Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's always sunny on earth

Scientists aim: Predict sunspots by monitoring sound waves…
Hope: Forecast solar storms..
Prayer: It will help..
Fear: Sunspot will develop, cause a massive solar storm and it will disrupt just about every thing on earth. 

61-year-old lifeguard refuses his speedos as sues over mandate to wear them..
I don’t think many people will have a problem with that…….

Prayers for the city of Pittsburgh, PA

Update: Tragic Pittsburgh: 3 dead from flooding..
…one missing..
Rescue workers floated over the car of woman and two dead children in the city—not even knowing it was there due to high water that fell from nasty storm system..

The storms were quite severe. After rolling through Western Pennsylvania, they landed in coal country causing heavy rains and intense winds.. 
Storms scare me this time of year. Spring and late summer.. some of the worst weather can happen during change of seasons.

Somehow this makes perfect sense.. the irony..

Bank of America tower in New York City struck by lightningMaybe they should rethink the thousands of layoffs they are planning?

Get ready America

Thursday, August 18, 2011

These summer nights are so fleeting. My hope that all of you, out there, are enjoying the remaining dog days of August before the whirlwind of fall arrives.

Just another day in economyland

Downer: The DOW falls yet another 400!
Jobless claims rise..
What happened to that global recovery?
Global risks..
Obama on vacation on a sunny island..
Thousands gather in Atlanta for a job fair..
Twas always thus. And always thus shall be.

Now revealed: Why Art Bell got of Carville the alien: His family thinks it’s haunted..

(I miss this guy!)

Am I the only person outright frightened of solar flares?


This is not a bit

First the Ed Sullivan theater ransacked and now this

An extreme Jihadist online is calling for the killing of David Letterman ..

Betty White does it again...

The most popular woman in America.

The chip to end all chips

IBM is at it again.

The future is now

If you’re not queasy at technology’s implications this may get you there: IBM is revealing that it made a chip that can mimic the human brain.. 

As the sun turns

Sunspots heating..

And now unfortunately are pointing at earth.. Today NASA released a stunning movie that is galvanizing experts. This as the sun turns to the pale blue dot…as the solar flares churn and the sun burns. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

A frightening August image.. Late summer at a purposely unnamed hospital somewhere in Pennsylvania..

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm guessing this could be a pretty big deal?

Pakistan allowed Chinese military engineers to photograph and take samples from the top-secret stealth helicopter that US special forces left behind when they killed Osama bin Laden, the Financial Times is reporting..

You probably already knew it, but now science is coming along to the potentially correct belief: We may all be aliens

You probably already knew it, but now science is coming along to the potentially correct belief: We may all be aliens

David Cameron says the UK won't let fear take over. That said, he's still going to crack down hard on freedoms and liberties..

David Cameron says the UK won't let fear take over. That said, he's still going to crack down hard on freedoms and liberties..

Mark Zuckerberg is on Google plus.. before he upped his privacy settings that’s how he looked. After he looked even happier. FORBES has more. 

SF cell shutdown: Safety issue, or hint of Orwell?

SF cell shutdown: Safety issue, or hint of Orwell?

Now this is really cool stuff..

Imagine a planet.. absorbing all light? It’s the darkest ever planet found, it’s coal black with a slight red glow, and it was found by Kepler.

Discovered: Huge black planet that absorbs all of its light from its star
It’s coal black..
Reflects no light..
Darknest known planet..