Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ebay asks users to change passwords after cyberattack


EbayEBay asked users Wednesday to change their passwords after a reported cyberattack on a database containing passwords and non-financial data.

Follow the latest at Breaking News

Oh boy..

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Everyone is Democratic in Pac-Man.

So says Ayden after I took him to vote today in the Pennsylvania primary .. in a very light turnout.

I think there is profound logic in that somehow

Monday, May 19, 2014

Cannes: Movie-maker courts controversy with MH370 thriller

So much for the question: “Too soon?” 

We may never find the wreckage of signs of flight 370, but someone sure will make money of it.

But maker of THE VANISHING ACT, Rupesh Paul, told CNN this:

"The movie is based on an investigative report by a journalist which was rejected by the media so it is definitely controversial. The movie will answer two questions: one is what went wrong with MH370 and where is MH370 on this earth?"

Sounds like the maker of this film knows more about the whereabouts of the plane than any government on earth?? 


Movie-makers say they have recruited leading Hollywood technicians to bring their experience to mid-air flight sequences.

Cannes: Movie-maker courts controversy with MH370 thriller

Thousands of Dead Fish Found in Marina Del Rey

So far the blame is a lack of oxygen..

Lots of fish calls lately .. lots.

Thousands of Dead Fish Found in Marina Del Rey

Data mining your children

A little creepy for my taste. But common sense would tell us this is where we would have been by now..

The brave new world has been here for some time, it’s not just beginning.

Beer ads target kids really early.. sexualized products have robbed them of their childhood.. Sex ed, for all of its benefits, also teach things way too early. Sure, all the kids are doing it (And always did, evidenced by the syphilis cases a century ago) .. but something seems to be taking everything that is innocent from children. 

Everything is tracked, traced, and delivered to a behemoth computerized spying apparatus. Some of it is government. It’s also corporation. Which scares you more?

Data mining your children

Don’t mess with us Russia.. or you’ll get marshmallowed. 

What you see is not real.. such as the creepy Michael Jackson hologram last night on the Billboard Music Awards.

There was a dance group.. the curtains opened.. and there sat Michael Jackson on what looked to be a throne fit for a king.  The hologram danced and moonwalked across the stage like it was the 20th century again.

But it was not. Obviously what we were seeing was not real—a ghost of Jacko purposely made to make headlines today..

Jackson was brought back from the head with the help of technology—people were crying as they saw the computerized former human.. There was sun symbolism.. 

If you want some real hardcore views on last night’s show, Mark Dice presents it in a typical humorous and abrasive way on his latest video..

Equally creepy: Miley Cyrus attempting to re-do a Beatles song.. but she wasn’t a hologram.. I don’t think..

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Billboard yawnfest

These music awards are probably duller than watching ink dry on Robin Thicke’s prenuptial agreement..

All of the performers are just horrendous live, with the exception of Luke Bryan, but he’s just horrendous ..

ABC.. It’s easy as 1-2-3.. Get some excitement.. And excitement is not Brad Paisley making arm wrestling jokes.

Inside the 9/11 museum’s offensive gift shop

The New York Post goes in depth.. Apparently a lot of really tacky but expensive items are for sale in the shop.. Hoodies with the twin towers and $39 heart shaped rocks with overused slogans on..

 One woman who lost a son was quoted in the Post article.. She said, “To me, it’s the crassest, most insensitive thing to have a commercial enterprise at the place where my son died”…

 WE have all seen these gifts, whether it’s in your local thrift shop or on the corner being sold by a street vendor. Some has been …ok.. others? Nah. 

Be proud, US of A. Tacky is America. Come on, we still sing “Proud to be an American” more often than the national anthem.. no matter what Lee Greenwood did, he made a bundle off of the weird emotions of Gulf War I .. 

We sell tacky things here.. You’d have to think those Chinese slave laborers who put together such profoundly graceless items are wondering what the hell the people in the free world are buying them for..

 But the question really remains: Should profits be off the list of what the 9/11 memorial is tasked with? After all, they have quite a hefty debt to pay back. 

In fairness, it’s a debt so high that overpriced ground zero hoodies will never pay back..

Inside the 9/11 museum’s offensive gift shop

I am about to sound crazy... But here we go:

Tin foil hat time.

Something very ‘out there’ happened last night—I cannot explain it nor will I subject any readers to the stupidity of assuming what it was..

I simply can convey what occurred. . I took Mutley the dog out for a midnight bathroom session.. It was profoundly quiet, with the exception of one bird in the woods singing, something I didn’t expect since you really don’t hear the sounds of birds at night. There was a very deep chill in the air, the temperature was already below 50, cold for this time in May.

