Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why Are Construction Workers The Happiest Employees?

Great article.. and it makes perfect sense when you consider the theory behind it all..

And it also reminds me of the final scene of the movie OFFICE SPACE.. where finally we find the protagonist filled with happiness.

Why Are Construction Workers The Happiest Employees?

Watch Those K-Cups You’ve Been Trashing Turn Into a Monstrous Problem

Yes.. this was bound to happen..

Sure, the single-serve coffee containers are convenient, but as this parody shows, the tiny pods that work in Keurig machines have become a Godzilla-like creature.

I always think of those monstrous mounds of plastic in the oceans across the planet. And among those: A disastrous amount of stupid little plastic coffee pods that we have bought up for no other better reason than convenience. And all the while, GOOD TASTING coffee is hard to find since we are so hell-bent on buying cheaply made MSG-infused coffee pods..

Watch Those K-Cups You’ve Been Trashing Turn Into a Monstrous Problem

9 Tips for Picky Eaters

This is a great article. I sure wish my 4-year-old son could read it..

It’s written by Lynn Jaffee and speaks in depth about her picky style of eating when being a child. And how later in life the gift of food became an amazing part of living..

I am having some major troubles in the parenting department.. my son Ayden just won’t try anything new. Dinner time becomes similar to some ancient battle of the Middle Ages, with each us of jousting for the lead.. In the end, my son wins and either doesn’t eat or has some strange dinner of his own.. 

We even tried to ‘you’re not eating anything’ bit. He holds out. He literally holds out and it doesn’t work..

The worst thing that can happen is when he announces, out of no where, that he suddenly does not want to eat a certain food anymore—obviously he gets tired of the same stuff.. And then the crisis occurs.. we are eliminating more foods off of his diet than gaining.

He is missing a world of tastes.. he has helped me cook, doesn’t mind touching things, but when it comes to actually trying stuff, he throws himself into near convulsions of fear.

Any advice parents among us?

9 Tips for Picky Eaters

Hasbro has secretly released a Monopoly set with $23,000 in real money

Now this is a great way to sell a game.. it reminds me a little of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY…

Go out, now, and buy up ye olde board games like it’s the 19th century.. You may just became a rich person. 

Hasbro has secretly released a Monopoly set with $23,000 in real money

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

FLASHBACK 2014: Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims

FLASHBACK 2014: Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims


If you live near OpenBiome’s lab in Massachusetts, you can earn up to $13,000 extra a year to donate your fecal matter. Not a bad gig, and with the Seahawks loss in the Superbowl, perhaps the next logical for Doug Baldwin.

14 things that may not exist in 2020

I think the list is a presumptuous. What is missing, though? JOBS.

14 things that may not exist in 2020


PARANORMAL ACTIVITY house quickly snapped off the market for under $800,000// The house is gorgeous and, photos from inside show an even dreamier place to live. And the story is worthy of a flashback.. don’t forget, whoever is the proud owner of the humble abode, Oren Peli claimed he chose the house after real paranormal activity took place prior to making his first film.. At that time, Peli said when he moved into then house, weird things continuously happened there. And that’s what gave him the inspiration to make the movie.. 

The CBS8 2009 story also quoted a pool cleaner who visits the house saying, “We try to not pay attention. We just do our job and we are in there and we are out. It’s really weird.” The reporter for CBS8 wrote this about the house itself: “Although no one was home, a faint banging was heard coming from the house.” 

 It is always difficult to tell fact from fiction.. other famous houses from horror exist, like the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET HOUSE that was purchased in 2013 (and it’s a beautiful clean and modern non scary place) .. and the AMITYVILLE HORROR location, which still attracts many and is constantly being sold and resold..

As far as the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY house, new owners can cleanse it of spirits and bring goodness between the four walls. Or… let the oddities occur and let pool cleaners continue to be scared off by ‘weird’ bangs from inside.. So whoever buys it? Maybe you’ll have to clean the pool yourself.. and in the luxurious life of the rich and famous, that’s the truly scary thing..

