Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So...If we make it through December we'll be fine?

Just when you thought the only thing to fear in December 2012 was the end of the Mayan calender and subsequent apocalypses, enter into the news fray this item of importance: Ben Bernanke is warning the nation of impending doom. A ‘fiscal cliff’ .. coming in January 2013…right as the new years eve ball (hopefully) drops on a nation that is relieved they weren’t destroyed by fire and brimstone.

So is it a relief when Ron Paul predicts that the FED will self destruct…?

Not at all, I suppose. The cliff just gets more steep..

A leap day to remember--and forget.. and recover from all the same..

I am beginning to get a very eerie feeling about this spring and summer coming up. If tornadoes are already occurring this bad (12 killed as violent storms ravage Midwest, South…) I think they will get even worse over the next few weeks and month or two.

We have had an abnormally warm winter. While few complained about unseasonably high temperatures all year with no measurable snow, I did worry. I wanted the snow to create springtime melting and growth.. I wanted the cold to kill the flu, bugs, and ticks. Nothing of that nature occurred. Bugs are already creepy and crawling.. ticks never went away..and the flu? Everyone is sick. Warmth like this isn’t good.

And now the deadly tornado outbreak today and tonight. I didn’t go to Penn State for meteorology, but as sure as I can say that Joe Bastardi is on my twitterfeed I know this: Storms this big and strong this early is foreboding. Supercells that decimate entire towns in winter..? Well just imagine what the spring will bring.

The leap day tornado outbreak started today.. and as of tonight it continues…

Hope I’m wrong. 
Really. I hope I’m wrong. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sorry to my followers for going political tonight. But I did...


Arizona won.. and Romney wins Michigan too..

November here he comes

Markets Start to Anticipate Obama Victory in November

Markets Start to Anticipate Obama Victory in November

Mitt Romney loves kids and mom jeans, but Rick Santorum loves nuns.

Mitt Romney loves being casual. Look at him campaign in a casual outfit!

People who dress like Mitt Romney really love Mitt Romney! Look at them love him!

Not only does Mitt love kids, but he loves Kid Rock too.

Romney really loves kids. But likes really large Governors even more..

One state down: Romney wins Arizona.

Romney plays to a packed crowd. Hundreds enjoy his message.

Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. In this image Mitt Romney gives a child the key to success. 

Kids love Mitt Romney. Arizona edition. Maybe Michigan. 

Interesting results in Michigan tonight.. Democrats voting for Santorum and Paul.. not because they like them but because of how much they dislike Mitt Romney

Interesting results in Michigan tonight.. Democrats voting for Santorum and Paul.. not because they like them but because of how much they dislike Mitt Romney

I think I am going to write a book about parenting..

Would anyone out there who follows me read it?

Would people out there want to buy it?

Give me guidance.. give me something. Anything. Give me an answer…

And really.. are there too many “parenting” books to begin with anyway?

What kind of a world do we live in!? Where even Yoga isn't free from sexual scandal....

What kind of a world do we live in!? Where even Yoga isn't free from sexual scandal....

Monday, February 27, 2012

….Art Bell, can you please come back to radio….?


A parody for parents: Thomas the unstoppable train engine.

My son loves Thomas the train. I like him, too.. And this video completely made my belly laugh. Do only parents laugh at this…?