Saturday, May 5, 2012


A distorted view of an Italian restaurant.  Not the kind Billy Joel sang of but the kind that a child can yell in. Ayden loves pizza. 

Columbia Secret Service escort Dania Suarez says she fears for her safety

Columbia Secret Service escort Dania Suarez says she fears for her safety

And here I have always thought Andre Linoge did it!? 

New clues are being revealed in the lost colony of Roanoke Island..  Maps are helping.

The mystery isn’t solved yet. But researchers seem hopeful that they are close.


For years we have seen reports that Facebook is actually making people lonely.. what if, instead, it is actually making us more anxious?

For years we have seen reports that Facebook is actually making people lonely.. what if, instead, it is actually making us more anxious?


Sad day ..

And one that is making me feel a bit old to be honest.

With the death of Adam Yauch and the sudden “flashbacks” to Beastie Boy days of the 80s.

Indeed old time is a flyin’..

That same Boy that’s Beastie today tomorrow will be dyin’.

RIP Adam Yauch

When NATO comes to town: Lockdown being planned for NATO summit in Chicago.. plans to shut down roads.. changes to public transportation routes expected..

When NATO comes to town: Lockdown being planned for NATO summit in Chicago.. plans to shut down roads.. changes to public transportation routes expected..

Study: Amish farm kids "remarkably" immune from allergies..

..and autism.

Here’s a hint to those who laugh at the Amish: Maybe we should figure just what it is that they are doing right.

Study: Amish farm kids "remarkably" immune from allergies..

Friday, May 4, 2012

Very interesting..

Blond hair gene… how it evolved..

Mystery of Solomon Islands Blonds begins to be understood..

The heat is on..

Welcome to the summer!
Box office blasts ready.. First up.. AVENGERS..
Already the film has scored the highest midnight opening of all time.. Record setting weekend coming? The full moon will be bright over crowds heading to see the first box smash of summer ‘12.. Feeling like a good year for movies? Maybe.. Insiders predict $172 mil for AVENGERS is possible. 
The film opening this weekend in 4,349 theaters strong.. 

Next week the box office mania continues with DARK SHADOWS opening in 3,700 theaters.. Can Johnny Depp and Tim Burton NOT freak out America enough to create a decently sized opening weekend? Time will tell. 

So who is going to AVENGERS this weekend?

At 11:34 p.m. EDT Saturday night, the moon will be about 221,802 miles from Earth. That's about 15,300 miles closer than average

Yes indeed.. the supermoon is coming.

Can’t wait to see photos stream all over the net..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A new spray can get you drunk within seconds.. and sober just as quick

A new spray can get you drunk within seconds.. and sober just as quick

A storm followed by a beautiful foggy orange sunset here in the Coal Region of PA.. Bring on Friday

NJ mom arrested for taking her 6 year old tanning.. I’m frankly just in shock at her face..

Good read: Mother Jones on why we should be worried about the 'lone' mad cow case

Good read: Mother Jones on why we should be worried about the 'lone' mad cow case

Dr. Mary Neal from last year on Dr. Oz..

I just heard her the other night on Coast to Coast AM. Her story sounds profound.

But profound why? Because as a skeptic she now believes in near death experiences and God? Or because the brain convinces dying people that God exists…? I wish we knew.. ?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Many men lie about girlfriends that they have had.. but what about the President of the United States? Apparently he did about his "New York girlfriend" who saw a play with him.. He wrote about it in his memoir. Turns out that it... really didn't happen

Many men lie about girlfriends that they have had.. but what about the President of the United States? Apparently he did about his "New York girlfriend" who saw a play with him.. He wrote about it in his memoir. Turns out that it... really didn't happen

I am slightly addicted to Temple Run

Ok.. More than slightly.


I’m an enormous BATMAN fan.. even more of a fan of the Nolan films than any other. The latest trailer was released… 

All I can say is this: If a movie trailer can raise the hairs on my arms and cause my eyes to swell with tears, I cannot even imagine what the whole movie will do. 

Yes I’m not ashamed to admit it. DARK KNIGHT RISES may make me, a 31-year-old grown man, weep.

One question. 

What do you think about this man?