Sunday, December 29, 2013

This is a very important article by Heather Linebaugh .. she worked on the US drone program and writes quite a bit about it

Among the most important things I see with this: It’s not printed in United States sources. It’s from the UK GAURDIAN.. foreign press seems to be the only place to go anymore for news about what actually happens in the United States and the effect of our foreign policy on other nations.

Heather Linebaugh’s initial paragraph sets the stage for an important story on drones and their use:

Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them some questions. I’d start with: “How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?” And: “How many men have you seen crawl across a field, trying to make it to the nearest compound for help while bleeding out from severed legs?” Or even more pointedly: “How many soldiers have you seen die on the side of a road in Afghanistan because our ever-so-accurate UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicle] were unable to detect an IED [improvised explosive device] that awaited their convoy?”

Few of these politicians who so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue of what actually goes on. I, on the other hand, have seen these awful sights first hand.

Be brave and read this entire article.

And after be honest with yourself..

Do you still support drones..?

This is a very important article by Heather Linebaugh .. she worked on the US drone program and writes quite a bit about it


And it’s 400 miles from the site of the upcoming Winter Olympics in Russia..

According to report, Russia fears more attacks as the Olympics approach


Saturday, December 28, 2013

This is the strawberry that was supposed to be dropped in Harrisburg PA on New Years… Things went very wrong and the strawberry fell and shattered when it dropped..

Now the question: Can they build a new one in time to save New Years?

Mysterious Christmas Eve ‘boom’ heard and felt around GTA

When in doubt, blame a ‘frost quake.’ And that’s just what is being blamed for these weird sounds..

Though lots of places have been booming since 2012—and there wasn’t always ice storms that accompanied the strange noises..

Mysterious Christmas Eve ‘boom’ heard and felt around GTA

Friday, December 27, 2013

Predictions for 2014

I dare make them.

  • will begin working, and people will sign up for care. The problem will be lack of younger people signing up, and new rules will be fashioned to force them further into the Obamcare mandate, as the fine will not be enough to sustain the law.

  • Local and state governments will face crises in 2014 and big layoffs may occur throughout the nation.

  • The winter of 2014 will be warmer than normal. Less snow than normal. But when it snows it will be big. Weatherwise, there will be hurricanes that strike the United States. Tornado season will be especially dire.

  • Democrats will get control of both the House and Senate. Republicans will begin to reorganize and promote Chris Christie for president.

  • Art Bell will NOT return to radio.

  • The Hollywood blockbusters of the summer will be huge. People are craving an escape from reality, and movies are going to feed their desires.

  • There will be new court actions against the NSA spying programs. People will begin to speak out against government surveillance in bigger numbers.

  • Time travel will not happen, but discoveries of the universe will feed into the notion that it can.

  • Radiation from Fukushima will begin to create dire problems in the Pacific Ocean. 

  • Milk prices will be $7 by December 2014.

  • There will be a burst of enthusiam for the Catholic Church, thanks to Pope Francis and Hollywood movies about the Bible.

  • 2014 will not be that bad. All in all. 

Best short-lived radio of the year

Best paranormal radio of the year
Art Bell made a deal with Siruis XM radio and returned as a paranormal radio broadcaster in September. It was a triumphant return to radio full time after years being off. Sirius paid for a full set in his Pahrump NV home. And then after his brief stint on air, he quit after his Halloween show. Six weeks of radio, and he saw his shadow..and made a decision to go back into radio hibernation and a two year non compete clause.. Not even a #FreeArtBell campaign was able to stop the Sirius suits from holding Bell to that.

Best haircut of the year

Haircut of the year
My son Ayden! Looking good.

Creepy Illuminati of the year

Creepy painting of the year
You are looking at an image of the official portrait of the Danish Royal Family by Thomas Kluges. And it’s really, really weird. The ghastly image is terrifying. Though the official description of the painting says the Royals are featured ‘their own universe’ in plain clothing, it looks more like the cover of a bad horror flick. The only thing missing on the girl in the left hand corner is blood dripping from her mouth. The boy directly in the middle appears to be a harbinger to an OMEN sequel, and faces on the grown men appear to be hiding a undesirable scowl of evil.

