Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fire reported at Tampa’s Yuengling Brewery

Fire reported at Tampa’s Yuengling Brewery
Everyone acts slutty on Halloween, and uses costumes as a cover to ‘go wild’ and hook up with strangers

Oh.. This from the NEW YORK POST.

Glad I’m home.

So tonight is the night.. next weekend Halloween will be a thing of the past, so by default, bars are already being filled up from polluted sea to radiated sea with tramps with tramp stamps, vamps in damp cramps, all flocking to dumps and dive bars.. 

Sexy.. fangy.. 

Hairy.. sleazy. 

All there for your eyes to see…

So what is it at your local watering hole? What are they all wearing?

My Facebook ‘news’ feed is already filling up with images of friends in zombie attire, bloody fangs.. and oh, yes, outfits that would make anyone with decency blush just by looking..

It’s a party night, after all..

When everything  hangs out, gore and all.

Arms and legs, adorned with fake wounds..

Chests bare. And that’s the women!

Sexy nurses, sleazy witches..Scantily clad teachers.. And Miley Cyrus. I’d dare say more men will wear Miley this year than women. 

I did see a few nuns tonight. Though I think they were real, since they were cloaked from head to toe..Oh, and they weren’t vomiting behind a car at 2am.. 


Enjoy the night.

And be safe.

Don’t be the next Ben Tramer.

Did you waste $50 bucks on a Miley Cyrus costume back in September? 


The Internet has changed everything. That we know. It comes in like a wrecking ball.

Remember back in September when Miley Cyrus costumes were flying off the shelf? Well that was so then.. This is now. And the ‘now’ is defined by the internet meme of the day, the topic and trend of the moment—and those trends can change by the moment.

And in that sense, basing your costume off of a trend can show how ‘dated’ you are—the ‘dating’ of years back would take months. These days it takes minutes..

USA TODAY opens its article with the trying tale of a woman from Arizona . She bought her Miley Cyrus costume but will not be wearing it to the Halloween party… I wonder how many other people are in the same boat as her? A foam finger collecting dust already.. a skimpy outfit hanging up… waiting to be worn but probably never will be…

USA TODAY goes on to report this, 

In 1984, the cool kids went as Freddy Krueger; in 1994, they went as one of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; and in 2006, they were Barack Obama, according to a 30-year look back at best-sellers from Spirit Halloween, the largest seasonal Halloween retailer in the country, with 725 locations across the United States and Canada

The first thing this quote tells me is how uncool I have always been.. I keep un-dusting my Freddy outfit on a regular basis.. It’s so old that the mask is ripped up the back of the head and I am not forced to wear it with a hoodie—actually making it a little more frightening in my opinion.

But enough about me, back to YOU. 

The history of costumes is a stroll down amnesia lane in pop culture. 

There aren’t many homemade ghosts anymore.. replacing them? The sexy and skimpy outfits of nurses who seem to want sex more than candy.

In our current times of virtual trick or treating, kids come and go. IN my personal opinion, I rarely even know what they are anymore.. they don’t seem to know either..

Of course, 20-somethings will wear their makeup and outfits with little material, go to that bar and achieve success: Drunken sex with a ‘sexy’ Superman costume laying on the floor. The dignity they lost in the process was priceless, but what do they care? They’re not 30 yet..

Halloween has changed .. It still changes. Abruptly. 

Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action


Just wow.


Armed agents seize records of reporter, Washington Times prepares legal action

Massive Barge On San Francisco Bay Likely Secret Google Facility - CBS San Francisco

Why does Google have to be so creepy and shady with everything it does?

Massive Barge On San Francisco Bay Likely Secret Google Facility - CBS San Francisco

This is the location of horror.. so much misery.. so many tears. This is where the massacre occurred. This is—and soon was—Sandy Hook Elementary School. It’s being demolished. A new one will be unveiled in 2016.. 

But even when it is, those children who died will still be gone and those tears most likely will not be dry..

Guards are on the lookout for anyone attempting to remove anything from the site and everything will be pulverized or melted down to ensure no artifacts will remain. A new school will be built and plans are for it to be open in December 2016.

I have long debated in my own mind: What do I hate more, spiders or snakes?

So far, my experience with snakes has been rotten. They sneak into my house.. one nonvenomous one bit me in 2007.. But my wife has suffered a few spider bites that made my little two-holed snake bite look like child’s play. 

