Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Strange streaks in the sky being reported all across the East Coast

Strange streaks in the sky being reported all across the East Coast

Sure Jeopardy has Watson cleaning the clocks of human competitors, but no computer will ever be able to emulate the grand skits of yesteryear on SNL with fake Trebek and fake Sean Connery… Therapists for 100 Alex.

Watson kicked ass on Jeopardy tonight

And while geniuses may be in fear that computers are taking over, maybe the person most in fear should be Alex Trebek..? Are his days as a host numbered..? Are the days of humans numbered.. An interesting world we’re paving for ourselves, I suppose. A world that, I suppose also, will force humans to become inferior to .. what we created.

The day on earth when the planet was hit with a half a million years if sunlight in a fraction of a second…

CBS reports: CBS reporter sexually assaulted during Egyptian demonstrations

CBS reports: CBS reporter sexually assaulted during Egyptian demonstrations

Hannah Montana have him an achy braky heart

..Billy Ray say the show destroyed his family..

Hannah Montana have him an achy braky heart

It was a long incubation.. Lady Gaga spent 72 hours in her egg

It was a long incubation.. Lady Gaga spent 72 hours in her egg

Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun


The solar flare has suspended part of radio communications in Korea..
Class of its own: X-Class..
Watching for satellite disruption..
Flashback just yesterday: “Unlikely” to cause communications problems..

You know I knew I hate Valentine's Day for a reason

And now I have my reason: Lupercalia, when the men were men and the women were whipped.. And now, after muddying the waters as the Popes do so well, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, or at least did yesterday.. The NPR story I linked here a few minutes ago continues to fascinate me.. ..The notion of young Roman men picking female names out of a jar, and having relations for the duration..no flowers necessary in Roman times. No chocolates. No wining and dining.. instead it was the very act of procreation or nocreation that took place with immediate flare..

NPR reports, too,

Young women would actually line up for the men to hit them, Lenski says. They believed this would make them fertile.

…and now, after this brutal history of abuse of women and strange pagan rituals of what could best be described as rape, we celebrate a glorified marketing bonanza of food booze and cards. And the women that don’t get a card are told to be upset.. the men who have no one to give a card to are told they are losers. Maybe those should get together and start celebrating Lupercalia all over again, minus the nudity, whipping, gender abuse, and demoralization of humanity. But isn’t demoralization of humanity what Valentine’s Day is all about anyway..?

Should have linked this one yesterday

But interesting nonetheless: The dark origins of Valentine’s Day..

The most powerful solar flare in years

The most powerful solar flare in years

Powerful X Class solar flare

Powerful X Class solar flare

Also from space

A giant hidden planet may exist in our solar system!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Late solar news flash:

The sun continues to be active tonight… and now an X2.2 level X-ray event was observed by the GOES 15 satellite around 9 p.m. ET tonight.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttiOfX3IEj8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

…solar flares abound.. Staring at the Sun — The Offspring

"Earth in the crosshairs" of solar flare

"Earth in the crosshairs" of solar flare

It's an auroral Valentine's night..

Current Auroral Oval:

Yet another Jerusalem UFO video shows up--with this one claiming the object was fired at

Yet another Jerusalem UFO video shows up--with this one claiming the object was fired at

24 "news" networks

Anyone else frustrated!!? What a waste of time.. CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC.. all those hours a day and nothing to show for it.

A revolution in Egypt.. And more. Tunisia.. Now IRAN! …the Patriot Act passes tonight.. there are tremors at Mount St Helens.. there is a massive solar flare aimed right at earth.

And what do our noise networks give us?

Dick Morris on FOX NEWS…

Politics on MSNBC..

Snooze news on CNN..

Truly a shame. Such a grand amount of time devoted to mindless drivel.. So many minutes of the day wasted on news that doesn’t matter but just “stuff” like gossip, celebrity, and noise that poses as news.

As Dan Quayle said once, “What a waste it is to lose one’s mind or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.”

Perhaps Dan was a prophet.