Saturday, January 17, 2015

That moment of disappointment


When you turn on the scifi channel and see “Friday the 13th” followed by “A Nightmare on Elm Street” and after being psyched for an 80s slasher fest find out they’re the remakes.

MY GOD.. I agree with this 10000%

'American Sniper' Makes Eastwood's Friday With $30.5M, Can It Hit $80M By Monday?

I haven’t seen the movie..quite frankly didn’t even read reviews.

But one friend posted this on Facebook tonight:

The silence coming out of the theater after seeing American Sniper spoke louder than any critique of the movie. Wow is only word to explain it.

I suppose a number of people are being deeply affected by this film..

'American Sniper' Makes Eastwood's Friday With $30.5M, Can It Hit $80M By Monday?

The bizarre ESP experiments conducted on aboriginal children without parental consent

This Washington POST story penned by Abby Phillip is a must read.. The aboriginal children in Canada were subjected to so much misery and torture—kids as young as three being separated from their families and taken into a cruel life of bondage a wards of the state..

But the latest news we see here is a little more on the odd side.. Phillip reports,

A recently uncovered experiment reveals the depths of the access given to so-called researchers seeking to find evidence that aboriginal children, by dint of their race, had extrasensory perception, also known as ESP, or a “sixth sense.”

Fifty children at the Indian Residential School in Brandon, Manitoba, became the subjects of a series of tests that sought to establish a new measure for identifying ESP and also to find evidence of supernatural abilities of “primitive” people.

In the end, there does not appear to be any harm suffered by the children—except unless you consider that they happily and willing participated in them surveys because they’d get candy as a reward, candy for their starving stomachs..

But the study also offered nothing worthwhile—the results of the ESP was no better than just the chance guesses kids can make..

While this specific study took place in 1940, I think a bigger question is what else occurred that we do not know..

And lest we forget, these schools—run  by churches but funded by the government—had more than 150,000 total kids in throughout time and were closed in 1996. That’s in most of our lifetimes—1996 was not ancient history..

Phillip goes on to report,

“The mortality rates of these schools were vastly higher than the rest of Canada,” Mosby said. “This comes back to the dehumanizing elements of residential schools in Canada. The entire purpose of them was to destroy indigenous ways of life.”

Linklater, who unearthed the study, forwarded it to Mosby because the researcher had previously examined other experiments conducted on aboriginal children during that time period.

“There’s no parental consent, there’s no research studies that would have been ethical by our standards today, and these kids were exploited,” Linklater told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. “I don’t mean to say this to inspire white guilt, I’m using this as a tool for change.”

In 2008, Canada said sorry..
As rightfully so.

I think as time goes on and those who suffered—children of course, as always—we will learn even more about the tests far worse than this ESP bizarreity.  Much darker things most likely occurred..

The bizarre ESP experiments conducted on aboriginal children without parental consent

A Taiwanese man has died after a three-day gaming binge at an internet cafe in the island's south, the second such case this year. The 32-year-old, identified by his family name Hsieh, was found slumped in his chair in the cafe in Kaohsiung city.

…til you drop.
And he did..

32 years young?
Did anyone know chronic gaming could be so deadly?

A Taiwanese man has died after a three-day gaming binge at an internet cafe in the island's south, the second such case this year. The 32-year-old, identified by his family name Hsieh, was found slumped in his chair in the cafe in Kaohsiung city.

Connecticut officials coordinate earthquake preparation

The situation is confusing and challenging—a place that has not shaken in centuries is constantly now moving..

Of course nothing large enough to be earth shattering or teeth chattering has happened at this point, officials must be anxious.. Residents who have homes not built to withstand large shakes must be equally upset about the daily earthquakes that are occurring.

Safe places are now being thought up.. disaster plans.. family meet up points, and ways to get in touch with loved ones should something bigger even occur.

Scientists are still attempting to state exactly why is happening and why.. It has been challenging . The New York TIMES reports it this way :

Connecticut sat in the middle of this massive body of land. Then, about 200 million years after Pangea was formed, it began pulling apart. As the world began to take the shape, tectonic plates were colliding and breaking apart with tremendous force, creating huge faults. One of those faults — extending from near New Haven north to Keene, N.H. — helped create the Connecticut Valley. Although that fault has been inactive for 140 million years, residual stresses still exist and can set off earthquakes.

Since 1980, there have been swarms of several hundreds of earthquakes in and around Moodus, and scientists believe the Indian name was the result of the small tremors that would shake the lands.

But those quakes were mostly only detectable by machines. Not so the most recent swarm.

Dino Chrisovechotis said that he lived through earthquakes as a child in Greece but that his neighbors could use some basic information.

“Nobody here knows anything about earthquakes,” said Mr. Chrisovechotis, standing in Gus’s Pub & Pizzarama in Plainfield, the restaurant of which he is a co-owner. “It’s crazy.”

Just yesterday, a larger earthquake struck on the NE edge of the craton in Canada..

Connecticut officials coordinate earthquake preparation

Friday, January 16, 2015

Planet X .. existent after all?

Planet X .. existent after all?

My Way News - Rethinking the big speech that isn't so big anymore

There’s a thought that grandiose meaningful speeches won’t be happening anymore.. I disagree. I think if a President ditched the TelePrompTer and spoke some off the cuff truth, maybe people would decide it’s television worth watching ..

My Way News - Rethinking the big speech that isn't so big anymore

If there’s one show I loathe ….it’s this.

Raif Badawi: Saudi King 'refers case to Supreme Court', says blogger's wife

They are waiting for his wounds to heal.
Let’s remember: Saudi Arabia is an ‘ally’..

Raif Badawi: Saudi King 'refers case to Supreme Court', says blogger's wife

Let’s be very happy this was all fake.
Be at peace this Friday night, earth..

Navy: China has not attacked U.S. aircraft carrier

One hell of a hacking just took place.. UPI announced that world war three began today with an attack by China and a response from the United States military..

Thankfully it is all not true..
And it surely freaked out a lot of people..

Navy: China has not attacked U.S. aircraft carrier

NASA live stream cuts out after alien UFO sighting, claims blogger

Scoff at the claim if you wish, but look at the stream of events.. Live coverage. UFO spotted. Live feed goes down.

On purpose or an accident? UFO ?? Or IFO..

NASA live stream cuts out after alien UFO sighting, claims blogger

‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ going back to publisher

It was all fake.
A fairy tale..
Lots of people found lots of hope in a story that was never real to begin with, a hoax perpetrated in masses of people who desperately searched for light in the darkness of this world..
That is behavior worthy of an eternal hell…

‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ going back to publisher

2014 was the warmest on record — except where the world’s most prominent climate-change skeptics live

You have to admit some grand ironic joke here right?

2014 was the warmest on record — except where the world’s most prominent climate-change skeptics live

There's Actually A Scientific Reason You Sometimes Want To Eat Your Baby (or Puppy)

I was informed, interested, and yet somehow disturbed by this article on cute aggression..
I never wanted to eat my child. I suppose others haven’t been so lucky..

There's Actually A Scientific Reason You Sometimes Want To Eat Your Baby (or Puppy)

Scientists look for what's causing Texas earthquakes


Scientists look for what's causing Texas earthquakes

Pakistani police clash with Charlie Hebdo protesters at French consulate

Developing now.

Pakistani police clash with Charlie Hebdo protesters at French consulate

Hey all.. I have lots of new followers suddenly..

You don’t know what you’re in for..

What If Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once?

In short, we’d be in some serious excrement. Burning hot excrement. 

What If Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once?