Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A matter of trust: Google tests mystery devices in employees' homes

A matter of trust: Google tests mystery devices in employees' homes

The earth groan: The oil mill theory... the solar flare theory... the grassy knoll theory next!?

Strange moaning and groaning still taking place around the world.. now more coverage is being given to the odd noises. Some report a trumpet like sound.. some report a grumble or groan.. some report odd airy humming noises in the night. And lots of people think talk of noises and groaning is simply foolish and fable. The great hoax of the earth groan? Or the great groan of the planet in horror?

The debate over just what the sounds indicate continues. Dateline: Borneo, Indonesia. Strange sounds that were heard in January are being debunked this way: They were noises emitted from machines at a nearby oil mill. But debate isn’t over with the official government response. People, not convinced with the ‘official explanation’ of noises are continuing their discussion over what exactly the noises.. really .. are..

…how could it be an oil mill when so many…paranormal explanations are being supplied in coffee shops and street corners around Borneo?

There are also those who claim the giant Planet X is coming.. Niburi returning with a vengeance, being announced with trumpets of doom.

So many theories.. so few correct.

So many mysteries over what exactly the groans could be.

And even prophecy itself from Biblical passages have been pointed to for answers on the 24-month-old quandary. Romans 8:22: 

We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time

…We have the God theory.

The oil mill.

The solar flare.

The Nibiru…

And we don’t know a thing.

Except, we do know this: There is a great deal of fakery taking place online. YouTube videos are recreating scenes and sounds, borrowing the trumpet noise from one video and implanting it in others. Many are fake… Which brings up this interesting question. Is this all advertising? A fear campaign on purpose? Will some movie company soon release details of an upcoming film about the earth groaning..moaning.. 

The verdict is out. Watch your local listings for a TV show or movie coming soon.. . or listen to the air as the groaning from the planet truly takes place in a distant valley.
In the moments after the massive March earthquake shook Japan to its core in 2011, news broke that a nuclear reactor at Fukushima may have been damaged by the rattle and subsequent tsunami which followed—something that the government at the time downplayed both in Japan and in the United States.

The NRC emails provide a much more candid glimpse of how the government really worried about what was going on after the tsunami decimated life and nuclear reactors..

The Washington POST reports in its story:

While assuring Americans publicly that there was no danger, the NRC did not disclose one worst-case scenario, which did not rule out the possibility of radiation exceeding safe levels for thyroid doses in Alaska, the e-mails show. “Because things were uncertain, we considered it but the data that was available . . . did not support that very pessimistic scenario so no, it was not discussed publicly at that point,” NRC spokesman Scott Burnell said. In the end, Alaska was not affected.

In the end, Alaska was not affected?

Some disagree.

And even more, the amount of wreckage and garbage coming from a part of a nation washed to sea will be arriving on the West Coast soon—after making a stop first in Hawaii. 

The emails and responses also offer a snapshot of the future…. we can either propel ourselves as humanity to learn to deal with catastrophe that is sure to occur or succumb to the pressures of petty politics and simply mislead the public about what really is going on… right in front of their faces.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hello neighbor.

Maybe because they are. At least in modern day America where police surveillance cams aren’t the only thing that are focusing in on your daily actions, but now private concerned citizens groups are too. Perhaps the real concern would be the government watching the people, but think again.. it may in fact be your neighbor—not necessarily the one armed with good intentions but the one who is armed with a different demon..

A key point: Even if people are update with police surveillance and the Orwellian police state they fear it is creating, at least there are some rules that come with the government monitoring. With citizens watching citizens, those rules don’t exist. We may be on the verge of a braver new world that any author last century even thought could happen.

Civil liberties groups are cringing at the negatives that may be created from a world of neighbor monitoring neighbor.. 

With good reason.. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

And while other news is occurring and the world is burning, most of our tuned in for the Superbowl rematch. Which is fine. A brief reprieve from the heartache caused by the heartburn of the 24 hour news cycle.

But if I do say so myself, this year seems to be featuring the most deplorable and least funny commercials ever to air during a Superbowl? I am sure some of you will detract from my pronouncement of horrid advertising but I am standing by it..

Also while the commercials tonight are being played.. this is still a mystery


While the Superbowl airs and Madonna almost falls, all of this is still happening

Welcome to America, ‘12: San Fran makes $3 mil off of ONE RED LIGHT cam!

Obama .. wanting to be ‘cool again’ ?

…we took out Gaddaffi for… this? Lybian militia accused of torturing to death ambassador to France..

Cold wave Europe: Death toll 300..
Floodwaters rise in Australia.. thousands forced out..
Rare snow: North Africa..
Snow in ROME for the first time in a quarter of a century..

Superbowl Sunday morning sidewalk: Random news from the random world.

The planet revolves. And evolves. But it stays scary.

Iran launches new military exercises..
Anger at Russia and China after they veto UN Syria plan..

200 fall ill on cruise ship..

New report says United States science standards are ‘mediocre to awful’..

Mars is ‘too dry’ for life..
The 600 million year drought on the red planet!

