A DNA expert has has made the bold claim that ginger hair gene could die out if Scotland climate improves.
Climate change could make red hair a thing of the past if Scotland gets sunnier
A DNA expert has has made the bold claim that ginger hair gene could die out if Scotland climate improves.
This is an amazingly important article from SPIKED.. the Scottish government is set to provide a ‘guardian’ to watch every child in the nation. Every one is sacred.. every home is watched..
Nanny state 2.0….
A must read.
In Scotland, the government plans to give every child a ‘state appointed overseer’ from birth on.. There would be a government employee mediating the bond between parent and child, with the intention on preventing abuse.
With plans like this your don’t need enemies…
While it’s not a full collection of the horrors that took place on earth today, it’s what I found most interesting..
Perhaps the MOST interesting of all is the HANGOVER 2 trailer being pulled for a monkey sex scene…
No more HANGOVER? HANGOVER 2 trailer pulled from theaters by the
MPAA..Slashfilm gets document..
So what got it pulled? A monkey sex scene..
And here are the rest of the pieces of newsbytes from around the world:
If Donald Trump ran for president, could he win? A new poll suggests he is pulling second place in the GOP race..
Broke: New York City to close 20 fire companeis..
Glenn Beck OUT at Fox News..
Government shut down looms on Friday..
What a government shut down would mean for you..
A honeymooning couple with miracle luck: They survived 6 natural disasters!
Scottish school hit by storm—of worms!
President Obama remembers what it was like to pump gas.. That’s great.
REAL RETINAS grown in a lab hold promise..