Friday, January 23, 2015

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt: "The Internet Will Disappear"

I agree..
Note the ‘as we know it’ ending to his statement..

There are some clear thing to agree with on this assumption of our future.. Schmidt reminds us, 

“There will be so many IP addresses…so many devices, sensors, things that you are wearing, things that you are interacting with that you won’t even sense it. It will be part of your presence all the time. Imagine you walk into a room, and the room is dynamic. And with your permission and all of that, you are interacting with the things going on in the room.”

It already is a part of our presence. Washing machines and refrigerators equipped to go online, Smart TVs being watched (and watching us) and now iWatches are on the way, making technology even closer to being implanted into our arms instead of just being worn on the outside of our skin.

The comments section on the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER story may be the most interesting.. many call Schmidt a creepy narcissistic evil entity, some call him a “Nazi” and say he deserves prison time.. One said “Google is full of nut jobs” .. and then this comment,

He’s also insane. Just model it out: 100 things in your house with IP addresses, all using electricity and all subject to configuration and durability problems. The learning curve alone is absurdly impossible. I feel like Khrushchev - I want to beat him with my shoe…

Sure, people have the chance to make witty and quick comments to stories on the Internet..But as fast and comedic as people can be, they are also purchasing the evil products that Schmidt spoke about. They are eating up smart TVs.. they are happily living a constantly-connected life on social media on their smartphones.. 

Schmidt is right. 
The Internet is changing and it will never be the same again.

However, that’s not really a bad thing. It is just a thing..  Just as a stone tablet led to a fountain pen that led to a typewriter that led to a smart phone, it’s the progression of society and humanity. It just seems, lately, that we have steamrolled far more into the future than what human minds are capable of emotionally dealing with. At least to me.

As with anything.. 
Technology can be amazing and give birth to freedoms of the mind, or it can become a technocratic hell on earth led by demons with human skin. We pick..
And we buy, either buy into the future of hope or the soon-to-be-days of demonic existence.

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt: "The Internet Will Disappear"

This is Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud.. he is taking over for his father, King Abdullah, 90, who just died.

I wonder if oil prices finally put Abdullah over the edge..

But the world sure had fun while he was alive, eh?



No Joke. Brian Koerber on MASHABLE writes,

Brooklyn-based artist and hacker KATSU used his own fecal matter to create a portrait ofFacebook CEO and cofounder Mark Zuckerberg.

The pooptrait, which is currently on display at The Hole in New York City, is a part of KATSU’s first solo exhibition titled “Remember the Future.” The gallery was not immediately available for comment.

I suppose this is nice. I guess..
Actually I think it shows more than anything that the artist has a very healthy digestive system..

ISIS Posts Clock Counting Down To Zero Online As Time Is Running Out For Japanese Hostages

Featured image

A countdown clock?
ISIS continues to use modern technology to put death in the face of humanity.. 

This from AP:

The posting, which appeared Friday, shows a clock counting down to zero along with gruesome images of other hostages who have been beheaded by the group.

ISIS gave Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a 72-hour deadline – which expired Friday – to pay a $200 million ransom for the two hostages. The Friday posting on a forum popular among Islamic State militants and sympathizers did not show any images of the Japanese hostages.

Japan said it will not be paying the $200 million ransom that has been demanded..

According to various reports, officials are cautiously watching Internet postings and Twitter messages globally to watch for any sign that images or videos of murder have been posted..

But on the topic of ISIS itself, many are beginning to ponder the set and scenery of the videos being filmed. The shadows on the faces of the hostages don’t match the shadows of their bodies.. at time it looks like the speaker is superimposed and has a photoshopped hand.. And some have even joked that the background looks more like Luke Skywalker’s home planet from STAR WARS than it does a desert in the Middle East..

A good collection of thoughts and Twitter messages on the potential fakery is on THE DAILY SHEEPLE..

ISIS Posts Clock Counting Down To Zero Online As Time Is Running Out For Japanese Hostages

Thursday, January 22, 2015

BlackBerry CEO Wants Legislators To Make Developing BlackBerry Apps Mandatory

Okay.. pretty clear here, folks.. Blackberry is completely out of ideas..

