Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Now this is dedication to a cause.. 

Painful protest: Artist Pyotr Pavlensky nails his testicles to Red Square!

Insult to injury: Now George Noory's Coast to Coast AM airs on the same channel that Art Bell's Dark Matter did...

I smell PremRats..

Insult to injury: Now George Noory's Coast to Coast AM airs on the same channel that Art Bell's Dark Matter did...

do you live in centralia?

I lived there originally in my life. We moved back last century. I still visit. My roots are there, regardless of how few buildings are.. My memories from childhood remain there, too.

I was moved to true emotion and sadness this morning looking at some images from the Philippines. I saw a photo, which I will not share due to the graphic nature, of a father holding his toddler in his arms.. he was weeping. She was dead.. he was taking her to the morgue. She was the victim of this tremendous disaster that will be the storm for the record books.. I cannot fathom the thoughts of what happened here.. I also cannot explain how angry I am at American media for their selfish attitude regarding news. They cover politics as though it matters.. they feed us trivial garbage, a steady diet of nonsense that spews from their talking head mouths. I dislike them not for who they are, but for who they pretend they are.. We don’t get news. Thank God for the Internet. I am going to post some links at the bottom of this update that, if you want help, you can click on and send whatever..

The situation in the Philippines has been officially designated a ‘calamity’ by the government there..

Bodies in the Philippines are being piled high in the streets.. I have a big fear that 10,000 dead is an understatement.. I really fear this..
Anger is rising..
Planes that are carrying important aid are grounded because they are TOO BIG to land at the disaster zone’s airport..
Photos of the wrath..
Even more disaster: Earthquake rattles the area hit by superstorm Haiyan..
There are also warnings coming that mudslides may be the next disaster that will unfold for this poor people..

Once again: I was amazed this morning: Tens of thousands potentially dead in the Philippines, China lost a lot of farms from the same storm, another storm kills hundreds in Somalia.. and the top story on the big three network morning news shows? The ‘cold’ in the United States and the coating of snow that some people got—a coating! It’s November. It gets cold. And it snows. Sometimes there’s cold November rain, so say the Guns N Roses. Sometimes snow. Either way, there was no coverage of the unfolding disaster in other nations. But other nations know what goes on in America—we just don’t know what goes on there.. Sickening, news media..sickening.


The Red Cross has a Philippine website


PH peso (PhP) account for humanitarian emergencies:Account Name: Community and Family Services International
Account Number: 6735-0500-18
Bank Name: BPI Family Bank
Bank Address: Legaspi-Amorsolo Branch, G/F Filomena Bldg., 104 Amorsolo St. Makati City, Philippines
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM
US dollar (USD) account for humanitarian emergencies:Account Name: Community and Family Services International
Account Number: 6734-0077-63
Bank Name: BPI Family Bank
Bank Address: Legaspi-Amorsolo Branch, G/F Filomena Bldg., 104 Amorsolo St. Makati City, Philippines
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM

The sounds of solar silence

Every 11 years the sun cooks.. bakes.. shakes.. rattles and rolls. But this year, the ball of fire has a little less fire. Sunspots this year are like an Art Bell show: You just can’t find it when you expect to..

The strange doings on the sun, as the WALL STREET JOURNAL calls it, is being covered by major media..  Sunspots are half of what they were supposed to be at this point in the cycle.. 

I recall about two years ago, people were warning of disaster and catastrophe during this sun cycle.. So far, nothing. Which is great for humanity.. But it certainly brings up the question of ‘why’ ?

One NASA expert quoted in the article said this is the weakest the sun has been in 200 years..And it could be all because of a pole shift. The JOURNAL reports, 

Researchers are puzzled. They can’t tell if the lull is temporary or the onset of a decades-long decline, which might ease global warming a bit by altering the sun’s brightness or the wavelengths of its light.

"There is no scientist alive who has seen a solar cycle as weak as this one," said Andrés Munoz-Jaramillo, who studies the solar-magnetic cycle at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass.

