Wednesday, January 7, 2015

UNEXPECTED Strong geomagnetic storm hits Earth

The storm was being called ‘unexpected’ .. This is how SPACE WEATHER documented today’s event: 

UNEXPECTED GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong G3-class geomagnetic storm erupted during the early hours of Jan. 7th, sparking bright auroras around Earth’s poles. What happened? The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near our planet tipped south, opening a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in to fuel the strongest magnetic storm since Sept. 2014. NOAA analysts believe the fluctuation in IMF is related to the arrival of a CME originally expected to miss Earth. Browse the aurora gallery for pictures of the event. 

The geomagnetic storm is the strongest to hit Earth since September..

UNEXPECTED Strong geomagnetic storm hits Earth

This is an image of a police offering begging for his life at the Charlie Hebdo building.. The media is opting to only show this still image and now the next scene in which the officer has his head blown off..

FLASHBACK: White House slams French magazine Charlie Hebdo over Islam cartoons

An interesting flasback via poorrichardsnews:

This is from 2012.  Leave it to the Obama administration to take the side of the terrorists…

Certainly, in the perceptive of today’s events, this is interesting..

FLASHBACK: White House slams French magazine Charlie Hebdo over Islam cartoons

Raw footage of the Paris terror attack..


9 in 24 hours..

Make that 11 in 27!

New information breaking shows a steady continuation of the quakes around Dallas.. 

The latest two ..

8:34 a.m. Wednesday               2.6 magnitude

9:57 a.m. Wednesday               2.7 magnitude

The aim is to laugh. We want to laugh at the extremists — every extremist. They can be Muslim, Jewish, Catholic. Everyone can be religious, but extremist thoughts and acts we cannot accept.

Charlie Hebdo journalist LAURENT LEGER, speaking after the firebombing of his publication’s offices in 2011; the controversial magazine had published caricatures of the prophet Muhammad.

(via Time Magazine)

And the events of today have led to anything but laughter..

Cnn going with the ‘yin and yang’ news coverage today..

Alcohol poisoning kills 6 men a day

This may rock the world you have been safely cocooned in for quite some time, but here ye go: The people who die from excessive drinking are not teens are college kids, but instead middle age males.. The deaths occur in ages between 35 and 64—the professional years when ‘happy hour’ consists of an entire night and beer inflated stomachs get even larger with rich foods, fancy cigars, and martinis. . the ‘classy male’ of stock photos is nothing like the real one in life.. The bulbous nose with red pours large enough to look like a crater on the moon.. This is the reality.. 
Throw into the mix, in a few dive bars in towns across America, those males who still wear their dimmed and faded high school varsity football jackets.. 

Also this.. the body changes after the age of 30. Anyone in their 30s could recognize that..

I have a personal tale about alcohol, one I will keep at a minimum but simply glaze over the top.. I have virtually quit drinking. The only lapse in judgement occurred just this Christmas when I had a bit too much wine, and then a stomach flu hit me causing me never to want to drink wine again. Ever..

I was a drinking expert in my 20s. . Looking at myself now, and photos of me then, I am not proud to admit I excessively drank.. It was a choice made after having a child, and realizing the pains that come with being drunk and hung over, and having a child with diapers to change.

While I don’t want to get preachy on a soap box, I contend that it’s a fine choice to make now to stop drinking, for anyone out there who is.. if you can handle alcohol and drink moderately, fine. But if you’re predisposed to have one too many, or ten too many, stop now. You may be a statistic .. 

And even if you’re not, you will soon not be able to see your feet and when you go to the bathroom, the netherworld will be a mystery.

Of course you can argue the premise that wine has health benefits. Which is may. But so does grape juice and dark chocolate.. and those won’t kill you or cause binge deaths..

Okay.. perhaps I was on more of a soap box than I expected there..
My apologies for the lecture.



….but this is reality:

Alcohol poisoning kills 6 men a day

Breaking: Car Bomb Reported at Paris Synagogue

Breaking: Car Bomb Reported at Paris Synagogue

More on the Mass shooting at CHARLIE HEBDO in Paris France

Charlie Hebdo First Team Meeting After Terrorist Attack

More on the Mass shooting at CHARLIE HEBDO in Paris France

Astronomers to Earth: You've got some newly found near-twins

We are getting closer and closer and closer to finding out something we deep down already know: There is life out there. We may never meet the life, but just knowing it exists will be enough to shatter all human perceptions of our own reality.. And that is why the Vatican would indeed baptize an alien..