BlackBerry CEO Wants Legislators To Make Developing BlackBerry Apps Mandatory

FCC weighs plan to use Russian satellite network for 911 system, raising security concerns

FCC weighs plan to use Russian satellite network for 911 system, raising security concerns

China is going to build a $242 billion (1.5 trillion yuan) high-speed rail link between Beijing and Moscow. The line will cut the journey time from five to 'two days', say Chinese authorities.

This is amazing news… and it should have been something America did first..

I long thought that one of the best initiatives President Obama could have done immediately in 2009 was to plan for a comprehensive high speed railway across the nation—a new Interstate system al-la- Eisenhower.. 

It could have changed America. Revolutionized travel.. Ate away early at OPEC margins.. and transformed this into a new American century of jobs and prosperity, and quick travel between small towns and big cities..

Instead we didn’t.
And now soon, you’ll be able to travel from from Beijing to Moscow in 2 days.

View image on Twitter

We have our chance…

China is going to build a $242 billion (1.5 trillion yuan) high-speed rail link between Beijing and Moscow. The line will cut the journey time from five to 'two days', say Chinese authorities.

The fix is in: Someone's got balls.

DEFLATEGATE shows us why it’s just not smart to even care about sports..

The fix is in: Someone's got balls.


Doomsday approaching..

But I really like their graphic..

Do rabbits breed like Catholics in heaven?

But all good dogs go to heaven?

Do rabbits breed like Catholics in heaven?

Of Doomsdays and Clocks

The world is going to now witness a stream of media attention about the Doomsday Clock

  • it wasn’t changed snice 2012

  • until today it was five minutes until midnight

  • it has been pushed to three minutes until midnight with today’s announcement

Perhaps if the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists REALLY wants to get some attention, they’d use the clock from DON’T HUG ME I’M SCARED.. 

And anyway, Justin Timberlake sang we only had four minutes to save the world.. I guess he was wrong..

It is 3 minutes to midnight: Live Stream (while it continues) of the Doomsday Clock announcement

It is 3 minutes to midnight: Live Stream (while it continues) of the Doomsday Clock announcement

Great news for 2015 (sarcasm of course) The Doomsday Clock has just been moved.. three minutes until midnight. We're close to the end, apparently..

A great question posed: Do atheist movie goers get scared during supernatural horror movies?

The answer provided by Robert Frost (not the poet):

“So, atheists can certainly get a thrill from supernatural movies, but they do miss out on the scariness being prolonged after the theater lights come back on. That’s a thrill reserved to those that can believe in the possibility of ghosts and demons.”

A great question posed: Do atheist movie goers get scared during supernatural horror movies?

Some coal region rumblings, news of the local fare. CARDIBAL BRENNAN, My former high school, closed for years, has been purchased by another school… The North Schuylkill school district has approved the plan to purchase the shuddered campus in Fountain Springs on Academy Lane.

Mixed emotions, but I don’t see the problem whatsoever in a school buying the school.
Let the supposedly learning continue.

George Lucas sounds off: Disney didn’t use any of his ideas in new STAR WARS movie.. 

But while some fans may seen this as a shot at Lucas, let’s get real.. the ‘newest’ STAR WARS movies were basically a triplet of trash, some of the worst films I have ever seen.

Especially the PHANTOM MENACE.. should we really ponder why Disney didn’t use the ideas?

Sure, a young George Lucas gave us Darth Vader.

But the modern Lucas gave us Jar Jar Binks..

I think a new direction was quite appropriate when considering that..

Sitting kills.

Make sure when you read this, you’re standing..

A new study suggests something we have long suspected: Sitting can kill. 

And it’s deadly EVEN IF YOU EXERCISE..

Maybe it’s time to redesign classrooms and offices.

Donald Rumsfeld may have given us killer chemicals but he sure knows how to live long: Stand while working. It may be time for lots of other people to consider changing their lifestyles to live longer to have one..

DO NOT vape em if you got em

 New lab tests imply that e-cigs are more dangerous than their dangerous counterpart.. 

From the information being provided on the study, they are FILLED with cancer causing chemicals. 

Like a lot.. like more than real cigarettes..

What do avoid during sex: The woman on top.. Scientists now say that it is the most dangerous sexual position known to humans, leading to the majority of penile fractures in men..

Bet that never happens in the movies you watch..

What do avoid during sex: The woman on top.. Scientists now say that it is the most dangerous sexual position known to humans, leading to the majority of penile fractures in men..