Mutley and I heard something .. it sounded like the rolling of chains together, or perhaps even something heavy being drug across the forest floor. Mutley’s hair spiked up high as he started to form his body into an attack mode.. I ran into the house quickly to turn on the outside lights and grab a flashlight, about 5 seconds in time.. Upon the return to the outside air, the noise of chains clanging had gotten louder as though it was coming directly to and my dog. Here is the odd part: I heard nothing walking in the woods.. no noise of footsteps on dry leaves.. nothing. Perhaps adding to the bizarre flavor of the event, in the distance, what seemed like a pack of wild dogs, began barking. My dog at this point couldn’t contain himself.. He went crazy, and the midnight air was filled with the noise of Mutley the dog trying to scare away whatever it was..

I controlled Mutlery a bit. As I did, the noise slowly got more muffled as though it was leaving .. But again, as it quieted down in volume, no other sounds accompanied it. Not even the sounds of something or someomne walking ..

And then, it was gone. The only sound heard after the event was that lone songbird chipring in the cold midnight air. I still found that so be the creepiest ..

I tried explaining this to my wife.. As I am doing here, I did with her: I offered no explanation. I told her that I know I heard something but yet lacked any knowledge on what it was I heard..

Did my ears deceive me?
Does a bird, the singing bird, make a noise that may be similar to the clanging chains?

It was less like I was hearing a real event taking place before me, and more like I was witnessing a recorded event. The only logical way for me to explain this was that it seemed like the noise was not of nature or animal, and the lack of walking compels me to ask if something was being ‘played’ .. maybe an endless loop of something. I am attempting to stay away from the paranormal, because despite my love of it and all things weird, very few ‘weird’ things of note have happened to me. And I would like to sort of keep it that way..

And on a final note, to make matters weirder, I have been hearing those famed booms lately—I am not ready to call Linda Howe yet but I sure have her email at Earthfiles if necessary. Last night, while hearing some of the ground rumbling noises, a small meteor looped in the sky above me. I think it was a meteor..

It wasn’t a typical Saturday… things did go bump in the night. If I had to make a guess, the only thing I kept thinking as I closed my eyes and went to sleep was that the ghost of Marley doesn’t know it’s not Christmas yet.. Am I Scrooged?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Teacher caught on video grabbing kindergartner by face, could face charges

If you’re a parent, teacher, or person with a soul, this video should horrify you. This is exactly how to ruin a child, and how to make a further mockery of the school system—one that really doesn’t need much more help ..

Every time I see a bus driving a load of children off to the nearest indoctrination camp, I always hum ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL by Pink Floyd in my head.. And this video of this rotten woman who claims to be a teacher should be the bus driver, taking the kids off to be churned into sausage while they beg for their pudding.

Even if a child is doing something that needs attention or discipline, common sense would dictate that it’s not something you grab a child by the neck as his head slams against the wall.. That’s not discipline, it’s torture..

Little 6-year-old Ian did not deserve to be chocked for going to the bathroom.. Time and time again, adults seem hellbent on stealing the innocence from our children..

Luckily a surveillance camera caught it all on tape.
Imagine the countless hallways where this happens and no surveillance camera exists…?

Video shows the teacher picking up Ian by his shirt and face.

Teacher caught on video grabbing kindergartner by face, could face charges

So how about that.. the internet is filled with porn and perversion, but one exposed nipple on Madonna’s nearly ancient body and everyone goes crazy..

But we all know how people get touched up for magazines. And call me crazy, but I seriously think they pasted on a plastic nipple. 

Even with that said, it really is not a pleasant photo.. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

And you thought Beyonce was tough.. Don’t mess with Solange.

Maybe she will take the Fierce right out of Sasha’s name.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Woman's Strange Attack On Edmonton Train Passenger Caught On Video

Avoid trains if you see this passenger:

Woman's Strange Attack On Edmonton Train Passenger Caught On Video

Where Is Casey Kasem? Judge Orders Investigation

Where Is Casey Kasem? Judge Orders Investigation

This is an amazing photo—and an even more amazing story. The picture was posted by an Ohio hospital.. in it: Very rare ‘mono twins” named Jenna and Jillian. They were born on mother’s day.

The mono twins refers to fetuses who share an amniotic sac and remain in near constant contact for the duration of the pregnancy. And that’s why the image is spectacular: When the twins came from the womb, they immediately held hands .. As the story says, there was not a dry eye in the room.. 

Some past coal region history this weekend. My other website has some more info on why this touched me personally. Sort of.

Girl graduates in front of her terminally ill mother

If you’re having a bad day, look at this photo. You’ll instantly weep if you have a heart and it will put everything ‘bad’ you’re going through into immediate perspective.

Girl graduates in front of her terminally ill mother

Sunday, May 11, 2014


This was a small snippet I found on YouTube of Fitz and the Tantrums singing Fools Gold at Penn’s Peak in Jim Thorpe, PA, this past Friday night..

I was there—front row too.

It was a Mother’s Day sort of gift—dinner and a show. A great one too

My wife was the Fitz fan before I was.. I think I’ve been tantrummed after seeing a nonstop high-energy performance .. Great time had by all.

I am a fan.