Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Baby it’s cold outside.

But Ryan Seacrest looks so warm his makeup may run…

And Carson Daly? that’s quite the inside fire they have running on NBC.

Sometimes it is better to just watch the ball drop from the safety net of a building with walls to confine warmth. But for those braving cold air under a beautiful clear winter sky, godspeed. 

Photo credit: 

People look towards fireworks exploding from Times Square’s New Year’s Eve Ball during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Times Square in New York, December 31, 2013. REUTERS/Zoran Milich (UNITED STATES - Tags: SOCIETY ANNIVERSARY)

Just saw a fireball over eastern PA

Clear cold skies…
I made a wish on my shooting star…

A great dinner at Martin’s in Hazleton PA. The night is still young—but so is our son.. So it may be the big ball on TeeVee with Ryan Seacrest instead of live fun. But that’s alright. It’s all good in ‘14

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOqn6DgJcF8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

No matter what you do or try to, you can’t turn back the hands of time.

Enjoy the last few hours of 2013.. as they slip into history, forging a path for a new and fresh start in 2014.

Goodbye unlucky 13.. you’ve been too real for our good.

This is how Japan does it..

They are recruiting the homeless to help cleanup radioactive Fukushima! And with the new law that passed there, don’t expect many Japanese news agencies to report a word of this..

A page turner: The calender changing.


The last day unlucky 13..

You have heard enough of the year in review laments by now.. the best and worst.. the nice and bad.. 

It is interesting that we do this, too.. That one day, New Years day, can mean so much of a difference to us.. 

The most meaningless place I think you can be tonight is a dive bar.. cowered in the smoky corner —wait can you still smoke in them!?—listening to some awful band try to recreate magic from 1970s tunes… After the party streamers and noise makers get thrown to the side, you’re still in a dive bar. You’re still in a bad place for your spirit and soul. Believe me, I spent some New Years in dive bars. One in particular when I was in my early 20s and either had too much to drink or got sick from the buffet turkey meat that they served at midnight.. 
Tonight my new years will be quiet.. My wife and I have dinner tonight at one of the most wonderful restaurants in the world, Martin’s in Hazleton, PA.. After that we will come back home and relieve our babysitter of her duty of watching Ayden watch Woody Woodpecker on Netflix. And then watch a new years eve rock without Dick Clark but with Ryan Seacreast. At 11:59 Seacrest will announce ‘13 out’ and we will sing, dance, and kiss our loved ones as the manmade calender switches to a new digit..

And that is how we do it, here on earth. For those keeping track in space above… we celebrate a year that was and make promises to ourselves for the next. And yes, by February those promises are long gone memories .. sometimes by January 2 they are, as a matter of fact.. 

For the first time, this year, I plan on resolving a few things.. A personal set of mental ailments and roadblocks that have hindered my advancement as a human for a long time… those I want to rid myself of. I am going to attempt to have a clean slate.. and attempt to forge a new path of hope and change. No, I am not running for president. Instead, I am attempting to succeed in this world, change some lives for the better, and add love instead of hate to a planet that is filled with the noise of evil …even though it’s overrun by the quiet of purity and morality. 

I hope you stick to your resolution, whatever you choose for it to be.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Bad form, Sasha Fierce.. Bad form

A friend of mine is a big Jay-Z and Beyonce fan.. I constantly jab him with jokes about her alleged involvement with the Illuminati.. and he doesn’t even want to listen when I try to play him sound files of Beyonce claiming that she channels an alternate personality named Sasha Fierce for her live performances.

Maybe Beyonce would be smart if she blamed some recent actions on Fierce..

She is being slammed by families of dead astronauts and current NASA employees for sampling audio files from the space shuttle Challenger disaster..

For those who remember, Challenger exploded in 1986 only a little over a minute after it took off. With a school teacher on board, it was being watched on live television all across the United States when it happened—school kids were forever scarred by the memory of seeing the space shuttle begin its long death when that disaster took place. Ronald Reagan addressed the nation..

