Some of the most creative and amazing photoshopped images ever: Donald Trump as horror movie characters..
Some of the most creative and amazing photoshopped images ever: Donald Trump as horror movie characters..
An asteroid big enough to kill millions of people is on its way to Earth but is expected to brush past, missing by a mere 25 million kilometers – a narrow distance by space standards, NASA said.
If all goes well death and destruction will stay safely away from earth..
But boy is that close..
Midnight miracle: Art Bell’s very organic show has become a must listen-to program
I read a Talkers.com article yesterday, one also posted by Art Bell, about fans of the talk radio show host joining together through social networking to do advertising on his behalf.The way that Bell has regained his notoriety and fame has become quite an organic and real process. A few years ago, a post was entered onto Bellgab.com, then Coastgab. The poster said “Art Bell Quits Coast” on the…
Shocking news from the outer limits of space.. As though we couldn’t be more shocked by Pluto, we are. The news this time: The distant non planet planet dwarf planet has skies and icecaps that are similar to earth itself.. NASA’s own website showcased the amazing photos beamed back to planet Earth by NEW HORIZONS. In the attached article, NASA writes, “Who would have expected a blue sky in the…
At a time when the world should shine we seemingly have grown to be locked in darkness.. The loudest voices seem to say nothing, just a constant flow of drivel that amounts to a collection of uselessness.. The quietest in the crowds make a choice in the Internet age.. Dare to be different or dare to be square–the bankers and conglomerates that give us start ups and social networks have a…
The UK GUARDIAN reports all of this: //
US special operations forces – not their Afghan allies – called in the deadly airstrike on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, the US commander has conceded.
Shortly before General John Campbell, the commander of the US and Nato war in Afghanistan, testified to a Senate panel, the president of Doctors Without Borders – also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – said the US and Afghanistan had made an “admission of a war crime”.
The UK GUARDIAN reports all of this: //
US special operations forces – not their Afghan allies – called in the deadly airstrike on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, the US commander has conceded.
Shortly before General John Campbell, the commander of the US and Nato war in Afghanistan, testified to a Senate panel, the president of Doctors Without Borders – also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – said the US and Afghanistan had made an “admission of a war crime”.
The UK GUARDIAN reports all of this: //
US special operations forces – not their Afghan allies – called in the deadly airstrike on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, the US commander has conceded.
Shortly before General John Campbell, the commander of the US and Nato war in Afghanistan, testified to a Senate panel, the president of Doctors Without Borders – also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – said the US and Afghanistan had made an “admission of a war crime”.
Before you call this story ‘interesting’ thing of it from the perspective of the parents or the young girl afflicted.. Anyone who sneezes 12,000 times a day for unknown reasons probably thinks is cursed ..
Highline Public Schools said in a statement that Kenney Bui, a senior at Evergreen High School, was “critically injured” during Friday night’s game. He underwent surgery at Harborview Medical Center but died late Monday morning, the school district said.
I’ve said some anti football commentary on here before and got some not so positive feedback after doing so.
But I’m going to do it again.
If you’re the parent of a player you need to evaluate what you’re getting your child into.. And if you’re a player you equally need to know what you’re signing up for..
Sometimes your big game could be your last.
The future is filled with death by remote control..
Online posts linked to Laurel Harper, the mother of the gunman, are limited and incomplete, but they seem to indicate two things: that her son, Chris Harper-Mercer, had a developmental disorder, and that the family had a familiarity with firearms and gun laws.
The SUN SENTINELS in Florida reports: “Two years ago, Augustus Sol Invictus walked from central Florida to the Mojave Desert and spent a week fasting and praying, at times thinking he wouldn’t survive. In a pagan ritual to give thanks when he returned home, he killed a goat and drank its blood. Now that he’s a candidate for U.S. Senate, the story is coming back to bite him.”
Oh my.
It’s a strange season indeed.
WIBF: ORANGEBURG, S.C.- A cemetery is flooded causing coffins to rise up out of the ground in Orangeburg, South Carolina.
This is a particularly horrid situation and to think of caskets with corpses rising from the ground is macabre and somehow perfectly timed for the Halloween season..
Knowing people in South Carolina, I can attest second hand to the ongoing nightmare on streets and in towns… The waters will recede but the heartache will remain..
And now the unexpected task of reburying those long in the ground previously… That’s perhaps the more morose of all..
Perhaps there are two lessons learned here.
First, Facebook is not private. Even if you think it is.. even if you set it to private.. even if you believe you’re getting away with untoward comments.. you will be seen.
And secondly? Don’t be stupid, racist, and ignorant. If you’re stupid, racist, and ignorant, then stop being you.
It will save you the agony of such things as this article describes after the viral dust settles..