Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2014

There are a collection online that blew my mind: Incredibly awkward pregnancy photos. And there is a set of 41 of them on the site Newslinq.

I don’t get it.. if these are a joke, then it’s just weird.. if they are serious attempts to showcase a pregnancy, then it’s weirder.

Either way, have fun.. 41 photos of oddities of woman and their stomachs.

Two of my favorites:
awkward pregnancy

awkward pregnancy

Friday, March 4, 2011

A cautionary tale of BioFreeze

When applying to someone else, wash your hands before you use the restroom. I’ve learned a lesson..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Without going into personal details...

…my wife and I, expecting a child for months, are in the final stages of pregnancy. It’s almost here.. the baby is in place. The parents are ready to pace. The baby’s room will be the place.

Stay tuned… for that and for many other things, which you can find on a daily basis here on

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

For my readers and followers, another late night commandment

You already know now not to purchase a Hyundai, but if you do not to drive it in snow..

And now a new commandment for those reading: Never purchase a Pack n Play and expect the set up to be as easy as the box says it will be.. And if you do, YouTube is a great resource for fellow soon to be parents angry over a mindlessly difficult process.

Monday, January 10, 2011

And the amazing Ayden kicks!!

Being a soon-to-be parent is strange.. but even stranger is watching the hands and feet of your soon-to-be son poke through your wife’s stomach..

For Tara, every day has been take your child to work day. Your active, apparently happy, or angry, baby boy in the womb.. I feel forher. The sleepless nights are getting more sleepless, as the lungs are being pushed along with any other vital organs in Ayden’s way.

The miracle of life.. it’s unstoppable. And every night around 9pm Ayden becomes unstoppable, as well. 

And he’s coming. Soon. Eight months in, and Tara can’t wait. Neither can I. Of course, if we think sleepless night are sleepless now..? Wait until true sleeplessness sets in.