Sunday, July 15, 2012

Don't get yourself caught up in an Amityville situation

We all know the story of Amityville horror, whether by watching the movie or remake, reading the book, or listening to countless interviews with lawyers and the family supposedly haunted by the murders that took place within the home in New York. The house exists still and is back and forth on the real estate market.. Lots have debunked the story of the Lutz family. Others stand by the account and believe that DeFeo murders forever haunted the property..

The house was bought by a resident in 2010 for $950,000.. and then sold.. Those who attended the house showing in 2010 moving sale at 108 Ocean Ave. but the basement was not open for public consumption at the time. The owner in 2010 did not claim any haunting took place. As a matter of fact, no owners have since the Lutz family left in the 20th century..

But it brings up an interesting question, should you conclude that your own home is haunted by spirits or worse. What do you do to get rid of the house?

You can technically walk away from the mortgage. 

But if you’re more inclined to care about credit and a future purchase, you’ll want to sell the house on the market—and we know that demons and evilspiritdoers won’t care about the asking price.  

A new show is being filmed to be on the SyFy that may help those in need of advice on how to ditch the witch. A Fort Wane, Indiana, real estate agent is going to try to help. His name is Scott FladHammer and he wrote a book “HOW TO SELL AN UGLY OR HAUNTED HOUSE.”

We all know the housing market collapsed in 2008—and what is left of it appears to be collapsing even further. Maybe we finally have a blame.. now financial institutions’ greed but instead witches and ghosts lurking in the walls of attics of homes. In which case, FladHammer will ride to the rescue.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Bain drain

The storm: Obama camp decimates Romney in new TV ad.. President attacks in stump speech in heavy rain..

Romney signatures at Bain after he said he left..

Enough to make you sick

Congress may allow Monsanto to write its own rules!

3-year-old gets mugged in NYC! Chain ripped from his neck..

Here is another story on federal agencies offering opposing forecasts of the solar impact to the planet

And I reiterate: I hope this won’t happen should there be a ‘big one’.. 

It appears the world is not going to sizzle with this flare—and won’t in the future, either. But when a strong X class has the potential to do some damage you’d hope that federal agencies are on the same page.

But then again.. what if the same page they are on is dead wrong?

In that regard, maybe it’s better they oppose and offer different forecasts. May the strongest forecast win.

Here is another story on federal agencies offering opposing forecasts of the solar impact to the planet

As the solar storm from the X flare hits earth, federal agencies are providing inconsistent information on the power

What is troubling to think about is when a really large solar event takes place that could have a significant impact on this planet, will things be this much of a mess?

As the solar storm from the X flare hits earth, federal agencies are providing inconsistent information on the power

Friday, July 13, 2012

All that anger about Team USA's Olympics clothing

First of all, I can say this: I don’t like that China made Team USA’s Olympic clothing anymore than the next person. I type this, of course, on a computer make in India.. and read about the story on an iPhone made in China. Oh and of course Congress was outraged too. I am sure Harry Reid, who said we should burn the clothes and start from scratch, was wearing a suit made in the USA? And socks made in the USA? And .. well, he wasn’t. Chances are no one anywhere ever really is anymore.

And that is the tragic part of this story.

We don’t make anything here. Including military vehicles! How many times have you heard about China making weapons of war and selling them the United States? How many times before someone notices? Sports made people notice.. Team USA’s awful beret style outfit made people notice..

Another angle of this story not being mentioned is just how awful the outfits are. It looks like a remake of CHARIOTS OF FIRE. 

Personally I enjoy the summer games. Really. There is something magical, still, about the Olympics. And of course this year they feature a boatload of missiles pointed directly at the city of London by British military … but that aside, the United States, with its double breasted lapels and berets, will march into Olympics stadium proudly with an American flag and outfits made in China. Wonder where that flag was made….

And wonder where team China’s outfits were made? let me guess.. Taiwan? 

Horror is dominating at Comic-Con

…and the Joker is returning from a long hiatus. Can’t wait

Horror is dominating at Comic-Con

Friday night.
The mood is right.

Of course if you’re so inclined to get some information into your system tonight along with your cold or warm brew of choice, here you go.. Enjoy and be safe:

And.. indeed, it is Friday the 13th. Hopefully there were no black cats in your way or ladders above your head throughout the day. And even if there were, why worry. Amazingly, 60 million people around this planet will. 

Be safe and be lucky.

Perhaps today is the best day to play the lottery.

Very interesting article from THE ATLANTIC about Obama's drone wars..

Very interesting article from THE ATLANTIC about Obama's drone wars..


The X flare blasted off the sun yesterday with ferocity.. According to, the timing of the event has changed as the CME which blurted out is moving faster than expected..
According to the site:
REVISED FORECAST: The CME launched toward Earth by yesterday’s X-flare is moving faster than originally thought. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have revised their forecast accordingly, advancing the cloud’s expected arrival time to 09:17 UT (5:17 am EDT) on Saturday, July 14th. Weekend auroras are likely.

 The other question for skywatchers: How low will aurora go? NASA has a site to monitor it.. If you’re in a lucky Northern state in the United States you may get a glimpse of some beautiful images..

Here is the NASA site with the map
Stay tuned..


