Sunday, October 7, 2012

[hulu id=qzchijghog5zt_srddqm1g width=500]

More great SNL with this

[hulu id=jvp9u9rgbk5dnithdf-fmw width=500]

Not bad SNL

The Smoking Gun website started it all when it began trickling out information that the New York City restaurant owned by Lady Gaga and her family received several citations in a recent inspection..

The early October inspection of Joanne Trattoria received several infractions along with serious contamination warnings.. One commenter on the Smoking Gun article joked that she’d rather eat at Joanne Fabrics..

So now on the Internet a firestorm ensues.. One mocking Gaga and family over dirty conditions.. One mocking Gaga over her weight gain by eating at the family business too often. Yes the media feeding frenzy of gossip rags and superficial websites can be cruel.

What is clear is this: The NYC eatery needs to clean up some seriously bad conditions for the safety of its patrons. And also clear: Regardless of whether it does the is guilty again of propping up a star and then tearing her down.

But with this go around on character assassination at the hands of paparazzi and trash pubs, there is a new factor to consider: That the bigger she is the harder she’ll fall.


Pretty disgusting stuff don’t you think? It’s hardly a few months after mass murder and already some heartless folks are making cash off of true heartache..

Halloween costumes can often be controversial though. Remember when Bill Mahar dressed as the dead Crocodile Hunter freshly after a stingray killed him?

But the idea of wearing this from face of death is a little shocking, in fact an equally shocking item is how quick someone can capitalize on horror.. They can sleep at night? I suppose.. It’s capitalism after all.

eBay made the right choice to pull the mask. I have seen some online rumblings of people saying the mask seller’s right to sell was violated. But eBay has an equal right to choose its rules. If the government tells eBay or the seller what to sell I’ll concede a constitutional violation.

But deep down for those who want the mask, I can only ask simply: what would make someone want to dress up like James Holmes?

Such a strange juxtaposition of headlines and an ad in my Sunday morning paper today.. The Jerry Sandusky raping headline, jurors hoping for a life sentence, and a Penn State pride ad about charitable collections. It certainly makes their act of kindness a little bit more awkward

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday night's main event: The fever returns

Just another Saturday night in parenting land.

It’s funny, my wife and I always have a tiny sense of dread about Saturday nights. It’s because whenever in the 20-month-history of our son Ayden’s life, he has been sick, teething, went to emergency rooms, or broke legs right before the weekend. And this weekend, yet again, is no different.

He’s running a low grade fever all day. Drinking lots of fluid, he was eating pretty well, and he was watching Caillou all day—listen, ALL DAY! ALL DAY!!! It’s his comfort so mom and dad let it happen. And now, he just fell asleep yet again with a fever running up. Motrin/Tylenol and all that stuff is ready for the night. I may turn in early in case he wakes up… then I’ll play Caillou yet again and listen to John B Wells on Coast to Coast AM in one ear. I think he’s talking about destruction coming with planet Nibiru. So while I comfort my son I’ll be scared to death at conspiracy madness 2012. Can’t wait.

Just hope the fever goes away. It may be a long night. But hopefully a long night of sleep. As parents out there may know though, it could also be a long night of AM cries and highs .. Wish us all luck here in the mountains of the coal region….

Sunset ..

Father and son enjoying the air.. Teletype Ayden was under the weather today with new teeth coming out. But he’ll never miss a chance to throw rocks

Awesome foliage with a shine from the sun

Blue above..

Lazy gray autumn day. Leaves are falling fast. Kind of not ready.

I’m highly jealous of my son Ayden. He got a brand new chair.

So why don’t they make chairs like this for adults, with adult things? I bet you’d sit in a chair with DEXTER if it was sold. But what about Honey Boo Boo?

I say give adults full body pajamas with feet and fabric chairs with images! Live like a kid again..

Mix a controversial call with really angry baseball fans and you’ll get this: A mess of a stadium, debris and garbage flying through the air onto the field, and nervous players hoping not to be hit with beer cans.
What a way to shine, Atlanta. More from CNN and more from ESPN..

Friday, October 5, 2012

This is actually a pretty interesting NBC story about how and where Americans tuned into the presidential debate. Over beers and laundry.. and lots of other places as well. Sixty-one million folks watched. 

A moment captured in time.