And now Beyonce chose to use sound clips of the final moment of life for astronauts that fateful January day in her new song XO.. the song is about a troubled relationship .. So I guess that makes sense to use a sound file of heroes dying in a horrid inferno. (Sarcasm there.. it does not translate well in text) …

NASA is angry. Former and current space employees aren’t to happy.. families of those who died that day aren’t smiling. And I am just left scratching my Illuminati fearing head. What was Sasha thinking? She says that she wanted to include the sounds of the disaster in her XO song as a ‘tribute’ to those who died that day.. I just cannot fathom the perplexing logic that made her think people would just fine with her decision to use that audio file..
And if Beyonce didn’t get the offensive nature of it, surely Jay-Z would have..?

Dinner and a movie? The ball dropping? Staying home? The Twilight Zone Marathon?

What are YOUR New Years plans?

'Military-Style' Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S.

This is an important article from FOREIGN POLICY.. the money quote printed here:

Around 1:00 AM on April 16, at least one individual (possibly two) entered two different manholes at the PG&E Metcalf power substation, southeast of San Jose, and cut fiber cables in the area around the substation. That knocked out some local 911 services, landline service to the substation, and cell phone service in the area, a senior U.S. intelligence official told Foreign Policy. The intruder(s) then fired more than 100 rounds from what two officials described as a high-powered rifle at several transformers in the facility. Ten transformers were damaged in one area of the facility, and three transformer banks — or groups of transformers — were hit in another, according to a PG&E spokesman.

Cooling oil then leaked from a transformer bank, causing the transformers to overheat and shut down. State regulators urged customers in the area to conserve energy over the following days, but there was no long-term damage reported at the facility and there were no major power outages. There were no injuries reported. That was the good news. The bad news is that officials don’t know who the shooter(s) were, and most importantly, whether further attacks are planned.

"Initially, the attack was being treated as vandalism and handled by local law enforcement," the senior intelligence official said. "However, investigators have been quoted in the press expressing opinions that there are indications that the timing of the attacks and target selection indicate a higher level of planning and sophistication."

April 16.. .and we find out at the end of December how urgently important and dangerous this situation was..

'Military-Style' Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S.

The year 2013 is about to go out with a bang, it is a Danny Snyder’s kind of night

The Canary Islands in the coal mine

There is still fear in 2014.. There have been some interesting and unsettling earthquakes in the Canary Islands over the past few days—this has happened before. When it did, there were rumors that a giant East Coast tsunami would occur. That was helped by people like John Moore on his radio program.. Now that the rumbling is happening again, those same rumors are being told. John Hogue is weighing in on the earthquake swarm and potential ramifications if Las Palmas euptions take place..

From livescience.com: “Two years after a new underwater volcano appeared offshore of El Hierro in the Canary Islands, earthquake swarms and a sudden change in height suggest a new eruption is brewing near the island’s villages, officials announced today”

If a big tsunami did occur, it would cause devastation in the aftermath..Predictions that it would be 300 feet high, cover islands.. And here is a map of what it could do to the United States. 
And it just so happened that this all occurred around the same time of these warnings of increased volcanic and seismic activity: A strong 5.4 shakes the Canary Islands..

Showing my age..

My niece and her friend were at our house this weekend, they’re of the age where they want to just watch mindless horror movies.. I put in Halloween from 1978, I expected them to be as amazed as I was when I was a young teenager like them..

They got bored quickly, and their only commentary on the classic movie was that the star of it now does yogurt commercials..

Yes… Jamie Lee is old now. But not when she fought Michael Myers.

Here is the full TWILIGHT ZONE marathon schedule from the SYFY channel..

It’s been the traditional way I’ve rung in the new year for a long time now.. Thanks to the SYFY channel (*then SCI FI) for all the wonderful memories of the Twilight Zone you’ve given me each and every New Years Eve.. 

I have already written down the times of my favorites.. 

