Coffee creamer..
Cancer in a cup.
Coffee creamer..
Cancer in a cup.
New study finds that BPA may have a direct and immediate impact on your cardiovascular health.
I am not surprised that there is more medical evidence compounding the already clear dangers of BPA exposure in humans. And don’t forget: Every time you drink from a can or plastic bottle, you’re exposing your heart. When you drink a can of beer, you’re already upping your blood pressure. Add BPA to the mix and you’ve just created a cocktail of confusion for your body to attempt to digest.. Not a good circumstance at all.
Mother Nature Network goes on to write in the report,
For the study, which was published in the journal Hypertension, researchers recruited 60 older participants, most of whom had never had issues with high blood pressure (although some did.) They asked the participants to drink soy milk from either a can or a glass bottle on three separate occasions, spaced apart by several weeks. The researchers chose soy milk because it does not have any effect on blood pressure and it is also fairly neutral in terms of leaching BPA from can or bottle liners, according to The New York Times.The research team from Seoul National University’s department of preventive medicine in Korea found that when the participants drank soy milk from a can, their urine levels of BPA rose almost instantly — and so did their blood pressure. But when the same people drank the same beverage from glass bottles, which don’t use BPA linings, their BPA levels and blood pressure remained unchanged.The research did not look at how long BPA levels remained elevated, but the authors did raise the concern that even a short increase in blood pressure — repeated several times a day through BPA exposure in drinks and food containers — could have lasting effects on cardiovascular health.
But for me the bad has outweighed the good when it comes to caffeine consumption. I have been clean of caffeine for about two weeks now, the worst was the first four days. I went from drinking 9 to 12 cups of coffee a day along with tea to nothing..
A part of the reason was because my heart was racing constantly, sometimes the beats per minute was shocking. I was having way too much caffeine..
I enjoyed every drop of it don’t get me wrong.. I tried to drink decaf coffee for comfort during those first trying hours, but he was switching from regular coffee to decaf knows it’s just not the same…
But now two weeks into it, I feel much better, the headaches are gone, I am never jittery, and I fall asleep much easier at night. I’m drinking decaf teas and every now and then a decaf coffee, with one little spurt of regular. But I don’t miss caffeine at this point, I am too far involved with the detox of my body to be able to start drinking again.
There may be positive benefits to caffeine, I am not denying that, but it is a drug and the benefits of the drug don’t outweigh the consequences for my personal well being.
This was one of the hardest lifestyle changes I’ve ever made..