To complicate the riddle, the sun also is undergoing one of its oddest magnetic reversals on record.

Normally, the sun’s magnetic north and south poles change polarity every 11 years or so. During a magnetic-field reversal, the sun’s polar magnetic fields weaken, drop to zero, and then emerge again with the opposite polarity. As far as scientists know, the magnetic shift is notable only because it signals the peak of the solar maximum, said Douglas Biesecker at NASA’s Space Environment Center.

But in this cycle, the sun’s magnetic poles are out of sync, solar scientists said. The sun’s north magnetic pole reversed polarity more than a year ago, so it has the same polarity as the south pole.

This may be the prime time, though, to start worry about fixing the grid, upgrading the grid, repairing the grid, and modernizing the grid. NOW.. when the going’s good.

And as far as the solar silence: Perhaps we should not complain. Maybe the Northern lights are tamer than some would hope, but electronics don’t get fried when there is no Kill Shot. 

And is Ed Dames still calling for that one? Or is he nestled somewhere in comfort with his new Russian wife..?

Monday, November 11, 2013

I have an urge to do this

I am thinking about creating a special section on this website that deals specifically with Centralia PA.. More coming on that later..


It has been a while since I took a stroll down graffiti highway in Centralia, PA… From my pure non scientific observation, its appears that the roadway is finally buckling beyond recognition.. but some new and wonderful graffiti artwork remains

I also met several people walking the highway today, including a nice dad and son from New Jersey, the young man was doing a story about Centralia for school.. Hope I helped him with some info..

I swear one day I’m going to open up the hot dog stand here and do tours, I will make a fortune!

State Obamacare exchanges enroll 3 pct of target so far


State Obamacare exchanges enroll 3 pct of target so far

Want to have sex with Justin Bieber? Get ready for a legally binding contract

Want to have sex with Justin Bieber? Get ready for a legally binding contract

My experience attempting to quit Sirius XM service

Art Bell was taken off INDIE 104. All of his shows for download have been deleted. You can read my epic updates on WWW.HORRORREPORT.COM if you care to know more about this situation. But with it all being over, I decided to end my Sirius XM Service.

If only it was just that easy..

First off.. I promised myself years ago to never sign up for satellite radio—then Art decided to host and I broke my terrestrial radio self-commandment.

After spending over a half hour on the phone, fighting about hidden fees and little early cancellation costs, I will command myself again: NEVER SIGN UP FOR PAY RADIO. I get that companies want to make money.. and I understand I am canceling before my ‘one year of service.’ And now they know that they have one of the worst companies ever—at least in terms of canceling service—that I have ever dealt with…

Here is the kicker that put me over the edge.. I was asked for an explanation on why I was quitting. I explained the obvious, very calm… The nice woman from somewhere on this planet asked if she wanted me to find shows similar to Dark Matter if it would help keep my service. I said sure, be my guest.  Six minutes later she came back and asked if I listen to music—obviously her search ended up in a Black Hole.   She put me on hold again.. when she came back, she said she wanted me to understand that me quitting is not her company’s fault, but that is was “Clyde Lewis’ own decision to end Ground Zero.” 
I was floored.
First off, I explained, Clyde Lewis didn’t host DARK MATTER, and I further explained that there was a separate issue which forced Ground Zero off of satellite radio .. She was legitimately confused as to what I was saying.  I mean, if you’re going to spout Jess-written talking points, at least don’t get them confused with each other.
This also tells me some folks have been ending their service since Clyde Lewis is gone, too…

At a certain point, after my early fees and fees and fees and hidden fees and pretend costs, I ended up with $111.11 back—ironic since it was 11/11 that Art’s shows had all been taken off of Sirius. BUT THEN she told me an extra $12 had to come off for some other reason…. I didn’t even fight at this point. I just wanted my money back.. and they have it, and I want it.

