Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Movie marketing is becoming more ‘viral’ .. Ever seen the horror flick ad for CARRIE was made in which unsuspecting coffee shop patrons were treated to superhuman abilities, the push is on to push the envelope. The latest is from the film DEVIL’S DUE, which premieres on January 17, 2014. You can enjoy seeing unsuspecting people get he hell scared out of them by a demon baby.

Something about this one seems just cruel, though.. maybe that’s the big-dad-heart I have developed since becoming a father..

The Tall Whites run it all...

You may have heard a huge deal of ‘news’ concerning what Iran has reported about who reportedly runs the United States: The Tall Whites, an alien species long talked about by UFOlogists.

This may take some time, and a suspension of logic. I will attempt an explanation..

Fars News Agency in Iran—the nation the President just made a controversial deal with—apparently reported that released Edward Snowden documents say that the alien species the tall whites have run the United States since 1945..You can read the English translation of the story here.. Apparently the Fars agency took some information from a January 11 2014 posting by the website .. and after reading, I still am not quite sure what it means.  


There’s more..

A few days ago—before the Iranians reported the bombshell tidbit—former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer went onto Russia Today saying that the tall whites have been behind lots of things, but that 80 alien species (that we know of) exist. You can read more here on that one..

Supposedly these documents also say that Dwight Eisenhower met with aliens in the 1950s … If you’re a fan or former listener of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM, you may recall John Lear appeared on his show to explain what he claimed he know of this famed alien visit.. Among the interesting things, the claims Lear said were to avoid the ‘light’ when you died, that there is no God, and that Eisenhower so feared the idea that Americans would find out there’s no God, that he mandated ‘In God We Trust’ be put on all coins.. You can hear that interview here if you have ten minutes..

Just last week, Clyde Lewis had a Ground Zero radio show featuring the Tall Whites as a main topic—the idea that this species has been heavily involved with shaping the world’s events…

Today, most sources laughed at the Fars agency report about the tall whites.. FORBES, CNN, all the rest, had a good chuckle about the notion that aliens were even existent.. 

Here is where things get murky — as if what you already read wasn’t murky enough, right?

I searched some terms from the report about the supposed Snowden documents about the purported tall whites (lots of purportions being done here) but I could not find much of any actual source .. For example, I search this term, which appears in the original WHATDOESITMEAN report:

“were actually two governments in the US: the one that was elected, and the other, secret regime, governing in the dark.”

Could not find anything.. Nadda. 

So the proof of this report is pretty much zilch.

Unless there’s a useful website out there, somewhere, with a copy of an actual document states something.. 

I have seen some folks who have stunned me in their height—and whiteness.. but at this point I’m not in the Lear/Hellyer camp. 

A good abduction obviously would convince me otherwise.

But good lord if I’m abducted, don’t let it be the grays.

Sepsis can't keep him down: Knapp speaks

About a week ago, I posted a quick update on what I knew of George Knapp, ace reporter and Coast to Coast AM part time host.. Then, I said he had sepsis and it nearly killed him. Last night, Knapp took to Facebook to explain more in-depth his personal life (something out of the ordinary for him, he typically keeps his personal personal) .. Knapp wrote, 

I returned to the TV airwaves tonight for the first time in a month. I would not normally talk about private stuff in a public setting like this one, but wanted to say thanks to all of those who sent messages of support over the past weeks. 
Back in early December, I came down with something called sepsis, a blood infection, and it damned near did me in. If my wife hadn’t managed to get a doctor to prescribe some meds without actually seeing me, I would not be here to talk about it. Had to cancel several radio shows and newspaper columns, along with assorted I Team stories we were working on but am now back on the job, appreciative of all the kind words sent to me by people who figured out that something was amiss.

Anyone who had sepsis or knows  of its effects can testify to what Knapp said: It is so often deadly.. 

Thank God he’s still here—not just because he reports in a fair and accurate manner and had some amazing Coast to Coast AM shows—but because he seems like a genuine great guy.. 

Thanks to Mrs. Knapp for doing what she did.. 

And hopefully we will hear him again soon on a national radio program late in the night..

There was a huge explosion back in May 2013 that blew up a bridge in Harrisburg, PA. ABC27 just got video of the moment it happened

Amazing video.. scary. I couldn’t even imagine being in traffic right then and there when it all happened. 

