It’s been tough being a parent so far.. Ayden has turned two, and now the real battle begins: Potty training. Mom and Dad have been introducing it to the little man recently.. he’s been understanding of the concept from totally contempt of trying it. We were proud once when he wanted to sit on a toilet at a restaurant that he likes to eat pizza at. But it was a false alarm.. And at home?? No luck.. His grandfather thinks that my wife and I should buy him an old fashioned wooden potty with arms on it—made in America. Which, unfortunately, is just about impossible to find and buy.
But.. perhaps now there is a godlike solution for the poop and pee conundrum. Maybe my son Ayden needs a good old fashioned exorcism.
This website,, explains all the ways to ‘bust’ those demons up in your household. And potty training, it would seem, summons the most demons of all.. A reader of DemonBuster wrote into the site and said,
"Well my baby boy has been difficult to potty-train. He is past the age that he should be trained and I was getting really tired of it. I would sit him in the toilet for a long time and nothing would happen. When I would put him back in diapers, he would go! And I was sick and tired of it. So I got really mad, sat him in the potty and told him he had to "go". The baby started screaming and I got the idea that it was a demon. So I commanded it to manifest and give me his name. The baby continued screaming and saying: "You can’t make me, you can’t make me". I insisted in the demon telling me his name, so the Holy Spirit said: "That’s his name, "you can’t make me". I commanded it out. The baby had deliverance and he has been potty-trained since."
So tonight maybe it’s time to sit down my wife after Ayden goes to bed, and we write a script. Is this the weekend to command the evil spirits out? Is this the weekend where we tell the demons to leave our son poop in peace?
I love the internet. Before this, who’d ever though that it was demons preventing billions of kids in the past from learning how to properly go to the bathroom indoors?
Thanks demonbuster. Continue the ‘good’ work.
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