I would be remiss as a father to not explain something funny, odd, and quite disgusting that occurred yesterday.. Around 9am, when I was mentally pondering the fact I just turned 33, my son did something.. The little 2 and a half year old chugged a cup of grape juice as soon as he woke up and, right after, had an episode of projectile EXORCIST style vomiting. Right as he did it, he was sitting on my lap…so as any dad would do, I panicked and picked him up, thereby forcing his contained vomited to sprawl across the room like a lawn sprinkler.
It all happened so fast.. I still recall the noise of SCOOBY DOO playing in the background, and the sudden force of purple liquid coming from his little toddler stomach.
(Ironically, it happened after he drank his juice too fast, but he was actually eating a immunity boosting vitamin at the time)
I placed him on the floor as my wife tried to calmly tell me to get a towel or something to clean the now soaked area.. Funny enough, little Ayden Morris remained the calmest of all. He actually told me, and my wife, “I’m ok, I’m fine.” He repeated it over and over again.. while it was a big haze of memories of vomit, I think he even put his hand up in the air while he was telling us he was OK…
As we began cleaning him, he started to laugh and said, “That looked like rain, Daddy! It was like rain, Mommy!”
And with that he was fine…………
A lesson learned.
I don’t think he’ll drink grape juice for a while.
I do not think mommy or daddy will give it to him for a while either…………
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