More on that theory that you're a projected simulation, not one that is real

There has been a popular thought lately among folks with astute degrees and high intelligence: The theory that we are not real, that life is just a projection, that humans and the race we have lived and are living is just a big quantum experiment. Or as Nancy Evans Bush said on Coast to Coast AM last week, we are a joke..

The newest example of this thought process comes from the NEW SCIENTIST, which places on its cover and talks in great detail in its issue, about what exactly reality is. The publication is also devoting a special section to that question on their website as well..  And it’s a great question. Think of the implication, the deep rooted potential, and the mighty ability to chaos that comes with the answer…

To me, reality is my own. I know my reality, I know my family, friends.. I know my job.. I know my hobbies, my fears, and my hopes. I don’t really know yours. And you don’t know mine. So reality, in a sense, is specific to the person having that reality. Do we share one ultimate reality? Maybe. Although atheists may say no, as will Christians, as will Muslims, and as will Mormons—along with any other religion, sect, tribe, or tribulation. Reality will be specific to them. And to someone who hallucinates on regular basis, well, it’s safe to assume few will ever be able to get a grip on their reality.

But what if we are nothing? What if we are a bit of bytes and coding in some quantum computer, somewhere out there..? Somewhere here? What if we are fake. Just projections. Just manifestations of software permitted to just ‘run with it’?  It may be difficult to imagine, but some are imagining just that: The very real potentialreality as we know it is just a computer simulation.

This bizarre idea arose from an argument over black holes. One of the fundamental tenets of physics is that information cannot be destroyed, but a black hole appears to violate this by swallowing things that contain information then gradually evaporating away. What happens to that information was the subject of a long debate between Stephen Hawking and several of his peers. In the end, Hawking lost the debate, conceding that the information is imprinted on the event horizon that defines the black hole’s boundary and escapes as the black hole evaporates.

This led theoretical physicists Leonard Susskind and Gerard’t Hooft to propose that the entire universe could also hold information at its boundary — with the consequence that our reality could be the projection of that information into the space within the boundary.

There are huge implications if you go down this road. If you strip humans of the flesh and bones we think we have, take away those memories and chalk them up to simulated experiences, and just say it’s all not real but a figment of some programmer, well.. that is massive. Are we just mindless bits and bytes living out some creepy SIM CITY type of game? How does the game end? Who started the game? …and if someone did truly start it, could consider that being or beings to be “God” ?? 

What role would free will play in a simulation? Would our SIMS and avatars be permitted to even possess such a gift?

And finally, if we are just flowing through some binary processor, what can one make of love and hate? What can you say about tears? 

Think of it this way: If tomorrow irrefutable evidence turned up that we truly were not real but instead a part of a quantum program, many people on this planet (which would not really be a planet in reality) would cry. They would have real wet watery tears flowing. Or would they? Permits the programmer would allow those tears to flow. And if he clicked to stop them… we’d just vanish with the program. 

For those who believe that we are in this world of fraud, I certainly hope the programmer or the god doesn’t accidentally walk by his desk and unplug the computer by accident. 

Finally, I say this: We make fake world, we grow fake plants in Farmville (does anyone play that still?) and we have pretend avatars. What if those avatars come alive, have feelings, and think they are real too. We suddenly become God. To them. But who would be God to us? The one who made us..whether it’s flesh and bones or endless 0s and 1s of data. 

Fascinating questions. Profound answers.

But none to be found!

What is reality? What are we? Maybe nothing more than a gigantic computer program.. A quantum sized fraud that forces us too believe we are real even though we are just projected

What is reality? What are we? Maybe nothing more than a gigantic computer program.. A quantum sized fraud that forces us too believe we are real even though we are just projected


The cover of next week’s issue of The New Yorker.

Interesting cover.. Says a lot

What a mix!! Speculators, gas prices and shortages, and an election year

Get ready for five bucks a gallon..

What a mix!! Speculators, gas prices and shortages, and an election year

In 2004 George Bush was accused of having a listening device in his back during the debates, and now this year Mitt Romney is accused of using a cheat sheet

However the campaign says it was a handkerchief

Others may respond that only the elite use handkerchiefs

This is all getting to be too much. Wake me up when November ends

In 2004 George Bush was accused of having a listening device in his back during the debates, and now this year Mitt Romney is accused of using a cheat sheet
