Yes, lots of people are really angry about this.
But I got to thinking..
Maybe it’s sort of .. well .. fitting.
Satanists unveil 7-foot monument they want to erect at Oklahoma Statehouse
Yes, lots of people are really angry about this.
But I got to thinking..
Maybe it’s sort of .. well .. fitting.
I already see bloggers and Tweeters and others mocking the family and making some horrible jokes about this car accident.
Yes the show is deplorable. And no, I don’t watch it—not even the clips. But come on, people.. show some class, and interrupt your hate for a few minutes and just hope for the best for some of your fellow humans.
On January 6, 2014, I was listening to Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis. His guest was Peter Davenport from the national UFO reporting center.. Davenport spoke to Lewis about a seemingly large uptick in UFO reports since January 1 of this year..
A bit into the show, I learned about a UFO case that may forever haunt me—and I should have known about it since I know exactly where this incident happened. Davenport spoke about Todd Sees from Northumberland County, Pa. Sees vanished in 2002.. Sees was 39 and lived at the base of Montour Ridge .. he was married and a father of two. One Sunday morning he took his ATV to the top of the mountain.. He never returned. They found his four wheeler. They also found his shoe in a tree.. they found his body some time later badly mutilated.. You can read more here about the case (and you can find some archived news stories from the DAILY ITEM here) or watch this video of homicide detective Butch Witkowski speak about this..
While the UFO movement has hitched a ride to the Todd Sees story, we must always strive to take stories of this nature with large grains of salt.
No matter what, though, this story in itself may haunt you for a long time after..
Paul Hellyer, who has long insisted that aliens have visited Earth for many years, says that when aliens saw the atomic bomb they decided that we were a great threat to the cosmos. Read this article by Chris Matyszczyk on CNET News.
If he is crazy, then he’s crazy. If aliens are real, then he may be right. But what about those hostile aliens, you know, the ones in the cigar shaped craft that take us? What about the Grays, who do bad things to people from the South? Paul Hellyer doesn’t answer much about that, but he does say that we need to give up warfare in order to get help from the creature above..
This is bizarre. Dennis Rodman just can’t stop loving Lil Kim Un..
Object shaped like a rugby ball flew within a few feet of passenger jet at 34,000ft, claims pilot
While it may not be proof of aliens, a pilot’s testimony already strikes a special chord with me. Maybe it’s because I picture Chesley Sullenberger heroically landing a plane on the Hudson and saving the lives of hundreds. Or maybe it’s because I loved the movie AIRPLANE ever since I was kid.. Either way, if a pilot tells me something happened, I tend to believe it.
In this circumstance, we have a pilot’s own testimony that the plane was around 34,000 when he saw something..
It was said to be “cigar/rugby ball like” in shape, bright silver and “metallic” and travelling towards the jet. The pilot said he felt certain it was going to crash into his aircraft and ducked as it headed towards him, but it did not appear to make impact. He told investigators he believed the object passed “within a few feet” above the jet.
Beware the cigar shaped UFOs.. All UFO aficionados learn at an early age that they are the bad ones..
This plane is thankfully safe..
But the mystery remains.
Alien life?
Maybe a drone..
Or something having a little fun at everyone’s expense..
The jury is out..
Forty years after The Exorcist scared the wits out of cinema audiences around the world, the Roman Catholic Church is training up a new generation of priests to meet a growing demand for exorcisms
It’s the Francis effect. He exorcises one guy in public and now it’s cool enough that everyone wants to do it..
Before you know it, people will be projectile vomiting in a bed near you.
This is a great video. It shows how we are not living in the moment.. too busy with cell phones and other technological gadgets distracting us from the beauty around.
There is nothing wrong with the phone you’re reading this one or the computer screen it appears on.. but we have lost that ability to ‘disconnect’ from the net. And that may have some negative side effects..
Remember in the wild new days of the net when it was young? When you could disconnect from dial up, or ‘dial in’ to the superhighway? Not anymore..
Now we must use will power to moderate our use..Or not moderate.. depending on your abilities..
Your eyes are seeing a map of 19th century shipping and trading routes.. Amazingly enough, it is also a pretty decent and accurate map of the continents themselves.. read more here..
One creepy Gipper.
Here is a very interesting story from SALON.COM about Ronald Reagan and his constantly chipper mood.. According to the SALON article, Reagan’s optimism was shaped by Manly P. Hall, a famed occult thinker..
Couple that with tales of secret societies and we have quite the conspiracy theory. But before you scoff at it, SALON is reputable and TIME magazine was, too, when it published the cover story you’re seeing here.
If you didn’t already know it, people are calling today Blue Monday. Collectively, we are told, it’s the worst day of the year. Bills are coming in.. Christmas is over..lights coming down. Relationships over.. resolutions being broken.
Pretty sad. Depressing. Blue.
And if you’re like me, you’re probably confused. I remember Blue Monday being much later in January—I even searched Coal Speaker archives and found it to be the final Monday of the month. But alas, experts have changed the day!
Blue Monday,” which is said to be the most miserable day of the year, was originally calculated to be at the end of the month.
But researchers analyzed tweets over the past few years and found that Monday, January 6, 2014 is the day the most people feel sad and guilty.
Everything is instant these days.
Even depression.
The nearly 935,000 displaced people are hiding in bushes and seeking refuge with host families, and churches and schools have been turned in to makeshift shelters. More than half the population of the capital city of Bangui has been displaced, and nearly 60% of them are displaced children, according to the latest report from UNHCR, the United Nations’ refugee agency.
Since March, violence has gripped the Central African Republic, or CAR.
….but.. It’s in Africa.
The story is very difficult to read.
On Saturday night, I posted a link to a story regarding children being beheaded in the CAR on my personal Facebook page with the subtext: “While you were watching football.” I got one comment and that was it. Zippo. We need to stop ignoring Africa.. Especially when tiny innocent children are being hunted like dogs ..