Friday, June 17, 2011

Nothing left to do but pray? Mayor of debt-ridden Harrisburg, PA, will fast for three days and pray

Nothing left to do but pray? Mayor of debt-ridden Harrisburg, PA, will fast for three days and pray

The weekend box office.. The Green Lantern will light the way? Or flop? Summer 2011 box office big movie season begins. And the Green Lantern seems to be, at least for me, a pretty good way to begin it all


While the defense of Casey Anthony inside the court was busy arguing that the smell from the car was trash, both words and punches were hurled outside by the crowd trying to get a seat in the court room..

Feeling miserable? You're not alone.. the misery index is the worst in 28 years

The Great Recession.. Depression.. whichever you call it, here to stay. People aren’t happy.. they are jobless.. and they are getting restless. Misery loves company. In this case misery has a lot of company.

Feeling miserable? You're not alone.. the misery index is the worst in 28 years

[soundcloud url=""]

Simple Plan — JUMP


Wicked Games — Chris Isaak

Fear porn: Global 'economic armageddon' scenarios as Greece riots over debt

Fear porn: Global 'economic armageddon' scenarios as Greece riots over debt

Pentagon update: Suspicious device found in car near the building - NBC News

Kids Lemonade Stand At U.S. Open Fined $500 And Shut Down

"The message to kids is, there’s no American dream."

Kids Lemonade Stand At U.S. Open Fined $500 And Shut Down

This was years before my birth in the summer of 1971. But even a song last century like this has the staying power to still be popular today. Goodnight all, be safe

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Harrisburg, PA, looking nice…


City Wide on Flickr.

Hmmmm.... NSA allies with Internet carriers to monitor the web

Hmmmm.... NSA allies with Internet carriers to monitor the web

Electrical Fire Knocks Out Spent Fuel Cooling at Nebraska Nuclear Plant

*media attention..? anyone?

Electrical Fire Knocks Out Spent Fuel Cooling at Nebraska Nuclear Plant

I think, as a nation, we need to start preparing to pay attention to the nuclear power plant in Nebraska

It is being threatened by flooding, the FAA closed airspace over it, and days ago had some issues..

So where is the media attention…? anyone?

Canadian researchers question autism screening

*Interestingly, my pediatrician just argued a week ago that my son, and many more kids, may soon have such a screening.. Apparently there are some real questions over that very assumption.

Canadian researchers question autism screening

Gordon Lightfoot — If you could read my mind

Bad moon rising?.. There was a long lunar eclipse on Wednesday night, but ash from the volcano in Chile turned the moon blood red..

A good day?

Strange day in Florida as a paternity test question halts court..

Before that, a witness said that duct tape found on Caylee Anthony was contaminated a lab tech..

This case continues to be constantly riveting.

NYC 9/11 memorial museum may charge $20 admission

NYC 9/11 memorial museum may charge $20 admission

Weiner is toast

Why can’t politicians ever do one of the following: 1) resign immediately or even better 2) don’t lie to begin with thereby making the story die faster! Realistic public relations does not exist. Wooden teeth would help. Always…