Friday, January 7, 2011

NIGHTLINE is somewhat mocking people fearing the bird and fish deaths

I don’t like the tone NIGHTLINE is taking..

I think “Aflockalypse” is a ridiculous term..

But I also think there is something strange going on in the world.

And yes, maybe people quoted 2012 prophecies but that is fiction for the most part. The bird death and fish death around the world is REAL! It’s happening.

As much as NIGHTLINE right now is making light of the fears, I think it’s tone is over the top..

And yes, a rational explanation may arise from the recent deaths. Cold, fireworks, etc. etc.

But all at one time … it’s somewhat odd for this all to happen all at once..

Apparently 911 callers were quoting 2012 prophecies and rumors of the end of the world..

Nightline is doing its show right now on the bird deaths around the globe

Fluoride through the years

Or information that you’d rather not know, as the news so often consists of tidbits and facts that make life much more miserable than they should be.

But miserable as it all could very well be, we’re stuck on earth in the system. So enjoy the Matrix.

From the world called earth, circa 2011: Fluoride was considered a glorious bounty from God himself only a few years ago. What child doesn’t have a vague recollection of horrible-tasting fluoride tablets being given to them in grade school? Some kids were lucky enough to have “cherry flavored” fluoride. And that’s not to mention the water supplies being filled with the tooth decay ‘preventative.’ So many years.. so many cavities later.. and what today have we been told? “There is too much fluoride in the water.” As a matter of fact, it’s so much so that the government is going to cut down the amounts put into water supplies. Now if only someone can ask the tough question: Is there too much fluoride in our toothpaste?

x x x

The cautionary tale for a Friday night

CNN reminds us that winning a lottery doesn’t guarantee happiness..

Thank you CNN, ruining another Friday with a Debbie Downer story.

Unemployment dropped to 9.4%. But stocks dropped because unemployment is 9.4%

Unemployment dropped to 9.4%. But stocks dropped because unemployment is 9.4%

Less for us, more for rats

The government says there is TOO MUCH fluoride in the drinking water!

The darkness descends upon the land,
As we become aware of the master plan.
But in the end, the sun will rise,
And good will win to evil’s surprise.

My feeling today

8000 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree

Strange blue stain showing up on yet more dead birds

8000 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree

'Organics' found on Mars

'Organics' found on Mars

Absolutely beautiful post storm coal country

It’s good to be alive!

Stay safe and enjoy Friday

Full list: Here is where it's not good to live if you're a fish or a bird

Full list: Here is where it's not good to live if you're a fish or a bird

This is America: A spy drone (the kind employed in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) are being deployed to the streets of Florida

Spy drones in Florida to be the first in the nation — and will no doubt set a precedent for other police departments to follow..

Oh.. and the ACLU APPROVES!

This is America: A spy drone (the kind employed in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) are being deployed to the streets of Florida

It’s Friday.

It’s Russian Christmas Eve.

Unemployment just went down to 9.4%..

Sure there’s lots of bad out there, but look up and say hello to life.

But there's some good news


Unemployment rate falls to 9.4%

Morning news, for those who dare to read it


And it’s a white Christmas Eve in many parts of the Northeast, including Coal Speaker headquarters

Shift in earth’s magnetic pole affecting Tampa’s airport..

What happens to our cyber life after we die in real life? The New York TIMES has more..

Military death ray? The end of the world? Chemical testing? Rumors fly over bird deaths worldwide..
MORE birds to the ground..
Bird is the word: Mystery continues..

Bird is the word, fish is the dish: Where the deaths occurred so far:
New Zealand

Speculation increases over whether death of John Wheeler III was murder..
Friend of Wheeler discusses death..
Case gets more baffling..

New York City braces for a half a foot of snow—no where near the blizzard of late 2010’s totals.. Another storm system is expected to impact the area early next week..
Another snowy winter weekend predicted for the Northeast..

Cracked Apple: Mac App store has been giving away pay apps for free..

Gaga brings Polaroid back from the dead: Unveils Polaroid sunglasses camera..

Trailer revealed for John Carpenter’s THE WARD..

Most anticipated movies of 2011..

Horror film SIBLINGS shoots in Pittsburgh..

Norah Jones is playing out the day to the night .. If she doesn’t know why, neither do I.. But I love listening

Thursday, January 6, 2011

This Superstock image from appears to answer my question on the maps, along with my friend who messaged me that the name of the map type in question from an earlier post tonight was topographical maps. They were the ones with the humps. The humps the humps the humps. The lovely latitude and longitude bumps…

Thanks for helping me stroll down amnesia lane, K.S.

Nothing to see here! Keep moving! No squawking

Nothing to see here part 1: Maryland fish die-off due to natural causes..
Nothing to see here part 2: Sweden bird deaths were due to ‘natural causes’..
Other explanations from animals deaths around the world from officials have told the citizenry: Don’t be fearful, nothing to worry about.. all natural.. including 40,000 + dead fish in England—those deaths supposedly from extreme cold..

The end times are near? Well, for many animals they are.. but other rumors fly..

911 calls document people’s reports on Louisiana bird deaths..

x x x

Flocks of birds dead in Tennessee.. /// Google maps to track bird deaths.. /// More bird deaths reported in Louisiana.. /// It’s raining blackbirds.. ///