Best illuminati symbolism of the year
The Kardashian Christmas card was the best “Where’s Waldo” of conspiracy theory this year. It’s certainly not a traditional greeting.

A Dicknado struck in 2013

Dick of the year
Andy Dick was seen visibly intoxicated and harrassing people in the Hamptons. It was known as a summer DickNado. 

2013: The year we looked to the sky and dodged a few bullets

Meteor of the year
It was in Russia in February. And the strength was enough that it sent a shock wave around the world twice.

Flop under the dome.

Most promising TV of the year that turned into a flop
UNDER THE DOME had so much potential. Although the book was 500 pages too long for me to finish, I thought the show had some promise. After a season, I wished the pink stars would have actually fallen on my head to block by vision from seeing his TV series. And since I am luttog

The weird secret service alien guy from earlier this year

What the hell of the year!
A Secret Service agent guarding President Barack Obama could be a shape shifting alien! That was a claim this year..

GIF of the year. Congrats Rob Ford

GIF of the year
If you did not follow the epic story of Rob Ford, you should have. The crack smoking Canadian mayor dominated headlines and become a 15-minute of fame sensation. And his trouble may be summed up with just one moving GIF.

2013's prophecy of the popes and all that weird stuff.. lightning and devil shadows oh my

Prophecy of the year

Ten months ago, St. Peter’s Square was struck by lightning. It was shortly after Pope Benedict resigned and Pope Francis was chosen—Francis the Roman? Long ago, a ‘prophecy of the Popes’ was penned supposedly by Malachi. The last Pope was going to be Peter the Roman. Francis has been steadfastly reminding us about Peter all year, even this fall putting St. Peter’s bones on display. Is it the END? Or the beginning. And if he is the final Pope, what about those weird devil shadows appearing on walls around Bergoglio? 

She cooked. She said racist things. She fell.

Downfall of the year
Paula Deen cooked, Southern style. She also thought like a Cofederate soldier. Now she’s not on TV.

Underreporting and just plain bad reporting in 2013

The most under-reported story of 2013
Washington DC and the media was in a tizzy when, during the autumn government shutdown, there were reports of a ‘shooting’ in the nation’s capitol. The media picked the story and ran with it, alleging that a shooter was in the US Capitol building and that cops were down. It turned out that a woman named Miriam Carey was in a car, supposedly ran a barricade, and was chased by cops. They cornered her, and then shot and killed her without attempting to arrest her—afterwards Congress applauded the murder on the floor of the House. Late this year, it was somewhat determined that there really was no need to kill Carey. The amazing part to grasp is that an unarmed African American woman with a child in the back seat of her car was shot dead without just cause. And no civil rights leaders spoke out? No one spoke out? Instead, we as a nation applauded the verdict rendered without due process and went about business as though it never happened.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Year of the fly

Year of the fly
President Obama was photographed on multiple occasions this year with flies surrounding him or landing on him. He once caught a fly during an interview. 2013 was the year they took revenge.

Weird photo of the year

Weirdest photo of the year
Beyonce looked like this in a photo and her PR folks wanted to get the photo off the net. No luck there. I think we were looking at Sasha Fierce. 

My dog just turned all Cujo and nearly attacked a neighbor's manger scene ..

And I cannot even blame it on animals, they only had Jesus and the three wise apples ..should I be worried!?

Too much celebrity in 2013

The biggest pest of 2013
It’s been the year of the Bieber Fever. At least for some—for most we’ve been trying to rid ourselves of this nasty flu for 12 solid months. The media world celebrated when Beebs grew a version of facial hair, he spit on fans, and urinated in a mop bucket. All in the year of a life of Justin Bieber. And unforuntately, we lived the life with him. He went from cute to creature. We’re stuck with him in ‘14 unless he really keeps his promise and quits music.. 

Worst plastic surgery of the year
It’s bad enough there is one Justin Bieber, but imagine someone paying to look like the second Justin Bieber? And in the end, he STILL does not look as womanly as Beebs..