Monday, October 3, 2011

The boiling sun revealed

New video shows how the sun boils—and it’s a view that the human eye has never seen before

Amazing stuff, truly. A whole new perspective .. ..and a new thing to think about in relation to the ton of solar flares and CMEs that recently decided to emit from the big ball of light in our solar system..

And in a related story to the sun, check out this video of a comet hitting the sun.. and after a CME explodes out. Could it be that they are …linked?

Like cookies in a jar for a baby...

….Facebook and Twitter are just too much to resist for officials ..REUTERS reporting an excellent (and obvious?) account of how Twitter and Facebook have been co-opted .. and now, you can update your status and photos for family, friends, and LAW ENFORCEMENT!?

As I wrote before on here, Facebook isn’t free. You may not be paying out of pocket for the use of the service, but it is coming with a very hefty price: Freedom and privacy.

Reuters reporting in detail of internet firms working hand in hand with law enforcement and government around the world.. And this: 

"Demands from governments for Internet companies to hand over user information have become routine, according to online privacy researcher and activist Christopher Soghoian, who makes extensive use of freedom-of-information requests in his work. "Every decent-sized U.S. telecoms and Internet company has a team that does nothing but respond to requests for information," Soghoian told Reuters in an interview.

Estimation: 300,000 request (at least) occur every year for information from the free net services.

Some may say: If you’re not going to do anything wrong there is nothing to fear. But fear itself. And a future in which all is monitored heavily, emotions are not expressed freely, and the world is under so much control that you are forced to update your status.. and if you don’t, the chip in your arm will do it for you. Sound incredibly insane? …so did the iPhone, Twitter, and Facebook only a few short years ago..

You’re beating heart..

Some Polish Catholics gathered this weekend at a special mass for what they consider a miracle: A communion host has developed a dark spot and they are convinced that it is the actual heart of Jesus.

The spot has been there since 2008. The CHURCH said that two medical doctors determined that the spot was heart muscle tissue..

No word on the official medical report. But a black mark on a heart is never a good sign..

Weighty issue: But should Chris Christie’s weight matter?

Stephen King set to speak: How horror has influenced his life..

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The creation story all on a French cave?



Latest from Wall Street

Brooklyn Bridge standoff..
Police free ‘most’ of the protesters they arrested..
Wall Street protesters plan on staying around..
Arrest reports..



M CLASS The entangled eruption of both sunspots… Sunspot 1305 hurled a coronal mass ejection towards earth.. it is expected to hit October 4 with a potential geomagnetic storm. Developing..

M1.3 Solar Flare has took place at 17:23 UTC Sunday afternoon and was centered around Sunspot 1302..
Sunspot 1305 caused an M3.9 Solar Flare took place 00:50 UTC Sunday morning..

Solar Ham..
Space Weather


Babies and bronchitis

Tonight’s Saturday night highlights: Baby wheezing. Baby projectile vomiting. And bronchitis was diagnosed. Ayden had a rough few hours but will be just fine.


Super Trooper — the Oceans

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lost three followers but gained four. Welcome all. 

Come rain, cold, or winds of rage: The Wall Street protests are out of the cage.

The media is ignoring and turning its head.. but the protests continue though coverage is dead.

The old and the young are converging with pride.. the officials are watching with fear in their eyes..

October 1.. 

Tis’ the season.. 

Anyone else being 'liked' by a ton of fake Tumblr accounts *(some that actually look real until you compare them with a ton more than look the 'same' real as those?)

The world can breath a temporary sigh of relief

Just when the world was breaking apart over the Ashton Kutcher/Demi Moore rumors, we can be at ease this Saturday morning:They attended a Kabbalah service together.

Kabbalah is still around…? I haven’t seen those little red string bracelets in a long, long time..

Al-Awlaki.. the point of no return

Who could argue with this: The death of a terrorist is a good thing.
Who could say that this is incorrect: Anwar al-Awlaki dying in an airstrike is a victory for America.

Early this morning, news broke that the al-Awlaki did in fact die during an airstrike. Around midday, President Obama praised the death and subsequently so did everyone else.

It was a drone attack that actually killed the terrorist. In Yemen.

Al-Awlaki wasn’t just another terrorist, and that is why this event matters perhaps more than any other in recent war history. In fact, he was an American citizens—one that the United States government actively tracked down, and killed. And now, tonight, it’s raising questions on how much power a president should have during war time, or frankly any time. The authority to hunt down and kill a citizen…

Despite both Republicans and Democrats praising the President and the killing of al-Awlaki, it has raised some concerns and debate in the nation. President Bush signed an order after 9/11 that there would be no distinction in the ‘war on terror’ between nationals and foreigners.. Today’s air strike and killing of al-Awlaki showcases the first time since that order was signed that a high profile terrorist killed has been an American.

There will be much debate—well maybe not since it appears most in public circles are applauding the killing—about this death.. but it’s clear the most immediate outcome will be this: He won’t be having dinner at the Pentagon anymore, as he possibly did after 9/11. It will be interesting to see who takes his place..

Forever Lazy .. or Lame?

Yes it’s been around for months, but it’s starting to get more popular than ever: One of the strangest new gifts for this Christmas season coming now: Forever Lazy!

It looks lesslike a snuggy and more like the bunny outfit that Ralphie wears in CHRISTMAS STORY.. Maybe it’s the ultimate novel idea for a nudist who doesn’t like the cold in the morning.. hot tea with a full body soft suit..

It maybe this is the world’s way of connecting back to what they wore as children. The only thing lacking from the Forever Lazy are the plastic feet bottoms.. Which i’m sure isn’t far behind should the demand for such child-like contraptions for adults exist.

It promises warmth from head to toe.. and warmth, I’d guess, comes with no style.

Though the strangeness with this outfit abounds, I’ll predict with certainty: It’s going to fly off shelves like hotcakes. Or snuggies.

Friday, September 30, 2011

In the mood for ghosts...

All New Ghost Adventures: Mizpah Hotel on 09/30 at 9pm E/P .. tonight.. 
Not that I am paid to advertise for them, but I’m quite addicted to the show — especially around this time of year..