The bridge is still being repaired..

There was a huge explosion back in May 2013 that blew up a bridge in Harrisburg, PA. ABC27 just got video of the moment it happened

Mark Dice continues scaring the hell of out me, and I hope you. His latest video: He asks people to sign a petition to repeal the 3rd Amendment …

VICE ASKS: Could This Christian Horror Film About a Demon-Possessed Porn Magazine Be 'The Room' of 2014?

This makes me want to get a group of friends together, close the blinds, and have a movie night.. Back in my teen years it was accompanied by Pepsi and popcorn.. these days it may be beer and wine. But the humor would be abundant all the same.

VICE ASKS: Could This Christian Horror Film About a Demon-Possessed Porn Magazine Be 'The Room' of 2014?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This was an image taken tonight from a street corner near my home as I walked Mutley the dog.. The night was shrouded in fog.. I was completely unable to see mere feet in front of me..

There has always been something about certain weather elements that frighten me. Fog may top the list.. maybe it’s the movie THE FOG, maybe the abundance of fog in the paranormal.. Maybe it’s all those images drawn of the famed killer Jack the Ripper lurking in fog..

Tonight as I tried to quickly walk Mutley back the the house, there was a strange moon light above, causing the air around me to appear as if it was glowing a yellow orange hue.. It was amazing, but scary all the same. Every noise, every rustle of a leaf, and every tree moving in the distance, all sounded accentuated. It was as though something was creeping behind me for every step..

Safely at home, I now write this..

I am closing my curtains.. just in case I see a strange figure silhouetting under the fog drenched street light a stone’s throw away.. 

Push is on to get ‘kill switch’ into smartphones

Push is on to get ‘kill switch’ into smartphones 

Monday, January 13, 2014

'Koopa just got that in Mario's ass'

My son’s first curse without knowing it’s a bad word, it happened during super Mario Brothers

My son had some weird stomach thing happening over the past 24 hours.. Judging from the floor, I think he is improving quickly..

Is it just me or does the guy Rite Aid is using to advertise the flu shot look creepily like the late Michael Clarke Duncan?

Well this we now know: Jerseyites may be stronger than the storm, but someone has an ego is larger than the storm.

Some relatives of homicide victims want morgue photos as keepsakes

I’m not judging. We all handle grief in a different manner..

Some relatives of homicide victims want morgue photos as keepsakes

Feds investigating Christie's use of Sandy relief funds

Well he was stronger than the storm…. Cnn reports: ‘CNN has learned that federal officials are investigating whether Christie improperly used those relief funds to produce tourism ads that starred him and his family.’

Feds investigating Christie's use of Sandy relief funds

Have some fun and caption this one yourself.

John Kerry sure looks proud of his large potato .. Take THAT Russian diplomat! We have bigger potatoes than you here in Murica.

Wait.. It is a potato, right?

Full video here:

I promise, the video is just as awkward as the photo.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Double rainbow

My wife and I had double déjà vu just now at the same time.. Both of us.. Chills immediately ran over us at how freaky it was ..

Just something else to add to the personal oddities and weirdness over the last two months..

Seems like this timeline is still not completely settled on events..

AP: Frustration grows days after W.Va. chemical spill

This is a very dire situation… And lots of people without an essential element right now..

AP: Frustration grows days after W.Va. chemical spill

My wife and I were putting away Christmas decorations when we found an old box of your books and Momentos from last century

In my eighth-grade yearbook, I said I wanted to be a White House correspondent for TIME Magazine. My wife’s Senior yearbook had her majoring in science at a university… (I apparently had no goes my senior year)

We both still want to do the things we said we wanted to do, but different choices and events that shaped our lives moved us away from those goals..

It’s not too late for her, but by the time I achieve my dream gig TIME Magazine will most likely be a distant memory…

Maybe for some fun later, I will scan through some fun little pictures of a scrapbook I made in the eighth grade

Shocking video as wind destroys condo

If you believes in omens, you’d surely feel this is one..

Shocking video as wind destroys condo

I have an opinion on the DirecTV versus Weather Channel debate

I actually cannot even believe I have an opinion on it..