Some news stories are cautionary tales to remember youthfulness doesn’t equal invincibility. But it would be very unfair to label George student’s Aimee Copeland ordeal that. After all, she wasn’t really doing anything dangerous.. but still ended up through the freak laws of nature contracting a rare form of a flesh eating disease..
The story has received a lot of worldwide attention. It’s scary to think.. zip lining with friends one minute, in a hospital after the water had germs that got into a cut and gave her a flesh eating virus. She lost a leg already.. She may lose her fingers. And her family has yet to tell her about her condition…
Something seems so wrong about this in the grand scheme of things. She is on a hospital bed going through an intense ordeal of human suffering, she has not a clue as to the ramifications of what happened to her, and yet the rest of the world reads about her situation.. The rest of the world is only connected to her by words and brief seconds on nightly news shows.
Yes, indeed, something just seems unfair about life sometimes.
The section from the ABC story that hit me the most:
"Aimee appears to have normal brain function at this time, which is something I’m celebrating because within Aimee we have a very compassionate heart and an incredible mind of intellect," said Copeland’s father, Andy Copeland.
Aimee Copeland was riding a homemade zip line near the Little Tallapoosa River May 1 when the line snapped, causing a fall that cut open her left calf.
Doctors at a nearby hospital cleaned and closed the gash with 22 staples, but bacteria that burrowed deep into the wound caused necrotizing fasciitis, a rare but deadly infection that claimed her leg one week ago.
Copeland’s family said she’s coherent and able to nod and shake her head, a gesture she used to pick the Grateful Dead over the Rolling Stones Thursday, according to her sister Paige.
"I just told her if she keeps improving like this, she’ll be out of here in no time," said Paige Copeland.
I just cannot fathom going through this. But even more cannot fathom watching someone else..
Thoughts are with this person. I hope to hell that the universe gives her as good of a spell of luck as it did give her bad luck. How unfortunate..
If you pray do it. If not, do it anything. She needs something.