Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Panic on the streets of Rome: People, fearing the 'big one,' leave town.. Facebook helps fan fears that an earthquake will strike May 11

Panic on the streets of Rome: People, fearing the 'big one,' leave town.. Facebook helps fan fears that an earthquake will strike May 11

New information shows that if a robot looks like a human, chances are it will repulse real humans.

New information shows that if a robot looks like a human, chances are it will repulse real humans.

Interesting stuff. The AP wants to see the Osama photos

Interesting stuff. The AP wants to see the Osama photos

Too much paranoia?

I had a dream last night that iced chemtrails were being sprayed on me .. They were about 5 feet off the ground .. I had a hammer and would chisel them. But even with them visible no one else saw them. Maybe I’m the next Edgar Cayce. Or just getting too little of sleep.

Microsoft agrees to buy Skype for $8.5 billion, Fortune has confirmed

Now you can NEVER escape terrorism

Your phone will alert you of threats, include messages from the President.. And it’s mandatory. Put it on vibrate..

Now you can NEVER escape terrorism

MMR AND AUTISM: A new link studied

Will it clear Wakefield?

MMR AND AUTISM: A new link studied

It may be the day..

or night.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Planes trains and automobiles.. 

Senator Schumer has called for a “do not ride” list for Amtrak trains, as America’s near-hysterical reaction continues to the sudden killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan..

First planes.. now trains. Will a lawmaker soon introduce a do not drive list? It’s only fitting that a list like that would be next..

Good Monday morning

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3TesujRfpY?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Phil Collins — You Can’t hurry Love

Saturday, May 7, 2011

CNN just sent out a news alert on the Kentucky Derby winner

…to which I had just two thought. First, I wondered if horse racing rose to the prominence of an important breaking news event. And secondly, how many really pissed off people lost a boat load of money this weekend..

The government-selected clips also provide an opportunity for the U.S. to paint bin Laden in an unflattering light to his supporters. They video include outtakes of his propaganda films and, taken together, portray him as someone obsessed with his own image and how he is portrayed to the world.

The videos released had no sound..

The government-selected clips also provide an opportunity for the U.S. to paint bin Laden in an unflattering light to his supporters. They video include outtakes of his propaganda films and, taken together, portray him as someone obsessed with his own image and how he is portrayed to the world.

I agree with Drudge’s sarcasm on this.. the contention of a remote control with a tiny TV as a command center is a little strange.. additionally, I don’t even see a Wii in the room. How can there be a command center with no Wii?

May sweeps: US releases videos of Osama Bin Laden watching himself on TV..

Like Lady Gaga at a concert, a few followers dropped away. Hope you come back soon.

It’s my party and I’ll cry if i want to.. and cry they did..

Philippine city holds mass circumcision for youths

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Lady Gaga criticizes Arizona immigration laws