Hope the winds of Canada weren’t cold as Kate has a “Marylin Monroe moment”
The Royal wedding day ends with bacon butties and fry ups at a late night party of 300.. drinks on Harry. He best hope no one has a camera for the embarrassing moments ..
But since once real news reporters are now gossiping about it, so too does this site: it’s true, David Cameron’s wife did not wear a hat.. and it looked like she didn’t care a bit.. The Queen might.
Mrs. Obama offended the Queen once too.. As I’m sure so did Lt. Frank Drebin .. Things happen. Hats sometimes don’t.
And by that I mean.. does she get her own personal Groom of the Stool? It would certainly be unfair were she to not.
Just got an AP NEWS ALERT that William and Kate exchanged a short kiss… An AP alert?! A kiss is breaking news worthy?! The news has become this shallow… As the tornadoes roll on