving to see how fast 40 years went by. And how many stars have left our world.. the number of unfortunate deaths of cast members is normal with a program that spans four decades.. But the sharp recall it gives so many people seemingly makes them also think of their own demise..

Call me a little too negative on this, but I was reminded watching it of my own aging process as well.. Some may call me young yet.. But when you realize that you’re about 6 years younger than this program, you get the ‘oh boy’ moment..

There are some other things that are called to mind when seeing this many years of memories. First off, SNL is running shorter clips of the classics. They used to be 20 years old.. but now as they age, the life of the memories has become abbreviated to fit more..

And in fitting more, it also showcases how the ‘not ready for prime time’ comedians of the 1970s have led to a ‘does anyone still watch this show?’ mentality of our current age..

The modern world of comedy is a bit different.. The youth of today, for better or worse, like watching clips on Youtube or short 10 seconds VINES.. or even shorter three second GIFs.. Or better yet, one frame memes usually featuring some sarcastic or rude commentary about life. The live entertainment offered up on SNL is not cutting edge. While they have attempted to mix the internet generation onto their show, the last effective cast to do that was Andy Samberg. And really, he only gave us a ‘dick in the box’ as the fondest memory some have of him on the show..

I am really not trying to be negative—I am not. But seeing Chevy Chase’s weight start gathering around his neck like a brace, and “Opera Man” coming back, Steve Martin singing ‘King Tut’, and Dan Aykroyd blending up a fish al-la-70s style, I get a bit nostalgic. And a bit sad.. And quite honestly a bit too much.

Maybe some nostalgia should be left to the personal moment, the time when you’re alone and contemplating all you have seen and done.
Maybe this 40th anniversary special is a little unhealthy..

Yes, I am seeing the Facebook and Twitter messages of people “LOL”ing  .. And they are taking photographs of the show from the smart phone of the TV, mostly trying to brag about the APPLE TV or SAMSUNG in their homes… It all seems so vacant.. It seems so forced..
Compared to the early clips of racy and risky humor, the current incarnation of this show is overly safe and about as cutting edge than a dull butter knife.

This is my honest assessment and gut instinct of this NBC special..I may be wrong.. But it’s how I feel.

Perhaps I am alone..
Or maybe 40 years worth of three generations is LOL in spite of themselves tonight.. and when it’s over they will wonder where their night has gone. And their lives.. As the beat goes on.

A really scary way that Jehovah Witnesses are scared their kids

A really scary way that Jehovah Witnesses are scared their kids

30 years after the BREAKFAST CLUB, it is coming back to some theaters.. It is interesting now to go back and see what TIME magazine, then in 1985, said about the classic movie.  One fun concept is to look at what will never happen again, thanks to modern technology..  

It was a movie for its time and of its time, but yet somehow stands the test of time. Yes, outfits are different.. the technology is limited.. 

But there’s one common thing shared by that of all generations: Our attempt to fit in, find our niche, and create a ‘character’ out of our reality. 

In the BREAKFAST CLUB, the most amazing part is that all of the characters, by the end of their Saturday detention, actually discover who they really are because they are faced with the clear vacancy of others judging them. I bet, though, by Monday their egos were back and they ‘role’ resumed. But it’s all fiction, right?

Backstreet Boys will be together for the SNL 40th.. and now .. Looks like Justin Timberlake and the rest of the members of the popular 90s boy band might just reunite for an appearance on Saturday Night Live 40th anniversary special. If you’re excited about that, you’ve clearly run your course with modern pop culture and are stuck in a period of time when your youth dictated what you’d love for your life. Backstreet’s Back. Alright.

Megan Fox or not..? Michael at Bay? Rumors abound. Journalism doesn't.

Some new rumors about Megan Fox and Michael Bay–could it be that she’s in the new TRANSFORMERS movie but HE is out!? At this point just rumors. I highly doubt them as well.. for better or worse, Michael Bay IS the TRANSFORMERS movie. and lots of people are really excited about the idea that Fox will return along with Shia LeBouf, so as long as he’s not wearing some paper apparatus over his head that day..  

These casting and production rumors are getting a little ridiculous.. as noted with a headline like this: “‘Transformers 5′ Cast, Trailer & Plot: Mark Wahlberg & Megan Fox Confirmed For Film [Rumors]… ahhhh..entertainment journalism. Where the words ‘confirmed’ and ‘rumors’ can appear in the same sentence..

Thanks for the fear porn, FINANCIAL TIMES.

I guess you need to make money sexier with threats of impending doom..

I wish John Podesta would have given us disclosure, too..

Imagine: A United States citizen with high profiles and extremely high credentials and clearances in the United States government publicly saying that he wishes he could have brought disclosure on the topic of UFOs. Imagine.. Stop imagining.. it’s exactly what John Podesta is saying! Some hate him politically, others love him. But stop with the ridiculous two-party division nonsense and just realize what Podesta, a former Clinton staffer, is really saying: Podesta said in a tweet February 13th: 

“Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files..”

The Large Hadron Super Collider is going to be restarting again–a new particle, we’re told, could be detected this year that would make the Higgs Boson look minor. For those keeping score, there are tons of websites online depicting a frightening scenario, one that they say even Stephen Hawking is warning us of.. perhaps a new black hole opening? Maybe the universe itself being eaten up..? Maybe the Langoliers coming ..or wait, that’s a Stephen King book. Not Hawking. But what we do know is this: The extremely updated Collider is going to search for signals that could become a new model of physics. And maybe open a  black hole, too..

Lions and tigers and bears oh my

Some good news for your Sunday morning sidewalk–tongue in cheek on that.. a reliable publication like the FINANCIAL TIMES would never attempt to just scare us with awful things, right? They have. They are giving us a list of the 12 ways the world could end.. Asteroids.. supervolcanos.. global monetary collapse.. nuclear war.. pandemic.. Perhaps my favorite though: “Unknown consequences.” The catch all. Just in case they missed any disaster scenarios, they want to go for the full wide ranging effect on your psyche. Thanks reliable reporters at FT. Never expected it from you.. (though every bit of what they reported was accurate, and probably underdone in their descriptions) ..