And now I have my reason: Lupercalia, when the men were men and the women were whipped.. And now, after muddying the waters as the Popes do so well, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, or at least did yesterday.. The NPR story I linked here a few minutes ago continues to fascinate me.. ..The notion of young Roman men picking female names out of a jar, and having relations for the flowers necessary in Roman times. No chocolates. No wining and dining.. instead it was the very act of procreation or nocreation that took place with immediate flare..
NPR reports, too,
Young women would actually line up for the men to hit them, Lenski says. They believed this would make them fertile.
…and now, after this brutal history of abuse of women and strange pagan rituals of what could best be described as rape, we celebrate a glorified marketing bonanza of food booze and cards. And the women that don’t get a card are told to be upset.. the men who have no one to give a card to are told they are losers. Maybe those should get together and start celebrating Lupercalia all over again, minus the nudity, whipping, gender abuse, and demoralization of humanity. But isn’t demoralization of humanity what Valentine’s Day is all about anyway..?
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