Showing posts with label people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2017

You probably hate noisy eaters, right? There is a very good reason why.

Misophonia, a disorder which means sufferers have a hatred of sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing or even repeated pen-clicking, was first named as a condition in 2001.

In an report published in the journal Current Biology, scientists said scans of misophobia sufferers found changes in brain activity when a 'trigger' sound was heard.

Brain imaging revealed that people with the condition have an abnormality in their emotional control mechanism which causes their brains to go into overdrive on hearing trigger sounds. The researchers also found that trigger sounds could evoke a heightened physiological response, with increased heart rate and sweating.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My first daily doodle of the year, and hopefully the first of many. I sort of slacked last year on this category…

This is a dramatic artistic representation of my New Year’s eve. I spent two hours at the Hershey casino, while it was a good time, I saw scenes, people, and mullets with the biggest business in the front I have ever witnessed.

Casinos are an eclectic group of people, all walks of life just thrust together in a daze. Oxygen tanks, mindlessness, and people swollen with frowns as their money goes around…

I should really write about this in more detail one day, but I certainly do not want to besmirch the character or nature of people who go to casinos for fun. After all, if you’re a fun person the fun will follow you. It seems too often though it casinos, there was no fun to begin with but the manufactured sounds of coins jingling and music playing.

That doesn’t take away from watching a really good band and counting down to New Year’s, but seeing the hundreds of people joining me at midnight was either a sight for sore eyes, or comedic relief to a terrible year in this world.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ain't that America

…people will be people.. During CNN coverage of the terrible mall shooting in Maryland this past weekend, a manager from a jewelry shop actually plugged her store! When CNN got her on air, this is what Judy Hoffman said: "I’m a manager at Fire and Ice at the Columbia Mall, near Nordstrom’s. Fire and Ice is a very unique, fascinating store. We sell jewelry, fossils, a number of different unique things from all over the world"  Life is all about sales.. product placements are everywhere. But when an active shooting is happening, it may be the worst of the worst times to advertise your