Thursday, March 5, 2015

ISIS Attacks a Major Archaeological Site in Iraq

Anne Barnard in the NEW YORK TIMES has the best report online tonight regarding what ISIS has just to the ancient site of NIMRUD in Northern Iraq..

Barnard writes,

It was the latest in a series of attacks on ancient structures and artifacts in Syria and Iraq that the group has destroyed in the name of its harsh interpretation of Islamic law. Last week, Islamic State militants videotaped themselves destroying statues and artifacts in the Mosul Museum and at the Nergal Gate entryway to ancient Nineveh. The militants captured the city during its offensive blitz through much of Iraq last June. “The terrorist gangs of ISIS are continuing to defy the will of the world and the feelings of humanity after they committed a new crime that belongs to its idiotic series,” the ministry said in a statement on its Facebook page, referring to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh.

And more:

Nimrud is the sprawling site of a city founded by the Assyrian King Shalamansar I, who died in 1245 B.C. Among the most impressive objects at Nimrud are the colossal statues known as “lamassu,” mythological creatures that depict either lions or winged bulls with bearded human heads. Pairs of the 17-ton statues are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the British Museum.

More on the breaking news today from NBC NEWS dispatches:

A statement from Iraq’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities didn’t elaborate on the extent of the damage, saying only that the group continues to “defy the will of the world and the feelings of humanity” with this latest act.

Nimrud was the site of what has been called one of the greatest archaeological sites ever discovered in history..

ISIS Attacks a Major Archaeological Site in Iraq

Astronomers find star speeding out of the galaxy

Astronomers find star speeding out of the galaxy



It’s a high tangled web.. I’d rather not get involved or I’ll quit too.

More here..

Incidentally back in the summer of 2010, I also quit Tumblr after a band of neo Nazis started to hate me after posting a historic quote about Adolf hitler.. I soon reentered the fray.. haven’t quit since. but u always could. .

Amid brazen, deadly attacks, gay Syrians tell of fear of ISIS persecution

CNN is reporting this as though it’s new.. anyone paying attention to alternative news, such as, will find this news as no shock. ISIS is murdering gays by throwing them off of buildings.. I think it’s about time a number of groups who have been outraged as the slow progress of LGBT rights in places like Russia—and even sometimes America—begin to educate them on the crimes against humanity taking place daily in places controlled by ISIS…

Amid brazen, deadly attacks, gay Syrians tell of fear of ISIS persecution

Harrison Ford has been seriously injured in a plane crash.. this is a developing story

Quite possibly one of the most bizarre and nonsensical online ads I’ve ever seen.. it sort of reminds me of when I use ginger root as a hand and do the voice that Chris Elliott did in Scary Movie 2 to freak out my son..
And I’ll now never look at a carrot the same again..

Just When You Thought driverless Cars Were A Far Way Away.. You’re Wrong. . They are coming next year..
So get ready the grave new road of technology..

Visa on internet-connected fridges will instantly buy your groceries

The future is bright..and fresh and cold. But if you’re like me you’re both anticipating the amazing ability of a just in time future of groceries but also completely creeped out by the logical and negative conclusions of the brave new world. Get ready for your future. GMO automatically delivered when your smart fridge decides….

Visa on internet-connected fridges will instantly buy your groceries

THE ABCs OF DEATH case settled..


COLUMBUS, Ohio — A former substitute teacher convicted of showing a movie including graphic sex and violence to a high school class was sentenced on Wednesday to 90 days in jail.
Sheila Kearns, who was convicted in January of four felony counts, apologized in court, saying she hadn’t watched the movie before showing it to her Spanish classes at Columbus’ East High School in April 2013. The movie, “The ABCs of Death,” consists of 26 chapters, each depicting some form of grisly death and representing a letter of the alphabet, such as “E is for Exterminate,” ”O is for Orgasm” and “T is for Toilet.”

