The NSA has nothing on the ed tech startup known as Knewton. The data analytics firm has peered into the brains of more than 4 million students across the country
A little creepy for my taste. But common sense would tell us this is where we would have been by now..
The brave new world has been here for some time, it’s not just beginning.
Beer ads target kids really early.. sexualized products have robbed them of their childhood.. Sex ed, for all of its benefits, also teach things way too early. Sure, all the kids are doing it (And always did, evidenced by the syphilis cases a century ago) .. but something seems to be taking everything that is innocent from children.
Everything is tracked, traced, and delivered to a behemoth computerized spying apparatus. Some of it is government. It’s also corporation. Which scares you more?
Data mining your children
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