Now this from the UK: A venomous spider attack has shut down a British school! Apparently the Den Academy has experienced an outbreak of the ‘false widow’ .. no, not the black widow spider.

The false widow, as opposed to the widow of another nature, is called Britain’s deadliest spider .. it’s not aggressive towards humans, but does bite if it gets trapped in clothing..

It is believed to have arrived in the UK in crates of fruit from the Canary Islands. And since, eight legged hell ensued. Oh, and thanks to climate change, people expect the false widow to mate and spread across the United Kingdom.

And if crates of tea and crumpets or fish and chips leave there to other places? Expect the false widow to just spread across the planet.

A whole new world of venomous life.

Great. And these spiders are plain out horrendously ugly..

Pork is what’s never for dinner for me anymore: A pig disease that killed millions of piglets in China has now spread to the United States. US farmers have now reported 768 cases of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV).
There is a theory that oarfish wash ashore when a big event is about to take place—perhaps tectonic movement. It’s rare.. but it happened prior to the massive Japan quake and tsunami. And now oarfish are washing ashore in California .. The oarfish has drawngawkers .. but also some fears.. Could this be a sign of movement deep under the ocean, in the depths of the earth? Is something moving? Oarfish predicting earthquakes is not as crazy as it sounds..

Some more fish news: Remember the news we and so many others have been reporting on concerning a mysterious and loud global hum? A new theory now provides a potential answer: It could be the sound of mating fish in the North Atlantic and the English Channel .. So when the waters are rockin’ I’d imagine it’s not good to go knockin’??

Friday, October 25, 2013

This is an amazing story from the Philippines: A wall of rock reveals a new fault line in the nation! The rock wall developed after the strong 7.2 quake devastated parts of the nation on October 15.. villagers report a strong stench of sulfur and say the rock wall rose on one side as the ground was shaking..

Meteorologist: Gulf Stream weakens to lowest level in five years…may bode ill for Europe’s winter!

It’s going to get mighty cold in the UK

Meteorologist: Gulf Stream weakens to lowest level in five years…may bode ill for Europe’s winter!

Nevada school shooting 911 call: 'I got a kid down who's been shot'

Nevada school shooting 911 call: 'I got a kid down who's been shot'

Merkel's move: Can you hear her now?

Maybe the NSA should re-create the site.. but they are busy with their own stuff.. They record 124 billion calls A MONTH .. they may know everything from the drugs you’re taking, to what you’re having for dinner, to who you’re currently attempting to mate with.. And they know if the partner really wants you to mate with them. It’s gotten to the point where now nations are actually turning to the United Nations to implement some internet privacy rules.. The angriest may be Germany’s Angela Merkel, who apparently has been spied on by the NSA too.. Old friend (or foe to some) Edward Snowden says there is no telephone call in America that does not leave some sort of record with the NSA.. ..

But life online may get a little more transparent, thanks to Mozilla. They have a new product called LIGHTBEAM, and it is set to expose those companies who are looking over your shoulder while you surf the world online..



Remember the woman the other day who was fainting behind President Obama while he spoke? Why did he turn around BEFORE the woman fainted? Wow. . this video is quite a bombshell of conspiratorial thought. I love it!


The government is used to regulating products and not selling them. Perhaps that’s too easy of a way out for the Obama Administration? I just think the entire disaster that is now happening with Obamacare is unfortunate—there really is no way to even debate if Obamacare in itself is good, because the problems with the health care rollout has completely overshadowed the argument as to whether health care reform was right or wrong. Now we are dealing and reeling with insurance cuts for people who have plans they wanted to keep, and a failure of a website that, for some reason, works worse than even a Geocities page in the late 1990s..

The news rundown concerning this, should you wish to cringe:

Just a plain weird GIF presented by NBC’s TODAY SHOW blog this morning.

And I can’t stop watching it..

The exciting world (to me) of solar flares

The sun has come alive! M class and X class flares..the latest in a series of strong bursts that came off of the sun was an X1.7 flare. It will be set now to provide a glancing blow to the planet Earth.. The X class flare came from sunspot 1882.. you can find the most and best information concerning this and other previous flares from the suddenly active sun on SOALRHAM.NET, plus you can also hear why the sun is suddenly so active and what that can mean courtesy a video provided by Art Bell’s website..