And finally.. the final bombed dropped when I ended the call. She said, “thank you, and you should see your money in 10 to 15 business days.”
Click. On her end.
I better get this money back.
I really better..

Smoke em if you get em: Miley Cyrus lights up a joint on stage.. Or cigarette.. Well she was in Amsterdam.. But what really was ‘em?

MORE MILEY: She covers herself in metallic silver. 

Pope Francis embraces man who is severely disfigured.. The image is touching, and it’s being shown throughout the world today.. The man suffers from neurofibromatosis, which causes tumors and pain.. Pope Francis showing the world what it means to be a true religious leader..

Media accounts seem shocked that the Pope not only embraced this man but also “kissed” him. That shock made me wonder if we have completely lost our humanity.This man, and others who have other similar issues, are people. They deserve respect, and love.. 

The Pope exemplifies what we all should do with the poor, the downtrodden, and the rejected.. 

Whether you believe in God or not, it’s clear: The Pope is a light in the darkness of the planet right now.

Reports claim that the destruction in the Philippines from Haiyan is ‘absolute bedlam’.. Red Cross workers are describing the horrendous scene on the ground that they are seeing.. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced and one town of 40,000 people is called Guiuan is said to be largely destroyed.. Even more alarming, the BBC reports that the city of Baco n the Oriental Mindoro province is 80% under water.. that town has 35,000 people in it. I believe with numbers as harrowing as that, the death toll may rise substantially higher than 10,000..
We do know this: Body bags being rushed in.

There are some attempts for rescue victims from the storm still taking place.. Fear and starvation in the Philippines as food mobs are already attacking aid trucks..

The troubling situation with Haiyan is not over. There is Midweek trouble brewing for the Philppines as a new tropical system gets organized..

An expert debunks YouTube video that purports a microwave beam made Haiyan stronger.. It was none other than “Dutch Sinse” .. and he took to Facebook to defend his accusation of a manmade weather system..
Here is the Dutchsinse video in question..

The Philippines turns into hell on earth.. Some reports have said that the survivors of Haiyan have been said to be walking like zombies across the destroyed landscape, in search of food.. even more, food water, and medical supplies are dangerously short.

Schumer: Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk

Chickity China the Chinese chicken. You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin’..

Is there anyone in government with common sense could step in and maybe not but this happen?!

Schumer: Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk

Art Bell now actively expressing his anger with Sirius XM executives.

Bell is awesome.. he always ends up hating every employer he had. He reminds me of the main character of the movie OFFICE SPACE, who just decides to quit his job because he wants to.

PG-13 movies are now more violent than R-rated '80s flicks, a study concludes

But to a degree, it’s obvious. Imagine the Friday the 13th movies with SAW-like special effects. Back then, some R rated movies would have been either banned or rated X.

PG-13 movies are now more violent than R-rated '80s flicks, a study concludes

why did you copy my theme?

I did not. I downloaded the Ashley theme by Jxnblk. And used it. As maybe you did too.. I also made my own logo and own top header. So … I did not steal your theme, no more than 12,000 other people did who are also using the Ashley Theme.

So I don’t quite get what you are talking about

The photo pictured here is an AP image from Jim Weber of 83-year-old Jim Brown, a veteran who served in both Vietnam and Korea.. That is what today means: Pride, honor, and service.. 

In 1919, Woodrow Wilson proclaimed today Armistice Day. After a few more ‘wars to end all wars,’ Congress changed Armistice to Veterans Day in 1954.. Since then, every November 11, we have stopped to memorialize veterans who are still living..

There is also some confusion, though, as many today have vigils and ceremonies for the dead .. however today is the day to thank and honor the living.
Thank you Veterans for service.. thank you for your sacrifice.. There is so much gratitude owed to you, it can never be completely fulfilled. The world is a better place because of your actions, and the United States is a better nation because of your honor..

The Veterans Day (and more) news roundup is as follows..

I am glad no one was hit by that satellite today..

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-7IV2qryiQ?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Pretty funny stuff