Russian scientists work to drill into Antarctic lake..
Lake Vostok: Land of the frozen lost?
14-million-year-old Antarctic lake finally explored..

Cops use stun gun on woman for blocking a McDonalds drive though..

First Pat Sajak said he drank in the early days of THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE, and now this: Daniel Radcliffe says he was drunk during some HARRY POTTER scenes as well.. No word on his nude appearance with a horse on stage, maybe others had to be drunk to watch that..

Demi Moore checks into rehab..

11 injured in massive crowd for the band LMFAO..

Newt Gingrich employs bizarre new Texas campaign strategy..
Mitt Romney takes Nevada.. Ron Paul loses to Gingrich to come in third..Santorum distant..

Weather forecasters embroiled in a boiling storm over climate change.. 

New USDA plant map released..
The planet zones for changing..

For all the Coast to Coast enthusiasts.. Art Bell is now posting on CoastGab

And he’s talkin’..

As for Coast, the show has changed which from my point of view is a shame but
it is the right of the Host doing the show to take it in the direction they see fit. I
have had many offers to join other Networks to compete if I wished BUT I have 
decided that I do not wish to destroy what I built, or what is left of it.

 I really am enjoying being Retired, I can be part of my Daughter’s life as she grows
and it is a blast. I do miss all of you though. I am not saying I will not pick up a mike
one day, just not this day. I learned long ago, never say never.

Fans miss him. And now maybe see why he chose to stop broadcasting on the show he created..

Saturday, February 4, 2012

[audio https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/480994/stream?client_id=3cQaPshpEeLqMsNFAUw1Q?plead=please-dont-download-this-or-our-lawyers-wont-let-us-host-audio]

[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/480994"]

Saturday night.. the moon is bright.. Dream away in whatever land you’re in.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfZbFh7qlCQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Welcome to 2012. Stupid, stupid people.

I am slightly outraged over this outrage.

…outrage at JC Penny for hiring Ellen DeGeneres.. 

…all because she’s gay? Something we new about since 1994 and something that lots of other people say they are too?

This is outrage worthy? …while parts of the world go hungry, Monsanto boils our food with chemicals that will do who knows what, cheap labor slaves over our iPhones in China, and water is becoming scarce along with the chances of a drought continuing in the bread bowl for the world. And we are mad that JC Penny hired Ellen DeGeneres. Priorities, anyone?

Things that matter, really?

.. this is one major reason why this election years scares the hell out of me..

Friday, February 3, 2012

…earth changes are a comin’…

18-mile-crack seen in Antarctic glacier! .. it is actually a crack more than 18 miles long, 800 feet across in places, and 180 feet deep.. and it’s growing..

This one concerns me. .

Mass hysteria? Why are girls suddenly developing bizarre tics and strange spasms?

This is so cool I almost paid a dollar to post it

New super earth with liquid water found orbiting near distant star!
Circling three suns!
Could it be the perfect spot for life!? Amazing news, amazing discovery.. a universe filled with life, perhaps? …things have changed since the days of grade school when all teacher said was 9 planets exist.. life isn’t out there.. and we are all alone. 

Judging from my Dashboard...

..Tumblr just made $30 in the last 7 minutes. Quite possible that these pay-per-posts will simply be ignored because of how frequent they will be..

Tumblr is allowing people to pay to promote posts.

Which is interesting and perhaps good marketing.. though I am not sure how many teenage girls will want to promote their odd cat animated gifs. Nonetheless.. Tumblr is trying it out. 

So while Google and Twitter plan to censor posts, I have only to wonder if David Karp will eventually travel down the same 21st century path of censorship too.. and if he does will he allow the pay-per-posts to remain unscathed? And……… if I pay for a post I expect it to be found in a workable search and… more importantly, I don’t expect Tumblr to crash.

Are we paying to own the post? …or is it owned by Tumblr and we just pay them to not give it back?

Inquiring and somewhat broke minds want to know.

Hot diggity dog: Superbowl hot dog sellers may be the eyes and ears of Homeland Security. Watch your ketchup intake. Don't use suspect onions.

Hot diggity dog: Superbowl hot dog sellers may be the eyes and ears of Homeland Security. Watch your ketchup intake. Don't use suspect onions.

...notable parenting experiences

Last night, for the first time, it happened. Ayden had a very adult session of regurgitation. That is blunt, isn’t it? Blunt indeed. 

I knew the day would come.. he either overate or had some strange stomach issue that lasted for a few hours. No fever. Just … that.

But it tested dad more than mom. She stayed calm. I freaked.

I am a vomit-a-phobe. I am frightened by the idea of vomit, whether it be me or someone else. Something in me has caused this sometimes irrational fear since I was young and dumb. And now as an adult and still dumb, my fear isn’t gone. 

I was there for Ayden, held my nose, and did laundry immediately using ‘hot’ water.. I didn’t even care if the cotton shrunk…

It’s a Friday sick day. Ayden is feeling better. But dad is paranoid that he will be in the same predicament next.

She’s in.

Barr ‘12