Hope you’re going to have a plan to escape this week in one piece and enjoy life as much as you can, as we know it’s often short…

And this weekend we may enjoy some Northern Lights in my area if this X.4 was strong enough.. hopefully the power stays on and I heat up my frozen pizza . We will see..


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So I got into a discussion today about the meaning of life with someone

Over a pizza buffet nonetheless. But here is what I concluded.

We ask the wrong questions of ourselves.. and by doing so constantly lead new generations to ask the wrong questions, too.

When you’re young and dumb someone old comes and says those typical words: Why do you want to do when you grow up? A plumber! A reporter! A teacher! 

I think we all know that the vast majority of people don’t live up to the childhood dreams. 

But maybe the premise of the question should be rephrased.. maybe the basis of the question isn’t actually about money and income and the choice of a career… 

Hear me out on this, because you know for a FACT that when you go to parties or functions, one of the first questions you typically get is someone asking you, “So what do you do?” i.e. JOB, INCOME, SALARY! MONEY MONEY MONEY. 
Dollars and dinero. But it all means nothing.

So while I was chowing down today in my pizza buffet food I asked the other person, who right now is jobless, “what do you want to do. REALLY want to do.. like REALLLLYYY want to do?” And I said this question is based on the fictitious scenario where you have everything you wanted, salary and income aren’t an issue, and job title could matter less. Minus all that away.. like, obituary type way, whatdo you want to do…….. in this short life…. ?

Now when I asked this question I did it because I was asking her but at the same time asking myself. I, too, wanted to know what I WANT TO DO IN LIFE, TOO. And out of almost no where, I blurted out, 

I want to protect innocent life. I want to protect all innocence. I really want to

And that is it. I figured out my role in life. It was just that easy. Minus away the nonsense about success. Get rid of that veil that your JOB is something that will matter generations after your once intact skin has turned to dust. And bring in the real question: What do you strive to do in life, what matters to do, and what you WANT TO DO with what matters to you?

Sure, jobs matter in the ‘now.’ And the ‘now’ seems to be where we all live all the time, never looking forward to the future and seldom learning any thing at all from the past.

So I figured it out.. 

Protect innocence.

Now to put that into practicality… that’s the tough one.

So ask yourself.. What do you want to do in life?

I spent hours waiting for my car to get repaired today.. only to find out that they could not repair it

On to the dealership, I suppose!

But it gave me time to contemplate life. Contemplace Facebook.. contemplate lots of things that boggle my mind, boggle our world.. and cause consternation, panic, and envy to take precedence. 

Oh, and I went to the mall, got a hair cut, and had pizza, too. 

Yes indeed, that was my emotion/food mixed day. 

Interesting read: An ex Scientologist says the Tom Cruise Katie Holmes split is harmful

And depending on your point of view of Scientology, it may be harmful especially for Katie Holmes ..

Interesting read: An ex Scientologist says the Tom Cruise Katie Holmes split is harmful

Monday, July 9, 2012


I think we all need some healing. Which brings up this YouTube video that purports it can do just that, heal you and repair your life.. It is at a 528Hz frequency. The instructions say you should listen to it while you wear headphones. If you like it and it heals you keep searching YouTube for more videos just like it. If it freaks you out and makes you sick, perhaps you were already healed minus the 528Hz that was supposed to do it.

However, before you jump to a conclusion that the 528Hz helped, quick gather some more info and facts, including this website where users debate whether the whole notion of the healing power of this noise is fact or hoax.

But if this whole thing is a scam, it certainly has been one that has long lasted others. And even more, if it’s a fraud from the onset, I still want to know who makes the songs, who hums the dramatic voices, and who creates the vast number of YouTube videos that are set to the tone of the universe….?

The Earth has been lucking out lately, but solar events continue to get stronger

The UK DAILY MAIL reports what we already seem to be aware of: Solar flares just seem to be stronger and stronger in recent months..

Last week we have been seen numerous M class flares and one strong X class flare explode from our sun. Some sunspots have been so large that they 15 Earths strung together..

2013 is expected to be the big year for solar events as the sun heads to its peak of its 11 year cycle…

And if just the right elements come together, perhaps the Ed Dames Killshot will happen. But Ed Dames is just crazy… Right?

As if you had any doubt that 2012 was hotter than hell..

June’s second half helped the continental United States break its record for the hottest first six months in a calendar year.. And with that piece of information contemplate this: The last 12 months have been the warmest since 1895.. 

Get that? 1895.

Also in the news in 18895, a sandstorm crippled the panhandle of Texas, Grover Cleveland was president, and an earthquake occurred in the New Madrid seismic zone.

History repeats itself.. so watch the Midwest……. ??

As if you had any doubt that 2012 was hotter than hell..

I love Scranton, PA, but now for the news it's making

but the city of Scranton is in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. The Electric City has lots of great things to brag about but the headlines today is all about the Mayor cutting city workers’ pay to minimum wage because of how broke it is, and how property taxes are about to skyrocket to abnormally high proportions. 

Local news stations WNEP and WBRE have been covering ferociously since it occurred, and now national news orgs are picking up the story.

According to Mayor Chris Doherty, there is only about $5,000 left is the city’s bank account after payroll..

Doherty, according to this FOX NEWS report, did not respond to calls from FOX NEWS..