Maybe I can get my wife to actually watch some this year if I tell her there will be advertisements for HER favorite show, LOST GIRLS.

Meanwhile.. the Monsters are Due on Maple street at 8:30 pm, the Shelter is prepped for 6:30 pm, and the Obsolete Man will cry at 1130 pm.. 

But the best happens at 12:00 am January 1, 2014 when the MIDNIGHT SUN blazes.. that one is my favorite.

Hope you find yours on their schedule.

Here is the full TWILIGHT ZONE marathon schedule from the SYFY channel..

Steam is coming from Fukushima Unit 3 reactor building — and it was observed multiple times this week

Another majorly important story about Fukushima that really no media organization is paying any mind to..

Steam is coming from Fukushima Unit 3 reactor building — and it was observed multiple times this week

Here’s one of the latest model runs for this Thursday.. 2014 may begin with a bang on the East Coast—a bang of snow and winter weather. This is a cold storm, too.. the way the arctic air will settle in beforehand would ensure that anything that falls with this scenario is frozen precipitation. 

While local forecasters in the area aren’t scaring anyone to grocery stores yet, this may be one of those storms you’ll want to have a stockpile of pizza and beer, or whatever your vice may be. There could be widespread 10-15 inches of snow over the entire area shaded in blue and green..

Stay tuned. This would happen Thursday January 2, 2014, if it all comes together the right way.. 

What a weird year it’s been …

We started 2013 hating Vlad the impaler.. Midyear it seemed everyone wanted to boycott the Russian  Olympics over the LGBT controversy. And now as the year ends, the world seems to be on his side, hoping he can save the 2014 Winter Olympics from terrorism…

The Winter Games are only weeks away, but this weekend Russia started to look like a war zone.. 

There were two suicide bombings, scores dead and injured, and fear over whether Putin can prevent further violence before the Olympics.. 

Security is tightening around the nation, especially near the Volograd—the location of where violence took place.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqe6S6m73Zw?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

This is something that may not let you sleep easy tonight.. 

Imagine traveling down the highway at 65, cool wind in your hair. And suddenly your feel like you hit a truck. But you didn’t.. your car just thought you did.

Your car was hacked..

It’s a serious issue, and as this video shows, just a little data on your location may lead your air bags to deploy, your turns to be manipulated, and your safe ride to be hacked …

Sun has 'flipped upside down' as new magnetic cycle begins--with video to show it

The north and south poles of the big star that lights our world have officially flipped. The midpoint of the 22 year process has happened.

Feel better about that?

Sun has 'flipped upside down' as new magnetic cycle begins--with video to show it

The Effects of Nursing on Nurses

My niece is a nurse.. she recently linked up this article about nursing, by a nurse, on the site OFCOURSEITSABOUTYOU.COM .. The money quote perhaps that best sums up the article as a whole (though you should still read it nonetheless):

Nursing can be rewarding. But nursing is a fucking hard job. If you are afraid of healthcare rationing, you should know it is already happening. Nurses are unable to give everyone the care they need, so patients with smaller problems may not get the same level of care. A nurse may be pressed to only give the minimum amount of care to a patient if she has 5 or more very sick patients. If you don’t want healthcare rationing, talk to your local hospitals about their nurse to patient ratios. Talk to your doctors. If you hear of legislation to support nurse to patient ratios, vote for it. Support it.

Rationing is happening. And that comes from a nurse. 

My father recently had a near death ailment.. and though some fine nurses worked through the wee hours of the night, I saw flaws.. Kinks in the armor of health care. 

There are some major issues .. systemic problems.

And for an aging population that’s not something comforting..

The Effects of Nursing on Nurses

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ted Cruz ‘taking steps’ to renounce Canadian citizenship

So bizarre .. will the people who got all fired up about Obama and those Kenya allegations care about Cruzin for a bruzin from Canada?

I can hear it now.. “Mr. Cruz, did you ever or do you now celebrate Boxing Day?”

Ted Cruz ‘taking steps’ to renounce Canadian citizenship