EXPLOSIONS IN PENNSYLVANIA.. these weird blasts have been taking place near Lancaster, PA//
Residents have been both hearing and feeling explosions under their feet but law enforcement haven’t the clue as to what they could be..
EXPLOSIONS IN PENNSYLVANIA.. these weird blasts have been taking place near Lancaster, PA//
Residents have been both hearing and feeling explosions under their feet but law enforcement haven’t the clue as to what they could be..
I am one of those tin foil hat wearing loons who loudly worried years ago that fracking would cause earthquakes. Like many others, I was laughed at.. now studies are concluding that the fears are true: They have caused earthquakes in Ohio..
Vindication is fine. But I just wish I would have remained ‘wrong’ on this one since fracking takes place within my own state.. a state with pristine waters and nuclear facilities..
Cameras caught something bizarre along a highway in Arizona.. Some say an animal, others say bigfoot.. I saw people who knew a camera was there and wanted to cause a stir. And then they did–if it was people. The story has gone worldwide today..
…what always the spike of a fever at night? The endless horror at 3am when the temperature reads well above 102 degrees on a child?
It is beyond nerve wracking.
I know, the experts say the fever is a sign the body is working. That’s well and good. Except when parental fears get into the mix..
My first daily doodle of the year, and hopefully the first of many. I sort of slacked last year on this category…
This is a dramatic artistic representation of my New Year’s eve. I spent two hours at the Hershey casino, while it was a good time, I saw scenes, people, and mullets with the biggest business in the front I have ever witnessed.
Casinos are an eclectic group of people, all walks of life just thrust together in a daze. Oxygen tanks, mindlessness, and people swollen with frowns as their money goes around…
I should really write about this in more detail one day, but I certainly do not want to besmirch the character or nature of people who go to casinos for fun. After all, if you’re a fun person the fun will follow you. It seems too often though it casinos, there was no fun to begin with but the manufactured sounds of coins jingling and music playing.
That doesn’t take away from watching a really good band and counting down to New Year’s, but seeing the hundreds of people joining me at midnight was either a sight for sore eyes, or comedic relief to a terrible year in this world.
And so much for the North Korea theory.. Try this: A laid off staff member..
For some, the best thing about New years is the Twilight Zone marathon on SYFY, a long standing tradition that goes back to when the network was even called SCI FI..
And now a complete listing of time and title of the shows during the upcoming marathon..
This is a real headline..
According to The Independent, Argentina’s president, President Christina Fernández de Kirchner adopted a boy named Yair Tawil as her godson so that he would not turn into a werewolf.
Here’s a strange turn of events..originally news reports indicated that 40 bodies were found. Now the number that suddenly dropped to TWO..
Think about these words..
Just think of how close we are…
Let’s make 2015 the year we stop 1984
It’s been quite the year in news.