Good honest read from a proponent of organic who is horrified by what USDA organic fish may mean..
Organic Fish May Soon be Coming and it is a HORRIBLE Idea
Good honest read from a proponent of organic who is horrified by what USDA organic fish may mean..
This makes a lot more sense to me than a repressive nation state—though of never put any insanity outside the realm for Kim Jong Un..
Either way, and no matter how unfunny this movie may be, there are good chances it will be a hit no matter the venue it’s eventually seen..
This makes some true sense to me and is one step closer to what I feel the real truth is; Our reincarnated selves are being motivated in fear because of trauma in past existences.
This is major.. This is unprecedented. The Guardians of Peace have won this battle..
Pakistan has begun three days of mourning in the aftermath of one of the most disgusting attacks on children that has taken place in humanity’s recent history.. The Taliban attack on the government school yesterday in Peshawar ended with 145 dead. Most of those brutal killings including shots in the head and beheadings were suffered by children..
Today the Taliban is attempting to provide justification for the senseless atrocities committed on the most innocent.. They said that the children murdered ‘aspired to follow their fathers’ footsteps’ and join into the army to target militants.. Even more, they say that the killings were to avenge the deaths that children in tribal areas suffered at the hands of other fighters.
Others believe that it may be a sign of desperation.. attackers targeting the most vulnerable and easily able to prey on isn’t brave or courageous, but instead horrendous in theory.
Others believe that the attack could very well be a response to Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Peace Prize..
Speaking of Malala, one piece of text that she said to the United Nations on her 16th birthday is July 2013 has truth:
We realise the importance of our voice when we are silenced. In the same way, when we were in Swat, the north of Pakistan, we realised the importance of pens and books when we saw the guns. The wise saying, ‘The pen is mightier than the sword.’ It is true. The extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education frightens them
Books and pens. And children reading and writing, developing common sense and a higher sense of being. That does scare people with an alternative view of reality—one stuck in prehistoric times of bloodshed and tribalism that has no place in the modern world..
But this is the world we live in..
The gates of hell wide open. the demons abound to prey on the souls of the innocent.
So often I stare into the blazing stars of the night sky and ask if there is a God.. I also cry out to him and hope my prayers and words are heard.. Now and then I wonder if aliens are watching, too.
Either way, God or extraterrestrials, I hope someone makes an appearance soon to remind us of how we need to act in our ant farm called Earth. Bloodshed has becoming stifling to growth.. in the 21st century, the barbarism of the 15th has no place.
Imagine no religion?
How about this: Imagine aliens landing on the lawn of the White House. Maybe we’d start to think twice before killing our fellow human beings..
Or maybe not.
I have asked a number of times now whether the Sony hack was an act of war.. Now it appears an actual threat , an ominous one as well, is being made..
They promised a ‘Christmas gift’.. This is getting beyond creepy..
Judging from what we searched for, 2014 was a very depressing and scary year..
That or the internet generation has simply grown up..
This is the second strange instance in Pennsylvania this year like this.. The first was Eric Frein, now it’s this former soldier turned family killer..
And entire area is frightened in their homes and being told to lock doors as a result of the past 48 hours of turmoil..
Making matters weirder: Radiation from an abandoned mine is 16 times higher than normal—but the symptoms don’t match what would typically be poisoning associated with radiation.
It seems like there have been a ton of medical oddities in 2014, don’t you think?
That or our awareness is just higher..
<a href=””>THE IBTIMES HAS MORE ON THAT</a> .. It’s an assertion and explanation that makes sense in a very sick way..
The horrors are only beginning to become known—teachers burning, execution style shootings, and children being beheaded ..
I am both sickened and saddened by the information coming out.. I may need to break with the news for an hour or more to clear my mind of the evil clutter that this disgusting day has brought to it..
Malala Yousafzai: ‘I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold blooded act of terror in Peshawar that is unfolding before us. Innocent children in their school have no place in horror such as this’
Not only were some children shot execution style one by one, but this happened too: a teacher was set on fire with gasoline and children were made to watch the teacher die..
More than 120!people, most of them children, have been killed after a group of gunmen stormed an army-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar.
The number of the injured is quickly rising.. As is the casualty count of the dead..
The vast majority of those dead are
This from the Associated Press dispatch only minutes prior to this post being written:
The overwhelming majority of the victims were students at the army public school, which has children and teenagers in grades 1-10.
The horrific violence, carried out by a relatively small number of militants from the Tehreek-e-Taliban group, a Pakistani militant group trying to overthrow the government, also sent dozens of wounded flooding into local hospitals as terrified parents searched for their children.
Sone children were shot execution style one by one, according to witnesses who escaped..
Government troops arrived at the school and exchanged gunfire.. At least 500 were in the school when large explosions were heard..
There are fears the numbers of dead and injured are not done rising..
This is a developing story..
The Sydney siege was yesterday’s nightmare before Christmas.. Today’s is much more violent and deadly..