She faced a greater amount of prison time than this..
I still don’t even understand how she is getting prison time for showing a movie that released in various venues and one that most people in the class probably already saw in some form or another at home.. A firing justified? Yes. Prison time? I still don’t get that..

These Are The 30 Most Influential People on the Internet

I agree with the list..

These Are The 30 Most Influential People on the Internet

Americans Love K-Cups, but Their Creator Regrets Inventing Them

Americans Love K-Cups, but Their Creator Regrets Inventing Them

This was my life in the 1990s. 
Those were the days…

Who owns Art Bell?

A fun little debate is soaring on the BELLGAB website and also on my other site// the HORROR REPORT is covering the situation of Ellen from iHeartRadio asserting a copyright claim over not only Coast to Coast AM programs that U7RADIO.ORG is playing, but also SIRIUS XM Dark Matter shows.. 

If you’re interested read in full here..


The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER posted the exclusive .. 

MISERY was one of Stephen King’s greatest books.. A musical version of the story fascinates me. As does the choice of Willis. 

Hope it all works out fine..


Wednesday, March 4, 2015


MASSIVE eruptions in Japan - Sakurajima Volcano blows its top

This is your anscestor. And mine.

As a matter of fact, according to a report today, it’s the jawbone of one of the fist humans. Phallab Ghosh from BBC reports,

The 2.8 million-year-old specimen is 400,000 years older than researchers thought that our kind first emerged.
The discovery in Ethiopia suggests climate change spurred the transition from tree dweller to upright walker.
The head of the research team told BBC News that the find gives the first insight into “the most important transitions in human evolution”.

And it’s a link with the famed LUCY.

The early human. Defined by a jaw. Not a brain. That stuff came later.

Another snowy night.. potentially a housebound day tomorrow for lots of folks in the eye of THOR.. So why not turn off the lights, close the blinds, and entice your mind with a movie about the surreal, unreal, and paranormal. DARK SKIES is one of those films. Try it on for size—an abduction movie with dark shadow aliens, the Greys, evolves quickly into what I think was one of the most legitimately scary and good movies I’ve seen in quite some time. 

There are some memorable scenes.. memorable characters. Specifically the idea that the other worldly suddenly presents itself into the lives of mundane people is freaky.

Besides one annoying scene I thought was plagiarism—a family sitting down to a dinner prior to an alien invasion like in SIGNS—the movie was strong and had a good alien premise. If you like alien movies. Or scary ones..

Add to the agenda a dark room and healthy snacks..I think it’s worth it.

Find it on NETFLIX if you can’t find it anywhere else..

After the movie, lighten the mood with the Ballad of the Greys. 


Daniel Von Barden dead at 64.

My generation knows him  from SEINFELD. But that’s just one piece of his career..

Proof is in the prison pudding?

According to potential Republican presidential candidate BEN CARSON, being gay is a choice.. He points to the prison population.. And said you go in straight but come out gay..

No he really said this.

Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question

So I did ask myself that question. And in the search yield of results, I found a study from Just Detention International that says while prison rape is a problem,  many times the idea of relations are anecdotal..  But even that study did not prove any ‘gay’ or straight facts.. 

Maybe Candidate Carson should also read this 2012 story from the UK GUARDIAN portraying the truth about being gay in prison. Sadhbh Walsh wrote, 

The reality of life in prison for homosexuals and transgender individuals does not appear to reflect this myth. One young man named Rodney, imprisoned for fraud and check-forging, sent me a detailed account of his life so far in prison. He described a litany of brutal rapes, assaults, beatings and, eventually, the total abandonment of his male identity as his only means of survival in the hyper-masculine and often homophobic prison environment. His account suggests that far from being a paradise, prison for gay men can be a living hell.

I think if Ben Carson wants to continue in his quest for office, he best get an advisor. Also if this is an indication of other beliefs, he may also want to avoid questions on evolution and try not to get stumped on the names of world leaders.