Who would Jesus have rooted for? A Church in Washington got so into the Superbowl frenzy that it decorated its usually holy altar for the big game this past Sunday. That caused at least one Church blogger to snap out and, in my opinion, fairly so..

Randy Quaid attacks Rupert Murdoch in what may be the strangest YouTube video from a celebrity. Ever.. During the epic rant, his wife is on the bed in a bikini wearing sunglasses.. he refers to CHRISTMAS VACATION and Warner Bros stealing his house and the NEW YORK POST smearing him, and also complains of false arrests.. 

Sadly YouTube has just removed the video for a violation of their terms of service.. but I saw it before they did.

 I don’t think he blinked even once during this video.. But be warned, the video is not safe for work or after dinner. 

At the end, Quaid has his wife put on a RUPERT MURDOCH while he either simulates or REALLY has sex with her while speaking about police media corruption.

Our modern world..

Pictures published on ISIS’ official al Furqan media site apparently show Jordanian military pilot Moaz al-Kassasbeh being burned alive while confined in a cage.

Genotype Testing Showed Baltimore Baby’s Symptoms Were A Reaction To The MMR, Health Officials Relieved

Genotype Testing Showed Baltimore Baby’s Symptoms Were A Reaction To The MMR, Health Officials Relieved

How to live in ISIS land

The cost of leaving the Islamic State: Jail. Or death. That is the dark and stark reality of life under the merciless regime.. the AP details the facts in a dispatch from Tunisia about a man who left Syria and now is fearful for his life.. 

The AP reports: 

“Now he chain-smokes as he describes the indiscriminate killing, the abuse of female recruits, the discomfort of a life where meals were little more than bread and cheese or oil. He recounts the knife held to his throat by fellow fighters who demanded he recite a particular Quranic verse on Islamic warfare to prove himself.“


Vaccines are suddenly becoming a campaign 2016 issue.. Rand Paul and Chris Christie both suggested that parents could choose to vaccinate. Others disagree vehemently.. Hillary Clinton stepped into the fray with a #vaccineswork Tweet. 

 President Obama has utilized his weekly radio address (yes they still happen) and other appearances, like his beer-swigging pre-superbowl interview, to advise parents to choose vaccines over not. But Rand Paul, the famed anti-establishment eye doctor who is not a Senator and vying for the highest office in the land, says that vaccines have dangers.. Paul said they they can cause profound mental disorders.. the Paul comments raised some eyebrows, and have others in the anti-vaccine world applauding.. you can see his unusually combative interview here on CNBC.. the interview was set to be about financial issues but it took a controversial turn immediately..

 Paul says that ultimately vaccines are a good idea but he had his ‘staggered’ over several months.. When the interview turned back to stocks and economics the banter between the host and Paul seemingly went even more downhill..

Monday, February 2, 2015

The piles keep getting higher

The PARANORMAL ACTIVITY house is up for sale.. $749,000 on the market.

A New York pastor is making news.. he says that Justin Bieber is transgender and regrets ‘cutting off’ his breasts.. But before you take it seriously, know this: This is the same pastor who claimed Vlad Putin will ‘out’ Obama as gay and that Mr Manning has previously alleged that Vladimir Putin will ‘out’ Barack Obama as gay, and that Starbucks flavors coffees with the semen of sodomites.. Drink up Bieber fans.

Facebook and all its dangers considered

A website argues the case of why you and your loved ones should get off of Facebook now.. it’s a good read.

 I am on Facebook, I also have a fan page for my other website on Facebook with over 100 followers at this time. 

Am I worried about their terms of service? Always. Am I horrified but how Facebook destroys the humanity of people? yes.. but there are cautious ways to come at the social network. 

 I think more than anything else: The fact they read private message is alarming. And they do. The argument on the tech site is convincing.. read it and judge for yourself. Act accordingly. If you stay on Facebook, be smart and don’t think just because you have ‘nothing to hide’ and the prying eyes of the technocracy don’t destroy you anyway..


You just KNEW this was coming..

If you missed the Katy Perry halftime show at the Superbowl, you may have missed quite the Illuminati ritual. 

Clyde Lewis posts..

It saw a shadow.
It predicted six more weeks of winter.

Actually old men in hats did.