Astronomers to Earth: You've got some newly found near-twins

Charlie Hebdo Shooting: 12 Killed at Magazine That Ran Muhammad Cartoons

This is a developing story and it has global ramifications ..

The news media possesses video of police also being shot on the street that they have so far opted to not show..

The masked men who went into the name and asked for specific names before the shooting began walked out and got away..

The death roll is expected to increase as news is released that at least 5 are critically injured.

Minutes before the shooting, CHARLIE HEBDO tweeted a satirical image of Mohammed.. Moments later their office building was under siege and the murderous rampage took place..

Developing story..
Charlie Hebdo Shooting: 12 Killed at Magazine That Ran Muhammad Cartoons

All the Dallas Texas earthquakes so far

This is from Tuesday January 6 through January 7 2015.. So far.

I suspect more will be happening..

7:37 a.m. 2.3 magnitude

3:10 p.m. 3.5 magnitude

6:52 p.m. 3.6 magnitude

8:11 p.m. 2.9 magnitude

8:12 p.m. 2.7 magnitude

9:54 p.m. 1.7 magnitude

10:05 p.m. 2.4 magnitude

11:02 p.m. 1.6 magnitude

12:59 a.m. 3.1 magnitude

When I was 3 and a half, I was featured in a book. There was a full-spread page with a photo of me leaning up against a borehole in the town of Centralia, smoke was billowing from the background and a group of teenagers were running from the camera–one may have been my brother. The shot looked more like a scene from a third world nation .. But at that point, a mine fire had infected the underground nearest my home and the situation was getting dire.

The book was SLOW BURN.   You can see that image here from photographer Renee Jacobs..

Yesterday there was a haunting moment when I saw my own past come back for a split second in vivid detail.. the black and white photo of my from 1983 suddenly was in color, standing on front of me.. My son Ayden, incidentally the same age as me when I was featured in SLOW BURN, was standing on front of empty SEARS store shelving in the Schuylkill Mall, Frackville PA.. Sears of closing after the corporate decision to make Frackville one of the many locations that would shudder in 2015.  There were only a handful of items left, all marked with an ‘all sales final’ warning under the 70% off all merchandise signs. Business was brisk–people were even rudely clamoring for more money off.. Even the store shelves were being purchased. All things must go. Including history.

When Ayden was in front, I said “look at me and smile!” and snapped the photo with my iPhone. Instead of a smile, I caught him sort of in a wide-mouthed surprised look at what he was seeing. I think he realized that this store, once filled with items to the point where you could hardly walk, was vanishing. Now it’s becoming a giant open field of tiled floors..

As I watched Ayden walk around the soon to be closed Sears at the mall today I realized the importance of this simple photo. When he is 30 or so, retail will be a distant memory. The way we buy everything will have changed.. This picture captured a moment, just one moment, when it was in its final phase..

While he may not remember the day or time this picture was taken, the evidence of it will allow Ayden will impress his own children with tales of malls and how he once, as a child, walked in stores to buy products instead of purchasing them in his body chip implant and have same day drone delivery..

Of course Ayden’s picture is not being published in a book. But it is on his father’s website. And that’s the way things are now.. until something else comes around and makes websites so 2000 and late.

A moment in time.. As life shifts.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Leap second to be added to the clock in June

The amount of time and influence that went into this 1 second decision is amazing..

​Leap second to be added to the clock in June


JUST IN: Sony Pictures says ‘The Interview’ has taken in $31 million in online and digital sales. $5 million at the box office since release 

This is big ..

A part of me believed that SONY staged this whole thing just to introduce a new form of movie promotion to America—and a test run to see if the online and streaming world would work.
And it did.
I think the days of movie theaters are numbered..
Streaming is king.
The INTERVIEW has showed that..

Texas seismologists investigate quakes near old Cowboys stadium

Texas seismologists investigate quakes near old Cowboys stadium

My son has a long lasting cold .. At his request, here’s a chalkboard rendition of me being struck in my face by his sneeze.

In 10 years, your job might not exist. Here’s how to make sure you’re still employable.

This is the brutal fact of the near future..

In 10 years, your job might not exist. Here’s how to make sure you’re still employable.

What strange explosions Lancaster PA is hearing

EXPLOSIONS IN PENNSYLVANIA.. these weird blasts have been taking place near Lancaster, PA// 

Residents have been both hearing and feeling explosions under their feet but law enforcement haven’t the clue as to what they could be..